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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Why Vietnam is likely to succeed in creating geoparks: the research-based geopark development program in the karst areas of northern Vietnam.

M. Dusar, Tran Tan Van, Pham Quang Hoan, J. Masschelein, O. Batelaan, R. Swennen, and D. Wildemeersch (2008)

Why Vietnam is likely to succeed in creating geoparks: the research-based geopark development program in the karst areas of northern Vietnam.

In: Escher, H.; Härtling, J.; Kluttig, T.; Meuser, H.; Müller, K., eds. 3rd International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks. 22.-26.Juni 2008 in Osnabrück., pp. 37-38, UNESCO, TERRA.vita.

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