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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Late Cretaceous-Paleocen biotas and the K-Pg Boundary from Jiayin of Heilongjiang, China, with discussion on the extinction of dinosaurs

G Sun, Z-M Dong, M Akhetiev, V Markevich, A Ashraf, P Godefroit, D L David, C Sun, Y Sun, C Quan, L Golovneva, E Bugdaeva, Y Bolotsky, S Suzuki, T Kodrul, H Nishida, T Kezina, I Harding, H X Yang, W C Ge, Y Chen, and T Yang (2015)

Late Cretaceous-Paleocen biotas and the K-Pg Boundary from Jiayin of Heilongjiang, China, with discussion on the extinction of dinosaurs

Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publication House, Shanghai. (ISBN: 978-7-5428-6111-5).

palaeoecology, Geology
  • ISBN: 978-7-5428-6111-5
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