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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Trois-Fontaines and Terres d'Haurs Formations (Early Givetian) in the Rancennes quarry at Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France)

Jean G Casier, Geoffrey Cambier, Xavier Devleeschouwer, Estelle Petitclerc, and Alain Préat (2010)

Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Trois-Fontaines and Terres d'Haurs Formations (Early Givetian) in the Rancennes quarry at Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France)

Bulletin de l'institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 80:85-114.

RBINS Publication(s), Peer Review, International Redaction Board, RBINS Collection(s)
Paleontology, ostracoda, Geology

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