Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
Collecting information and identification of Oscarella from Cabo Frio, Brazil (Porifera, Homoscleromorpha, Oscarellidae)
Archeozoölogisch, carpologisch en palynologisch onderzoek van beerputvullingen op de site Greenwich, Kartuizerstraat – rue des Chartreux (BR 111, Brussel): voorlopige resultaten
Biodiversity of the freshwater crabs of Benin (Potamonautidae): a genetic approach
- Introduction: Published reports on freshwater crabs in Benin (West Africa) are very scarce and mention only two accepted taxa: Sudanonautes aubryi and S. monodi (the latter with no precise locality). The inventory of these species (described using specimens from Gabon and Cameroon, respectively) is still poorly known. Methods: Here, we explore the diversity of freshwater crabs in Benin using a selection of 18 specimens collected in 2022 and 2023 in a range of aquatic biotopes and throughout the country, except for the far north. The specimens were examined morphologically and sequenced for fragments of the COI, 16S and H3 genes. Results: Despite a general variability in color, shape, size and in the DNA sequences (proportion of substitution per site up to ca. 8% for COI, 3% for 16S and 0.3% for H3), our results suggest that all the Beninese crabs belong to a single species of the Sudanonautes genus. They also show that they are neither S. aubryi nor S. floweri, with which they show consistent morphological differences and larger proportions of substitution per site at COI (>10%), 16S (>6%) and H3 (>0.6%). Conclusions: The Beninese crabs may belong to an undescribed species. However, they are more likely conspecific with S. pelii, a species described from the coastal plain of Ghana, previously considered to be a junior synonym of S. aubryi, and whose lectotype’s photographs show no obvious morphological differences with the Sudanonautes crabs from Benin. It is therefore likely that S. pelii will have to be revalidated for certain populations of Sudanonautes crabs from Ghana, Benin and probably adjacent countries.
Ant communities in recently restored dune grassland ecosystems in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
- In the period 2000-2001 nature restoration projects drastically reshaped the Nature Reserve in Lombardsijde near the Ijzer Estuary in Flanders, Belgium. Dikes were constructed and new dune grasslands were installed. Seven years after the restoration the ant fauna of these newly created sites was compared with reference sites from foredunes, dune grasslands and grey dunes. Ants were collected with pitfall traps in 10 sample sites during 4 years. Our results showed that after 7 even 10 years of nature restoration, the ant fauna in the newly created sites still differs substantially from those of the reference sites. However, typical dune grassland ant species like Myrmica specioides, Myrmica sabuleti and Lasius psammophilus were already present at the newly created sites. Our data also suggests that it takes a longer period for characteristic dune grassland ants species to colonize and settle in these new environments than for other invertebrate groups like spiders and carabid beetles that were also collected and studied during the same project and reported before.
First records of a supercolonial species of the Tapinoma nigerrimum complex in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
- In the summer of 2014, a highly supercolonial Tapinoma was discovered in Ostend, Belgium. This was the first time a Tapinoma species with an invasive behaviour was discovered outdoors in Belgium. The ant belongs to the most widely distributed of four recognized species of the Tapinoma nigerrimum complex and is the only known species being invasive in areas north of the Mediterranean zone. In a first attempt to eliminate the species, a Demand 10CS insecticide solution treatment was initiated in 2015. First results illustrate that this treatment might be efficient, however a long-term monitoring of the site and its neighbourhood are suggested.
Secrets of de Selys Longchamps archives: one watercolour and two records of nineteenth century observations of the grasshopper species Psophus stridulus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758) in Belgium (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
- Next to voucher specimens in entomological collections, also historical archives and historical illustrations can contain valuable taxonomical as well as ecological and faunistic data. We report here faunistic data for two currently extinct Belgian grasshopper species from the year 1862, deduced from a letter accompanied by a watercolour. The letter and watercolour are stored in the archives of Edmond de Selys Longchamps at the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS). Both the watercolour and the letter are discussed, focusing on the observations of Psophus stridulus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Orthoptera) at Lanaken in 1862. Two voucher specimens of these observations and their original labels, that are stored in the RBINS collections, were studied. We can conclude that Egide Fologne was the first to observe P. stridulus in Belgium. He reported this in a letter to Edmond de Selys Longchamps and supplied the watercolour depicting the specimen he collected and donated to Selys for his collection.
