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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Osteology and relationships of Italophiopsis derasmoi gen. and sp. nov. (Halecomorphi, Ionoscopiformes) >From the marine Early Cretaceous of Pietraroja (Campania, southern Italy).
Article Reference Revision of « Chanos » leopoldi (Teleostei, Gonorynchiformes, Chanidae) from the marine Albian (Early Cretaceous) of Pietraroja Campania, southern Italy) and the resurrection of the genus Caeus Costa, 1857.
Article Reference A handful of duck radiuses: Peculiarities of the avifaunal exploitation at the Gravettian site of Maisières‐Canal (Belgium)
Article Reference An enigmatic new ungulate-like mammal from the early Eocene of India
We report a new genus and species of herbivorous mammal, Pahelia mysteriosa, from the early Eocene Cambay Shale Formation, Tadkeshwar Lignite Mine, Gujarat, India. The new taxon, approximately the size of a small phenacodontid (e.g. Ectocion parvus), is represented by three mandibular fragments, the most complete of which documents nearly the entire symphysis and mandibular body plus P3–M3. Pahelia has incipiently selenolophodont molars with strong exodaenodonty, absent paraconids, weak but distinct entolophids, and prominent ectostylids. Molar size increases distally, but M3 does not develop a prominent third lobe. Premolars are simple, with prominent protoconids and short talonids but little development of other trigonid cusps. The mandibular symphysis is strongly fused, and there is an enlarged alveolus for an anterior tooth. The combination of features present in the new taxon does not closely match that of any known mammal, but there are some similarities to a diversity of ungulates from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Preserved morphology is insufficient to assess the affinities of the new taxon with confidence, but a link to Quettacyonidae, also endemic to the Indian subcontinent, is morphologically and biogeographically plausible. If this scenario is correct, it suggests that P. mysteriosa could be a part of the endemic mammalian fauna of India prior to its initial faunal contact with Asia.
Article Reference A well-preserved pelvis from the Maastrichtian of Romania suggests that the enigmatic Gargantuavis is neither an ornithurine bird nor an insular endemic
We describe a well-preserved pelvis from the Maastrichtian S^anpetru Formation of the Hat¸ eg Basin in Romania. The fossil closely resembles the pelvis of Gargantuavis philoinos from the Ibero-Armorican Peninsula, but differs in a smaller size and a few morphological features. It constitutes the first record of Gargantuavis outside the Ibero-Armorican Island and is more complete than any of the previously known Gargantuavis pelves. The new fossil allows the recognition of characteristics previously unknown for Gargantuavis. These include the presence of large supratrochanteric processes, the absence of a widened midsection of the synsacrum (which indicates the absence of a glycogen body), and the absence of fusion between the pelvic bones at the level of the acetabulum. The latter two features suggest that Gargantuavis is not closely related to the Ornithurae and the taxon may even fall outside the Ornithothoraces, the clade including Enantiornithes and Ornithuromorpha. Recognition of Gargantuavis in the fauna of the Hat¸ eg Island is of particular significance, because various theropods have been described from the Upper Cretaceous of Romania. The Romanian pelvis is of similar size to Elopteryx nopcsai, which was described as avian and is based on hindlimb elements, and it also shows some similarities to the pelvis of the unusual theropod Balaur bondoc. The new fossil furthermore disproves the hypothesis that the flight capabilities of Gargantuavis were lost in an insular environment of the Ibero-Armorican Island, and raises the possibility that Gargantuavis, Elopteryx, and Balaur belong to a distinctive theropod clade of the Late Cretaceous European archipelago.
Inbook Reference Animal Exploitation in Times of Change: Faunal Remains from Zilum, ca. 600-400 BCE, North-Eastern Nigeria
Article Reference Octet Stream Corrigendum: Diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the southern ocean - A phylogeographic perspective using DNA barcoding [Front. Ecol. Evol, 6, 120 (2018)] doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00120
However, we highlight potential (pseudo-)cryptic or unrecognized species in Gymnoscopelus bolini, Lampanyctus achirus, and the non-myctophid genus Bathylagus. A correction has been made to the Discussion, Sub-section Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Southern Ocean Mesopelagic Fishes, Paragraph 6: The available sequences identified as Symbolophorus boops (BOLD references DSFSE476-08 to DSFSE480-08 and DSFSG260-10) cluster apart from the two other Symbolophorus clades resolved in our COI tree (one composed of S. californiensis, S. reversus, S. evermanni, Symbolophorus sp., and S. rufinus and the other composed of S. barnardi and S. veranyi; Figure 2). Instead these sequences settle within the Diaphinae (sensu Martin et al., 2017). Unfortunately we discovered a posteriori that the COI sequences included here as S. boops were likely misidentified on BOLD. These sequences are probably from a Diaphus species (P. A. Hulley, pers. comm.) currently also not present on BOLD, but the specimens are in poor condition, preventing definite identification. The correction has been transmitted to the BOLD database. Other studies that included genetic data proposed that Symbolophorus is closer related to Myctophum, Hygophum, and other genera, as opposed to Diaphinae, but they all lacked specimens of S. boops (Poulsen et al., 2013; Denton, 2014; Martin et al., 2017). Therefore, we highly recommend the collection of further samples/sequences in order to resolve the phylogenetic position of S. boops, and to re-identify the specimens erroneously labeled as Symbolophorus boops. In fact, the entire genus would benefit from a detailed systematic revision as already noted by Wisner (1976). © 2018 Christiansen, Dettai, Heindler, Collins, Duhamel, Hautecoeur, Steinke, Volckaert and Van de Putte.
Article Reference Favartia kanneri, a new species (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Muricopsinae) from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Article Reference Califrapana: a new genus of California and Bája California late Oligocene to early Miocene muricids previously attributed to the genus Rapana (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae)
Article Reference A classic Late Frasnian chondrychtyan assemblage from southern Belgium
Article Reference Rumes/Taintignies – « Le Pèlerin », site artisanal (et d'extraction ?) du Haut-Empire et réoccupation rurale tardo-romaine
Article Reference Un tumulus arasé à Lexhy (Commune de Grâse-Hollogne-Hesbaye liégeoise)
Inbook Reference Het landschap in de Swifterbant-periode op basis van de fauna
Inbook Reference Dierlijke resten uit de Swifterbantperiode
Inbook Reference Stable isotopes reveal agricultural practices in the Swifterbant period
Inbook Reference Het landschap in de Hazendonk-periode op basis van de fauna
Inbook Reference Dierlijke resten uit de Hazendonkperiode
Inbook Reference Het landschap uit het laat-neolithicum en de bronstijd op basis van de fauna
Inbook Reference Dierlijke resten uit het laat-neolithicum en de bronstijd
Article Reference Off-shore enhanced oil recovery in the North Sea: The impact of price uncertainty on the investment decisions


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