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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Découverte d'un nouveau gisement à otolithes de Téléostéens dans le Burdigalien supérieur du Piémont (Italie septentrionale).
Manual Reference Bivalve-speleothem compared reconstruction of Eemian climate and environment of the Belgian coast in the context of ongoing global warming (BiSpEem). Second Year scientific report_ A1 project MO/36/028 - Financed by Belspo – 33p.
Article Reference Vis-otolieten in de Paleontologie.
Article Reference Les Otolithes de Téléostéens de la Formation de Tanaro (Langhien inférieur du Piémont, Italie septentrionale).
Inproceedings Reference Holocene dust record in a NW European peat bog: A multiproxy approach.
Article Reference Révision des Otolithes de Téléostéens du Tortonien du Rio Mazzapiedi-Castellania et Montegibbio (Italie septentrionale).
Article Reference The stratigraphic position of the Lower Oligocene Yrieu Sands (Southwestern France), based on calcareous nannofossils and a new Helicosphaera species.
Article Reference Les Otolithes de Téléostéens de l'Oligo-Miocène d' Aquitaine (Sud-Ouest de la France).
Incollection Reference Calcareous nannofossil events at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.
Incollection Reference The Kallo well and its key-position in establishing the Eo-Oligocene boundary in Belgium.
Article Reference Late Middle Eocene to Middle Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton from the Kallo well, some boreholes and exposures in Belgium, and a description of the Ruisbroek Sand Member.
Article Reference Bookreview. D. Nolf, Haaie- en roggetanden uit het Tertiair van België.
Article Reference Revision of Ypresian stratigraphy of Belgium and Northern France.
Article Reference Altérites, sables marins (NP 8, NP 9) et fluviatiles, silicifications et stromatolithes dans le Paléocène supérieur entre Criel et le Cap d'Ailly (Haute Normandie).
Article Reference New Early and Middle Eocene calcareous nannoplankton events and correlations in middle to high latitudes of the northern hemisphere.
Article Reference Description de la première faune ichthyologique exclusivement bathyale du Tertiaire d'Europe : otolithes de l'Oligocène inférieur du gisement de Pizzocorno, Italie septentrionale.
Article Reference The Ypresian in the Belgian Basin. In : Centenary Field Guide to the Tertiary, Excursions 14 and 15 October 1987.
Article Reference Belgium. In : The Northwest European Tertiary Basin, I.G.C.P. Project 124.
Incollection Reference Belgium.
Incollection Reference Evidence from otoliths for establishing relationships between Gadiforms and other groups.


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