Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Towards a dynamic and interdisciplinary assessment for the sustainable management of geological resources
- Geophysical well log correlations in the Quaternary deposits of the Campine area, northern Belgium
- Areas Prone to Land Subsidence and their Evolutions in Belgium During the Last 30 Years
- PSInSAR analyses across Belgium using ERS 1-2, ENVISAT, TerraSAR-X and Sentinel 1 allowed to follow several ground movements areas during the last three decades. Several areas of regional importance are affected by land subsidence processes that have been observed during this period (i.e. the alluvial plain of the Schelde estuary in Antwerpen, a large area in the West Flanders province and one around Merchtem area). Other land subsidence areas associated to old coal mining both in Flanders (Campine basin) and Wallonia (Hainaut and Liège province) are affected by progressive uplifting conditions linked to the mining aquifer piezometric rebound. It is extremely important to follow the spatio-temporal behavior of these phenomena to forecast their influences and their effects on the urban developments.
- Land Subsidence Observed in the Merchtem Area (Flanders) – 30 Years of SAR Data Associated to Groundwater Withdrawal?
- A land subsidence affecting several towns at the joining limits of the Belgian Provinces of East Flanders, Antwerp and Flemish Brabant is followed during the last three decades. ERS 1–2, ENVISAT, TerraSAR-X and Sentinel-1A satellites SAR scenes were processed from 1992 till October 2020 to map the land subsidence evolution. The subsidence corresponds to a surface area of 220 km 2 during the ERS 1/2 time interval distributed over three distinct subsidence bowls. During the ENVISAT and TerraSAR-X time interval, only one residual subsidence bowl was mapped affecting a surface area of about 70 km 2 . Several towns (Londerzeel and Steenhuffel) remained in the center of the subsidence bowl. The annual average negative velocity values range between −5.99 and −0.5 mm/year. During the Sentinel-1A period, the subsidence bowl has lost half of its surface reaching 36 km 2 . The LOS velocity values have also decreased during the period 2016–2020.
- Archeo-antropologisch assessment van de menselijke resten aangetroffen tijdens de werfbegeleiding ‘Antwerpen Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal (2020I407)’ (2020-2021)
- Terreininterventie en archeo-antropologische detailstudie van menselijke resten uit WO I afkomstig van een toevalsvondst te Wijtschate – Voormezelestraat (2021) (TV ID 7365)
- A pathological ulna of Amurosaurus riabinini from the Upper Cretaceous of Far Eastern Russia
- Fouilles 1995-1996 à l'allée couverte de Lamsoul (Jemelle, Rochefort, Province de Namur)
- Rebecq/Rebecq-Rognon : un site mésolithique au lieu-dit "Le Spinoi"
- Namur/Malonne : sépulture collective du Mésolithique ancien au “Petit Ri”
- Sur les traces des premiers agriculteurs de nos régions : de la Hesbaye à la Moselle
- Op het spoor van de eerste landbouwers uit onze streken
- Les monuments mégalithiques de Lamsoul, "Wéris I" et "Wéris II". Un essai de comparaison.
- Recyclage ou charognage de matières premières dans le Groupe de Blicquy : une explication alternative à la présence de Blicquiens à Darion
- . Sur les traces de l'orge et du pavot : nouvelles données carpologiques sur l'agriculture danubienne de Hesbaye, dans un cadre européen
- Le mégalithisme de la Famenne à la lumière des recherches récentes et dans un contexte européen
- Beloeil/Aubechies : sauvetage de structures rubanées à "Coron Maton"
- Geer/Omal : relevé de fosses rubanées rue Stiernet
- Rochefort/Jemelle : fouilles 1995-1996 au monument mégalithique de Lamsoul
- Rebecq. Un campement des derniers chasseurs au lieu-dit "Le Spinoi"