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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Inproceedings Reference From landscape ecology to landscape archaeology. A case study in the Champsaur basin (Hautes-Alpes, France).
Inproceedings Reference Man/environment interactions in mountainous areas during the Holocene: an integrated research program for the reconstruction of patterns and chronologies of human occupations in the Champsaur valley (Southern French Alps)
Inproceedings Reference Chronology, dynamics and impact on vegetation of human activities in French mountains areas: a synthesis for the Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central and Jura mountains
Inproceedings Reference Chronologies, dynamiques et impact des activités agropastorales dans les milieux montagnards français: une synthèse pour les Alpes, les Pyrénées, le Massif Central et le Jura
Inproceedings Reference Qualitative reconstruction of past cultural landscape in French middle mountains areas
Inproceedings Reference Palynological approach of Landscape evolution and human impact in mountainous environment during the Holocene: patterns and chronology of pastoral activities in the Champsaur area (Hautes-Alpes, France) (oral presentation).
Inproceedings Reference First signals of human impact in pollen diagrams from French Alps
Inproceedings Reference Contributions to landscape archaeology in the French Mediterranean mountains (southern French Alps)
Inproceedings Reference Human impact on the vegetation of the Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes, France) through the last 3000 years: pollen analysis of the Faudon lake sequence.
Inproceedings Reference Palaeoenvironment and chronology of the climatic events in Eurasia during the last 150,000 years.
Inproceedings Reference Absolute dating (14C and OSL) of the formation of coversand ridges occupied by prehistoric man in NW Belgium
Inproceedings Reference Changes in surface waters: a malacological analysis of a Late Glacial and early Holocene palaeolake in the Moervaartdepression (Belgium)
Inproceedings Reference Palaeoenvironments, climate and human activities during the Late Glacial and Holocene in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium): an integrated palaeoecological and sedimentological research
Inproceedings Reference Understanding pre- and protohistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) through palaeoenvironment and climate change reconstructions: Pollen and NPP records
Inproceedings Reference Climatic and anthropogenic palaeoenvironmental variability during 1500 years in the Misten ombrotrophic peat bog (Hautes-Fagnes, East Belgium): contribution of pollen and NPP records
Inproceedings Reference High-resolution palaeoecological and sedimentological records as a tool for understanding pre- and protohistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium)
Inproceedings Reference Spatio-temporal natural and anthropogenic environmental variability during the 1500 yrs in an ombrotrophic bog (East Belgium)
Article Reference First outdoor record of Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier, 1792) in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
We report the first observation of an outdoor nest of the ant species Crematogaster scutellaris (Olivier, 1792) in Belgium. In spring 2022, a nest of this species was discovered at Rood Klooster in Auderghem, Brussels Capital Region. Large and very active trails of workers were detected in a hedge and along the walls of a small building. The nest is probably already present several years and situated in the wooden construction of the building. Interactions with other ant species indicate that this new arrival will not immediately become an invasive problem for the local native ant fauna. We expect that more records of this species might be discovered in the near future in the neighborhood but also elsewhere in Belgium.
Article Reference Soil-litter arthropod communities under pasture land use in southern Rwanda
Land use change caused by human activities is the main driver of biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem functioning. However, less is known about how the conversion of a natural to pasture land favour the biological diversity of soil-litter arthropods to advance effective conservation plans and management systems. To fill the gap, this study focussed on soil-litter arthropod communities under a pasture land use in southern Rwanda. Data have been collected using pitfall traps and hand collection between April and June 2021. Sampled specimens of soil-litter arthropods have been identified to order and family levels by using dichotomous keys. Further, the species name was given when the identification key was available, while the morphological description was provided in absence of the identification keys. Results indicated a total of 3013 individuals of soil-litter arthropods grouped into 3 classes, 13 orders, 46 families and 87 morpho-species. Coleoptera showed a high number of families, while higher abundance and the number of morpho-species were found for ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Higher abundance of sampled soil-litter arthropods is a sign that the studied area offers suitable habitat for soil-litter arthropods. However, less abundance found for some groups of soil-litter arthropods might be influenced by the used sampling techniques which were not appropriate for them. We recommend surveys using multiple sampling techniques to maximize chances of capturing a wide range of soil-litter arthropods.
Article Reference Cross-taxon congruence of taxonomic and functional beta diversity facets across spatial and temporal scales
An intensively debated issue in ecology is whether the variations in the biodiversity patterns of different biological groups are congruent in space and time. In addition, ecologists have recognized the necessity of accounting for both taxonomic and functional facets when analysing spatial and temporal congruence patterns. This study aimed to determine how the cross-taxon congruence of taxonomic and functional beta diversity varies across space and time, using data from four floodplains at a continental scale. Our general hypothesis was that the congruence between aquatic biological groups, either taxonomic or functional, would decrease with the “between-group” functional distance. Also, we examined how congruence patterns varied across spatial and temporal scales by focusing on how the cross-taxon relationships differ among Brazilian floodplains and between dry/wet periods. Our study comprised information on eight biological groups from the four largest Brazilian river-floodplain systems, and cross-taxon congruence was assessed using Procrustes analysis. Our results show how detailed analyses can reveal different patterns of cross-taxon congruence, and partially support the hypothesis that the strength of cross-taxon congruence is negatively related to between-group functional distance.


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