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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inproceedings Reference Belgische natuursteensoorten in historische monumenten in Vlaanderen: een overzicht.
Inproceedings Reference Een inleiding tot de workshop ‘Keuze voor historische of vervangsteen’.
Inproceedings Reference Is there a future for the Namurian?
Inproceedings Reference Genèse d'un système karstique dans la craie en Basse Meuse (Frontière belgo-néerlandaise).
Inproceedings Reference Karst system genesis in the chalk of the lower Meuse (Belgian-Dutch border).
Inproceedings Reference Sedimentary-tectonic history of Late Cretaceous to Early Palaeocene marine deposits near the Maastricht type area in northern Belgium, between emerged landmass and inverted graben.
Inproceedings Reference The Cretaceous of the Hinnisdael underground quarries in Vechmaal (commune Heers, Belgian Limbourg).
Inproceedings Reference No important hiatus in the late Westphalian C and early Westphalian D strata of the Campine Basin (north eastern Belgium).
Inproceedings Reference Incorporating ethnopedological knowledge in soil quality assessment for sustainable land management: a case study in HoaBinh province, Vietnam.
Inproceedings Reference Stenen uit het Mergelland.
Inproceedings Reference Spatial patterns, causal factors and initiation mechanisms of sinkholes above underground limestone quarries: a case-study in South Limburg (Belgium).
Inproceedings Reference Contrasting ground movements revealed by radar interferometry over abandoned coal mines (Campine, Belgium).
Inproceedings Reference Organisation of scientific cooperation projects in the mountain karst areas of Vietnam: history, technical approach, shift of focus.
Inproceedings Reference Introduction to the karst of Vietnam.
Inproceedings Reference Karst reservoirs for storage of natural gas, example from Belgium.
Inproceedings Reference Paleokarst-enhanced reservoir for geothermics and gas storage in Carboniferous limestone (Campine Basin, NW European Carboniferous Basin).
Inproceedings Reference Ground motions revealed in the coal mining districts (Campine Basin) using radar interferometry (PSInSAR technique).
Inproceedings Reference Why Vietnam is likely to succeed in creating geoparks: the research-based geopark development program in the karst areas of northern Vietnam.
Article Reference Belgische natuursteensoorten in historische monumenten in Vlaanderen: een overzicht.
Article Reference Northern Vietnam 1993 – 2006 (Belgian-Vietnamese speleological projects in the provinces of BacKan, Ha Giang, HoaBinh, Lai Chau and Son La).


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