Caroline Polet (2013)
Health and Diet of Ancient Easter Islanders: Contribution of Palaeopathology, Dental Microwear and Stable Isotopes
Bull. Séanc. Acad. R. Sci. Outre-Mer / Meded. Zitt. K. Acad. Overzeese Wet., 57((2-4) / 2011):333-353.
This paper relates to the study of the health and diet of ancient Easter
Islanders. It is based on human skeletons discovered between 1934 and 2009. We have
studied skeletal markers that revealed poor living conditions during growth (stress indicators)
and recorded the presence of infectious diseases. The dietary reconstitution is based on dental
microwear and the analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Our study indicates
relatively good health and food conditions during childhood. However, we have found cases
of infectious diseases that probably followed contact with Europeans or Americans. The
dental microwear pattern is due to the dominant part of the tubers. The stable isotopes show
that, on average, a little more than one third of their dietary proteins came from the sea.
Peer Review, RBINS Collection(s)
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