Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Draft Report on Tour d'Horizon 2012. Document OTSOPA 13/5/7-E presented by Belgium at the Meeting of the Working Group on Operational, Technical and Scientific Questions concerning Counter Pollution Activities (OTSOPA), Cherbourg, France, 22-24 May 2013,
- CleanSeaNet support to BA Tour de Horizon flights - second evaluation. Document OTSOPA 13/05/08-E presented by Belgium at the Meeting of the Working Group on Operational, Technical and Scientific Questions concerning Counter Pollution Activities (OTSOPA)
- Report on Tour d'Horizon 2012 (Final). Document BONN 13/4/3 Rev. 1-E presented by Belgium at the 25th Meeting of the Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-25 September 2013, 17 pp.
- Minutes of the second BE-AWARE Sensitivity Mapping Workhop. Report MUMM drafted following the BE-AWARE 2nd Sensitivity Mapping Workshop, Brussels, 9-10 October 2013, 17 pp.
- Preliminary Report on joint sensitivity mapping. Final Report MUMM of Task F of the BE-AWARE project, Bonn Agreement, 26 pp.
- Jaarverslag 2012 van het Belgische programma ter observatie van de Noordzee vanuit de lucht. Rapport BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 19 pp.
- Rapport annuel 2012 du programme belge d'observation aérienne de la mer du Nord. Rapport UGMM, DO Milieux Naturels, IRSCNB, 19 pp.
- Activity Report 2012 of the Belgian North Sea aerial survey programme. Report MUMM, OD Natural Environment, RBINS, 19 pp.
- Wat te doen bij waarnemingen, strandingen en incidentele vangsten van beschermde zeedieren ? Gids voor informatie en actie. Opgesteld door het KBIN-BMM in samenwerking met verschillende diensten, een update van de gelijknamige handleiding inzake strandi
- Beach nourishment: an ecologically sound coastal defence alternative? A review
- * 1.Even though beach nourishment is generally considered as an environment-friendly option for coastal protection and beach restoration, sizeable impacts on several beach ecosystem components (microphytobenthos, vascular plants, terrestrial arthropods, marine zoobenthos and avifauna) are described in the literature, as reviewed in this paper. * 2.Negative, ecosystem-component specific effects of beach nourishment dominate in the short to medium term, with the size of the impact being determined by (1) activities during the construction phase, (2) the quality and (3) the quantity of the nourishment sand, (4) the timing, place and size of project, and (5) the nourishment technique and strategy applied. Over the long term the speed and degree of ecological recovery largely depend on the physical characteristics of the beach habitat, mainly determined by (1) sediment quality and quantity, (2) the nourishment technique and strategy applied, (3) the place and the size of nourishment and (4) the physical environment prior to nourishment. * 3.The limited information available on indirect and cumulative ecological effects indicates that these effects cannot be neglected in an overall impact assessment. Hence, for ecologically good practice of beach nourishment it is advised (1) to choose nourishment sands with a sediment composition comparable to that of the natural sediment, (2) to avoid short-term compaction by ploughing immediately after construction, (3) to execute the nourishment in a period of low beach use by birds and other mobile organisms, (4) to choose a number of smaller projects rather than a single large nourishment project and (5) to select the nourishment technique with respect to the local natural values. * 4.In order to allow an objective, scientifically sound, ecological adjustment of future nourishments, research should aim at (1) taking into account the full sandy beach ecosystem, (2) avoiding strategic imperfections in experimental design and (3) elucidating the biological processes behind impact and recovery of all ecosystem components. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Space heterogeneity, space use and short-range dispersal in Diptera: A case study
- Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank - configuratie 4, BMM, KBIN, 67 pp.
- Aanvraag van ELIA Asset nv voor een machtiging voor een geofysische en geotechnische survey : Milieueffectenbeoordeling (MEB) en advies van het Bestuur. BMM, KBIN, 11 pp.
- Aanvraag van Otary nv voor een machtiging voor een geofysische en geotechnische survey (MERMAID) : Milieueffectenbeoordeling (MEB) en advies van het Bestuur. BMM, KBIN, 8 pp.
- Milieueffectenbeoordeling van de ELIA NEMO HVDC-kabel. BMM, KBIN, 81 pp.
- Twelve new Demospongiae (Porifera) from Chilean fjords, with remarks upon sponge-derived biogeographic compartments in the SE Pacific
- This article reports on 12 new species originating from the Chilean fjords region, namely Clathria (Microciona) mytilifila sp. nov., Haliclona (Reniera) caduca sp. nov., Latrunculia (L.) ciruela sp. nov., Latrunculia (L.) copihuensis sp. nov., Latrunculia (L.) verenae sp. nov., Latrunculia (L.) yepayek sp. nov., Myxilla (Burtonanchora) araucana sp. nov., Neopodospongia tupecomareni sp. nov., Oceanapia guaiteca sp. nov., Oceanapia spinisphaera sp. nov., Suberites cranium sp. nov. and Tethya melinka sp. nov. The material studied was collected between 5 and 30 m depth at latitudes comprised between 42º and 50ºS, and is part of a large collection of Chilean sponges gathered by an international team in a series of expeditions. Identification keys are provided for SE Pacific Suberites and Latrunculia, and the known species of Myxilla (Burtonanchora) and Neopodospongia. A trans-Pacific link to the New Zealand fauna was retrieved for the latter genus. Distribution ranges apparent from the materials studied here are judged too preliminary to allow any inference on biotic boundaries in the SE Pacific. A revision of earlier assertions about these biogeographic units and their boundaries concluded that very little support remains other than for existence of a Magellanic fauna. This is in part a consequence of revising the taxonomy of sponge species originally deemed to underpin these areas. Specifically, the former proposal of a Central to Southern Chile biogeographic unit (33–56ºS) has been markedly undone.
- Milieufeffectenbeoordeling van het RENTEL offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Thorntonbank en ten zuidoosten van de Lodewijkbank - verbindingskabels. BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 83 pp.
- Belgisch Ringwerk. Overzicht van de in 2013 uitgevoerde activiteiten in België.
- Centre belge de baguage. Résumé des activités réalisées en 2013 à Bruxelles.
- Belgisch Ringwerk. Overzicht van de in 2013 in het Vlaams Gewest uitgevoerde activiteiten België.