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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Proceedings Reference Patterns in speciation in wolf spiders from the Galapagos Archipelago: A case of ecological speciation?
Article Reference Notes on the beach-dwelling genus Chersodromia (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Tunisia: description of a new brachypterous species with notes on brachyptery in empidoids.
Incollection Reference Superfamily Empidoidea. Family Hybotidae.
Article Reference New and little-known species of the genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera, Hybotidae) from Thailand
Inproceedings Reference Divergence patterns of an adaptively radiated wolf spider genus on Galapagos
Inproceedings Reference The interaction of professional and non-professional entomologists in Flanders (Belgium): is this relationship really working.
Article Reference De Kesselberg binnenste buiten, een realisatie van Hona vzw
Article Reference Diep onder de Kesselberg: een half miljard jaar Leuvense geschiedenis in een notendop.
Article Reference In de Kesselberg: zeezand in een heuvel
Article Reference Vorming van de Kesselberg: over erosie, rivierterrassen, de Vlaamse Vallei, mammoeten en de mens.
Inbook Reference Erfgoed Aarde. Een kijk op mens en natuur vroeger en nu, een realisatie van Hona vzw
Inbook Reference De rol van de amateur
Article Reference Compilatie van de literatuur handelend over de spinnen van België verschenen in 2005 tot en met 2007.
Proceedings Reference The virus vector family Trichodoridae (Nematoda), a source of many unknown cryptic species
Article Reference Craniodental and postcranial morphology of Indohyaenodon raoi from the Early Eocene of India, and its implications for ecology, phylogeny, and biogeography of hyaenodontid mammals
New remains of the early Eocene hyaenodontid Indohyaenodon raoi are described from the Vastan Lignite Mine in Gujarat, western India, including the first known rostrum, upper dentition, and postcrania, substantially expanding our knowledge of the species and providing insights into its functional morphology and relationships. Craniodental morphology suggests that I. raoi had a broad diet, including non-vertebrate material as well as flesh of a diversity of prey species. Postcranial morphology is broadly similar to that of other early hyaenodontids and suggests a scansorial locomotor repertoire. Dental morphology indicates that I. raoi is closely related to other South Asian hyaenodontids, with shared features including strong cingula, narrow premolars, and a reduced P4 protocone. We present the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Hyaenodontidae to date, which corroborates this relationship but finds South Asian hyaenodontids to be the stem of a group that includes most African hyaenodontids. This and other higher-level relationships within Hyaenodontidae are, however, weakly supported, and substantially different alternative hypotheses of relationships are not significantly less parsimonious, reflecting strong character conflict. Factors contributing to this conflict include the isolation of hyaenodontid faunas on different continents during much of the Eocene, canalization and simplification of carnivorous dentitions, and a lack of non-dental material for critical hyaenodontid groups. The new phylogeny is consistent with either an African or an Asian origin for the group.
Article Reference Red Iron-Pigmented Tooth Enamel in a Multituberculate Mammal from the Late Cretaceous Transylvanian “Haţeg Island”
Mammals that inhabit islands are characterized by peculiar morphologies in comparison to their mainland relatives. Here we report the discovery of a partial skull associated with the lower jaws of a Late Cretaceous (~70 Ma) multituberculate mammal from the Carpathian “Haţeg Island” of Transylvania, Romania. The mammal belongs to the Kogaionidae, one of the rare families that survived the Cretaceous—Paleogene mass extinction in Europe. The excellent preservation of this specimen allows for the first time description of the complete dentition of a kogaionid and demonstration that the enigmatic Barbatodon transylvanicus presents a mosaic of primitive and derived characters, and that it is phylogenetically basal among the Cimolodonta. Another peculiarity is the presence of red pigmentation in its tooth enamel. The red coloration is present on the anterior side of the incisors and on the cusps of most of the teeth. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) analysis reveals that the pigmented enamel contains iron, as in living placentals. Such a red pigmentation is known in living soricine shrews and many families of rodents, where it is thought to increase the resistance of the enamel to the abrasion that occurs during “grinding” mastication. The extended pattern of red pigment distribution in Barbatodon is more similar to that in eulipotyplan insectivores than to that in rodents and suggests a very hard diet and, importantly, demonstrates that its grasping incisors were not ever-growing. As inferred for other endemic Transylvanian vertebrates such as dwarf herbivorous dinosaurs and unusual theropod dinosaurs, insularity was probably the main factor of survival of such a primitive mammalian lineage relative to other mainland contemporaries of the Northern hemisphere.
Article Reference Flora and fauna from a new Famennian (Upper Devonian) locality at Becco, eastern Belgium
The Becco locality (Liège province), belongs to the Theux tectonic window and represents a proximal, probably fluvial, environment corresponding to a channel infill. We present here a preliminary report of the fossil assemblage discovered at the locality. The Becco site has yielded a diverse flora of early seed plants including Moresnetia zalesskyi, Dorinnotheca streeli and Condrusia sp. This assemblage, characteristic of the Belgian Famennian, highlights the diversity of early spermatophytes in the country. Becco has also delivered a rich vertebrate fauna with antiarch, groenlandaspid and phyllolepid placoderms, diplacanthiform acanthodians, as well as actinopterygians and various sarcopterygians. The fossiliferous assemblage of Becco resembles those of several Devonian tetrapod- bearing localities, including that of Strud in Belgium, and could therefore provide a favorable palaeoecological setting in the search for early tetrapods.
Inproceedings Reference Pore and sorption characteristics of Westphalian shale deposits in the Campine Basin
Inbook Reference La domestication du chat
Inbook Reference Chapter 19: Ammonites on the brink of extinction: diversity, abundance, and ecology of the Order Ammonoidea at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary


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