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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inproceedings Reference Decoding the urban geo-puzzle: navigating geological issues and global challenges through the lens of the Urban Geo-climate Footprint.
Inproceedings Reference The natural stones of the cemeteries in the PNDO (Ardennes, Wallonia, Belgium): a geoheritage approach linking geodiversity and biodiversity
Inproceedings Reference Pelagic carbonate sections across the Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Apennines, Italy).
Inproceedings Reference UNESCO Global Geoparks in Belgium - added value and perspectives.
Inproceedings Reference Site 106. Durbuy anticline, Belgium. An archetype anticline defined as early as 1807. The Second 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites, IUGS.
Inproceedings Reference The Durbuy Anticline: a top geoheritage site in the UNESCO Global Geopark Famenne-Ardenne, Belgium.
Inproceedings Reference Valorisation of Historical Flood Research in Speleothems for Public (Re-)engagement with Climate Knowledge in the UNESCO Global Geopark Famenne-Ardenne.
Inproceedings Reference Nouvelles recherches sur les dépôts sédimentaires de la grotte de Hotton.
Inproceedings Reference Tracing human incursions into the Bruniquel cave 176,000 years ago.
Inproceedings Reference Testing a screening methodology to identify Critical Raw Materials with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.
Inproceedings Reference One geological site of the Geopark Famenne Ardenne on the list of the second 100 IUGS geological sites.
Inproceedings Reference Geoarchaeological approach in Scladina cave (Belgium): new results on the chronostratigraphy of the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in North-West Europe
Inproceedings Reference Tracing human incursions into the Bruniquel cave 176,000 years ago.
Inproceedings Reference Regional environmental information, inferred from the Hotton Cave – Famenne-Ardenne UNESCO Global Geopark – Belgium.
Inproceedings Reference Reconstruction of Rapid Climate Changes during the Holocene from Belgian speleothems.
Inproceedings Reference LEArning from the Past: the LEAP project. Investigating the impact of abrupt climate changes on society and environment in Belgium.
Inproceedings Reference Vegetation dynamics in relation to abrupt climate changes at 4.2 and 3.2 ka cal BP in Southeast Belgium – Continuity or a potential tipping point?
Inproceedings Reference Chrono stratigraphy of the Late Middle Palaeolithic and Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in North-West Europe: new results from Scladina Cave (Belgium).
Inproceedings Reference Nouvelles contraintes morphologiques sur l’entrée de la grotte de Bruniquel Colloque Q14 : « Tous à l’Ouest ! Le Quaternaire dans tous ses états : terre, mer, glace.
Techreport Reference LIBS-SCReeN - Screening Critical Raw materials from exploration to (post)beneficiation using LIBS techniques. Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks 2018-2023.


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