Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Sputtering, a new practical method for coating pollen grains in scanning electron microscopy.
- Exposé d'une étude paléo-écologique de tourbières en Haute-Ardenne (Belgique).
- Late Cretaceous-Paleocen biotas and the K-Pg Boundary from Jiayin of Heilongjiang, China, with discussion on the extinction of dinosaurs
- Palaeoecological studies of peat bogs in the High Ardenne.
- Le Gué du Plantin : étude paléo-écologique d'un site humide (Neufvilles, Province du Hainaut, Belgique).
- Etude paléo-écologique de tourbières en Haute Ardenne.
- Les relations entre la végétation actuelle et les spectres polliniques sur le plateau des Hautes Fagnes (Ardenne, Belgique).
- Recherches paléo-écologiques sur le problème de la dégradation des Hautes Fagnes belges.
- La sédimentation récente du Golfe de Tarente (Italie méridionale). Aspects minéralogiques et micro-paléontologiques.
- De l'analyse pollinique des touradons de Monocotyledones comme témoins de l'histoire récente de la végétation.
- Study of fossil feathers using infrared spectroscopy and imagery.
- La sédimentation holocène du golfe de Tarente (Italie méridionale): approche stratigraphique et paléoclimatique basée sur l'étude de trois carottes de sondage.
- Isotopic evidence for dietary ecology of Late Neandertals in North-Western Europe
- The Late Pleistocene site “Troisieme caverne ” of Goyet (Belgium) has yielded the broadest set of Neandertal remains in North-Western Europe and is associated with a rich and diverse large mammal assemblage. We reconstructed the dietary ecology at the site using stable isotope tracking (d13C and d15N)of bone collagen. The d13C and d15N values of all species are consistent with those observed in other “mammoth-steppe” sites. The relative contribution of potential prey species to the diet of carnivores (including Neandertals) was evaluated using a Bayesian model. The distribution of individuals from herbivorous species and carnivorous ones was determined through cluster analysis in order to identify ecological niches, regardless of the individual species attribution. The Neandertals within the predator guild and the mammoth and reindeer as representatives of the herbivores occupied the most specific and most narrow ecological niches. The “Troisieme caverne ” of Goyet can be regarded as a key site for the investigation of late Pleistocene Neandertal ecology north of the Alps.
- The sedimentary record of the tsunami caused by the 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake in two coastal lakes on Chiloé Island, Chile
- This study describes sediments deposited by the tsunami following the 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake (MW 9.5) in two coastal lakes, Lakes Cucao and Huelde, on the west coast of Isla de Chiloé, south central Chile (42.6°S). Sub- bottom profiles and side scan sonar mosaics illustrate the sedimentary context of transects of gravity cores. The stratigraphy of both lakes features gyttja sedimentation, interrupted by the abrupt emplacement of a sandy layer with mud rip-up clasts and a mud cap. This sandy layer reflects a sudden change in sedimentary environment, most probably caused by a high-energy inundation. Radionuclide analyses (137Cs and 210Pb) date the inundation deposit to shortly before the mid 1960s. The only known event that matches the sedimentological and chrono- logical criteria is the AD 1960 tsunami. Using grain size analysis and comparisons with samples from modern en- vironments, we demonstrate that the proximal (seaward) part of the deposit consists of a mixture of sand derived from subaerial sources and reworked gyttja lake sediment. In the distal (landward) part of Lake Cucao, the sand component is lost and the deposit consists entirely of remobilised lake sediments. The repetition of tsu- nami deposit sequences in Lake Huelde suggests a minimum of three inundating waves. Sub-bottom profiles and side scan sonar mosaics reveal tsunami inundation over the barrier and more prominently through the outlet river channel. The dominant role of the river channel as a pathway for sediment transport is also described in core samples by tsunami deposits that fine away from the channel mouth. The identification and description of the deposit left by a known tsunami provide important insights into tsunami sedimentation in coastal lakes and have the potential to help in the search for paleotsunami evidence.
- Utility of Classical a-Taxonomy for Biodiversity of Aquatic Nematodes
- DNA Barcoding to Improve the Taxonomy of the Afrotropical Hoverflies (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae)
- A second New World hoverfly, Toxomerus floralis (Fabricius) (Diptera: Syrphidae), recorded from the Old World, with description of larval pollen-feeding ecology
- Review of the genus Endothyrella Zilch, 1960 with description of five new species (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Plectopylidae)
- Habitat suitability modelling of four terrestrial slug species in the Iberian Peninsula (Arionidae: Geomalacus species)
- In silico discovery of a nearly complete mitochondrial genome Numt in the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) nuclear genome