Salvation and documentation: additional (probable) type material of South American land-snail species (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Estimates of life-history and growth parameters of exploited fish species in lakes Edward and George: Implications on exploitation status, population dynamics, management, and conservation of native species
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Toward a Harmonization for Using in situ Nutrient Sensors in the Marine Environment
Improved comparability of nutrient concentrations in seawater is required to enhance the quality and utility of measurements reported to global databases. Significant progress has been made over recent decades in improving the analysis and data quality for traditional laboratory measurements of nutrients. Similar efforts are required to establish high-quality data outputs from in situ nutrient sensors, which are rapidly becoming integral components of ocean observing systems. This paper suggests using the good practices routine established for laboratory reference methods to propose a harmonized set of deployment protocols and of quality control procedures for nutrient measurements obtained from in situ sensors. These procedures are intended to establish a framework to standardize the technical and analytical controls carried out on the three main types of in situ nutrient sensors currently available (wet chemical analyzers, ultraviolet optical sensors, electrochemical sensors) for their deployments on all kinds of platform. The routine reference controls that can be applied to the sensors are listed for each step of sensor use: initial qualification under controlled conditions in the laboratory, preparation of the sensor before deployment, field deployment and finally the sensor recovery. The fundamental principles applied to the laboratory reference method are then reviewed in terms of the calibration protocol, instrumental interferences, environmental interferences, external controls, and method performance assessment. Data corrections (linearity, sensitivity, drifts, interferences and outliers) are finally identified along with the concepts and calculations for qualification for both real time and time delayed data. This paper emphasizes the necessity of future collaborations between research groups, reference-accredited laboratories, and technology developers, to maintain comparability of the concentrations reported for the various nutrient parameters measured by in situ sensors.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2020
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in Water Environments: A Review
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Rediscovery of Camponotus herculeanus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Camponotus herculeanus (Linnaeus, 1758) was rediscovered in Belgium near Ouren. Throughout the spring and summer of 2023, workers were collected on multiple occasions in a Picea abies stand near the Belgian-German boarder.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Sphaeroptica: A tool for pseudo-3D visualization and 3D measurements on arthropods
Natural history collections are invaluable reference collections. Digitizing these collections is a transformative process that improves the accessibility, preservation, and exploitation of specimens and associated data in the long term. Arthropods make up the majority of zoolog- ical collections. However, arthropods are small, have detailed color textures and share small, complex and shiny structures, which poses a challenge to conventional digitization methods. Sphaeroptica is a multi-images viewer that uses a sphere of oriented images. It allows the visualization of insects including their tiniest features, the positioning of land- marks, and the extraction of 3D coordinates for measuring linear distances or for use in geo- metric morphometrics analysis. The quantitative comparisons show that the measures obtained with Sphaeroptica are similar to the measurements derived from 3D μCT models with an average difference inferior to 1%, while featuring the high resolution of color stacked pictures with all details like setae, chaetae, scales, and other small and/or complex struc- tures. Shaeroptica was developed for the digitization of small arthropods but it can be used with any sphere of aligned images resulting from the digitization of objects or specimens with complex surface and shining, black, or translucent texture which cannot easily be digi- tized using structured light scanner or Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Estimation of Mud and Sand Fractions and Total Concentration From Coupled Optical‐Acoustic Sensors
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
107 Ants in the clouds: A preliminary checklist of the ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) fauna of a Honduran cloud forest ecosystem, featuring a key to country genera
Ant diversity in tropical montane rainforests is globally understudied. This is true for Cusuco National Park (CNP), a cloud forest ecosystem in northwestern Honduras that supports geographically isolated and threatened habitats. The current study presents the first comprehensive ant species checklist for CNP, which is also the first ant check- list for Honduras in over a century. Species records from several projects are also com- bined and presented. Sampling occurred along an elevational range (mainly between 1170 and 2030 m a.s.l.), with methodologies and intensities varying among projects and dates. Overall, 162 ant species belonging to nine subfamilies and 60 genera are reported from the CNP. Five species are recorded for the first time in Honduras (Pheidole natalie Longino, 2019; Strumigenys cf. calamita; Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972; Solenopsis tex- ana/carolinensis; Pseudomyrmex pallens Mayr, 1870). For the first time, male individuals are reported in Pheidole balatro Longino, 2019. For each species, we provide informa- tion on observed habitat preference, elevational range, and sampling technique. Species accumulation curves are provided for each sample technique, representing sampling intensity and community sample coverage. We also provide a key to the ant genera of Honduras to aid future taxonomic efforts in the country. Our research demonstrates that CNP harbours a surprisingly rich diversity of ant species, despite its small area, similar to many other taxa in the park. The information provided here represents baseline infor- mation for future work on ants in CNP and other Honduran cloud forests and will help guide research in these otherwise poorly explored yet highly threatened ecosystems.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Familie-indeling en diversiteit van wespen (Hymenoptera) in de Lage Landen
De classificatie van de families van de orde Hymenoptera is de afgelopen vijf jaar aanzienlijk veranderd, onder meer door meer moleculair onderzoek. De evolutionaire geschiedenis van de orde wordt ook steeds duidelijker. Op basis van onderzoek uit recente literatuur en in lijn met nieuwe inzichten presenteren wij een nieuw familieoverzicht voor Nederland en België. In Nederland en België zijn vertegenwoordigers gevonden van 88 families. Om een idee te krijgen van de diversiteit van de verschillende families wordt een overzicht gegeven van het aantal genera en het (geschatte) aantal soorten voor elke familie. Deze cijfers zijn gebaseerd op literatuuronderzoek, websites of deskundig oordeel van specialisten. Een groot aantal foto’s toont de enorme soortendiversiteit van de wespen. Er valt echter ook in beide landen nog veel te ontdekken, vooral in de Parasitica-groep.
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024
Conclusions and future actions
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RBINS Staff Publications 2024