European Red List of Terrestrial Molluscs
New contribution to the knowledge of the genus Toxeutes Newman, 1840 with the description of a new species from Sulawesi Island in Indonesia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Integrative taxonomy of giant crested Eusirus in the Southern Ocean, including the description of a new species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eusiridae)
- Among Antarctic amphipods of the genus Eusirus, a highly distinctive clade of giant species is characterized by a dorsal, blade-shaped tooth on pereionites 5–7 and pleonites 1–3. This lineage, herein named ‘crested Eusirus’, includes two potential species complexes, the Eusirus perdentatus and Eusirus giganteus complexes, in addition to the more distinctive Eusirus propeperdentatus. Molecular phylogenies and statistical parsimony networks (COI, CytB and ITS2)of crested Eusirus are herein reconstructed. This study aims to formally revise species diversity within crested Eusirus by applying several species delimitation methods (Bayesian implementation of the Poisson tree processes model, general mixed Yule coalescent, multi-rate Poisson tree processes and automatic barcode gap discovery) on the resulting phylogenies. In addition, results from the DNA-based methods are benchmarked against a detailed morphological analysis of all available specimens of the E. perdentatus complex. Our results indicate that species diversity of crested Eusirus is underestimated. Overall, DNA-based methods suggest that the E. perdentatus complex is composed of three putative species and that the E. giganteus complex includes four or five putative species. The morphological analysis of available specimens from the E. perdentatus complex corroborates molecular results by identifying two differentiable species, the genuine E. perdentatus and a new species, herein described as Eusirus pontomedon sp. nov. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: alpha taxonomy – cryptic species – genetics – molecular systematics – phylogenetic systematics.
Reply to comment by Kienle et al. 2017
Lithostratigraphy Ieper Group
Practical Guide Lithostratigraphy Ieper Group
New insights on Tournaisian–Visean (Carboniferous, Mississippian) athyridide, orthotetide, rhynchonellide, and strophomenide brachiopods from southern Belgium
Brachiopods collected from Madeira, off Selvagem Grande Island, (NE Atlantic Ocean) by remotely operated vehicle “Luso” during the year 2010
Increasing knowledge on biodiversity patterns and climate changes in Earth’s history by international cooperation: introduction to the proceedings IGCP 596/SDS Meeting Brussels (2015).
New insight on Carboniferous (Viséan) brachiopods from eastern Tafilalt (Morocco)
A bryozoan fauna from the Mississippian (Tournaisian and Viséan) of Belgium
Maritime ecosystem-based management in practice: Lessons learned from the application of a generic spatial planning framework in Europe
Effects of temporal fluctuation in population processes of intertidal Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766) aggregations on its ecosystem engineering
Identification of the African–European Erymnochelys group (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae) in the Belgian fossil record: first finding of Eocenochelus eremberti outside its type locality
- An almost complete plastron, as well as several peripherals and a costal plate of a turtle from the middle Eocene of Saint-Gilles, is presented here. Although this turtle specimen was donated to the Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) more than a century ago, it remained undescribed. Its study allows us to recognize the second pleurodiran in the Belgian fossil record, where, until now, the Eocene Neochelys was the only one known. The Belgian material of Neochelys is known in lower Eocene (early Ypresian) levels, but the new pleurodiran specimen comes from the middle Eocene (early Lutetian). It is the first partial articulate shell of a pleurodiran turtle recognized in Belgium, and the only member of this clade recognized in this country at specific level. The new specimen is a representative of the so-called Erymnochelys group, this lineage being known in Africa from the Upper Cretaceous to the present but in Europe only during the Eocene. It represents the first specimen of Eocenochelus eremberti identified outside its type locality, the French region of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines, Île-de-France), where only one specimen was found. The plastron of the Belgian individual corresponds to the most complete for this species. Its analysis allows us not only to broaden the range of paleobiogeographical distribution of Eocenochelus eremberti but also to improve the knowledge about the anatomy and variability of this taxon.