Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Un nucinulide (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) nouveau de l’Emsien (Dévonien) du Massif Armoricain (France) - A new nucinulid (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from the Emsian (Devonian) of the Armorican Massif (France)
- Ancient asexuals
- Causes and magnitude of body weight changes in trap-confined bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus
- Paradox of Sex In Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. Ed. Jonathan Losos
- On the Bennelongia barangaroo lineage (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Western Australia, with the description of seven new species
- What are Ostracoda? A cladistic analysis of the extant superfamilies of the subclasses Myodocopa and Podocopa (Ostracoda: Crustacea)
- Phylogenetic reconstructions of ostracodes - a molecular approach. In: Park L.E. & Smith A.J. (Eds.) Bridging the gap: trends in the ostracode biological and geological sciences
- The importance of habitat stability for the prevalence of sexual reproduction. Lake Baikal: a mirror in time and space for the understanding global change processes
- . Introduction to reproductive modes. In: Martens, K. (ed) Sex and parthenogenesis, evolutionary ecology of reproductive modes in non-marine ostracods
- Clonal genetic diversity. In: Martens K. (ed) Sex and parthenogenesis, evolutionary ecology of reproductive modes in non-marine ostracods
- Genetic diversity and molecular phylogeny. In: Martens K. (ed) Sex and parthenogenesis, evolutionary ecology of reproductive modes in non-marine ostracods
- The application of molecular techniques to the study of ostracods. Application de techniques moléculaires à l’étude des Ostracodes. Crasquin-Soleau S., Braccini E. & Lethiers F. (eds.) What about Ostrocoda!
- Molecular techniques and small carnivore conservation
- Die Anwendung molekularbiologischer Methoden in der Populationsökologie
- Die Besiedlung der Marburger Lahnberge durch Microtus arvalis (Feldmaus)
- Opinie: Quota en positieve actie als medicijn tegen het glazen plafond!
- Doorbreek het glazen plafond! Het stappenplan voor vrouwen in de wetenschap. In: Deblonde, M. (ed.) Duizend bloemen en granaten. Over gender, wetenschap en technologie
- Op weg naar de top of naar het glazen plafond?
- Dolly voorbij: tweehonderd miljoen jaar zonder seks
- Wie Libellen an ihrer Umwelt wachsen