Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences
- Description of several unknown Galápagos male and female spiders
- Les araignées des terrils charbonniers de la Région Wallone
- Découverte d’Erigone dentosa (O.P.-Cambridge, 1894) (Araneae : Linyphiidae, Erigoninae) en Belgique
- Nieuwe vondst van een met uitsterven bedreigde schorrebewonende loopkeversoort in het natuurontwikkelingsgebied ‘De IJzermonding’ te Lombardsijde
- Cryptic diversity and gene flow among three African agricultural pests: Ceratitis rosa, Ceratitis fasciventris and Ceratitis anonae (Diptera, Tephritidae)
- The Myriapoda of the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador (Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Symphyla)
- Summary of our present knowledge of the spider communities of the Galápagos archipelago. First analysis of the spider communities of the islands Santa Cruz and Isabela
- Geomalacus and Letourneuxia (Mollusca, Pulmonata): A Cytogenetic Assessment
- Spectral relationships for atmospheric correction. I. Validation of red and near infra-red marine reflectance relationships.
- Isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite loci in Ixodes arboricola, and crossamplification in three other Ixodes species
- Assessment of temperature observatinal networks in het North Sea, Poster presentation, EGU Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2013.
- Drift prediction by models: What influences the uncertainties? Poster presented at the future of operational oceanography (Hamburg, Germany), 8-10 October 2013
- A decadal view of biodiversity informatics: challenges and priorities
- The OSERIT drift model and web interface : one year on. Poster presented at the future of operational oceanography (Hamburg, Germany), 8-10 October 2013.
- The effect of piling activities on harbour porpoises in Belgian waters: impact modeling and testing. 27th Conference of the European cetacean society: Interdisciplinary approaches in the study of marine mammals, 8-10 April 2013, Poster presentation.
- Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes, 239 p.
- Introduction to a regional BE-AWARE Vulnerability Mapping methodology. Working document MUMM, submitted at the BE-AWARE Sensitivity Mapping Workshop, Brussels, 29-30 April 2013, 9 pp.
- Proposed selection of sensitive ecological features. Working document MUMM, presented at the BE-AWARE Sensitivity Workshop, Brussels, 29-30 April 2013, 7 pp.
- Proposed selection of sensitive socio-economic features. Working document MUMM, presented at the BE-AWARE Sensitivity Mapping Workshop, Brussels, 29-30 April 2013, 14 pp.
- Minutes of the BE-AWARE Sensitivity Mapping Workshop. Document OTSOPA 13/02/03-E presented by Belgium at the Meeting of the Working Group on Operational, Technical and Scientific Questions concerning Counter Pollution Activities (OTSOPA), Cherbourg, Fran