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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Do tidal sandwaves always regenerate?
Article Reference Effects of pile driving sound on local movement of a free-ranging Atlantic cod in the Belgian North Sea.
Article Reference Biomineral Flocculation of Kaolinite and Microalgae: Laboratory Experiments and Stochastic Modeling.
Book Reference Sand and Sustainability: 10 strategic recommendations to avert a crisis. GRID-Geneva, United Nations Environment Programme
Inproceedings Reference Acoustic and optical turbidity response to altering particle size distribution during extreme events
Inproceedings Reference From long-established consumer to responsible producer: monitoring benthic and sediment impacts of a shellfish offshore aquaculture project in one of Europe’s favorite mussel markets
Inproceedings Reference Morphodynamic response of tidal sand waves to sand extraction in the Belgian North Sea
Inproceedings Reference Exploring natural hard-substrate habitat in Belgian waters: case study on a recently discovered hotspot.
Techreport Reference Stroomgebiedsbeheersplan voor de Belgische kustwateren voor de implementatie van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (2000/60/EG) – 2022-2027
Techreport Reference Plan de gestion du district hydrographique de l’Escaut pour les eaux côtières belges en vue de la mise en oeuvre de la Directive-cadre sur l'Eau (2000/60/CE) - 2022-2027
Techreport Reference Ecological Effects of Deep Sea Mining, WP2 – Sediment Plumes
Techreport Reference Literature study on the potential impacts of the development of artificial island on hydrodynamics, suspended matter and seabed sediments.
Article Reference Viroinval/Treignes : campagne de fouilles 2019 à la grotte Genvier.
Book Reference Un atelier d’orfèvre autour de l’An Mil. Travail du cuivre et de l’argent à Oostvleteren (Flandre-Occidentale, Belgique) au Xe / XIe siècle.
Article Reference Een donderbijl tussen de panlatten: een hamerbijl van het Muntendam-type I met een bijzonder verhaal (Soerendonk, gemeente Cranendonck, prov. Noord-Brabant, Nederland).
Inbook Reference De la matière première entrant à l’usine au produit fini réfractaire.
Inbook Reference Les matières premières de la céramique industrielle fabriquée à Andenne du XIXe au XXe siècles.
Inbook Reference Quelques aspects techniques et sociaux de l’extraction de la derle andennaise.
Article Reference Référencement géologique des ressources en matières colorantes entre l’Ardèche et le Gardon : un outil pour appréhender les paysages vécus au cours de la Préhistoire.
Article Reference Practices, recipes and supply of a late medieval brass foundry: the refractory ceramics and the metals of an early 15th century AD metallurgical workshop in Brussels.
Abstract This article focuses on one of the rare workshops for the production of small copper-based alloy objects in the late Middle Ages documented by archaeology. Located in Brussels and dating from the early 15th century, the workshop produced a serial and varied production of dress accessories and other personal objects, mainly in brass, by casting or plastic deformation. These metal objects, most fashion accessories, had an important place in the medieval material culture. They are mass-produced and widely spread throughout Europe: the market is therefore very large and the techniques are adapted to satisfy this demand. This paper focuses on a workshop that adapted to this expansion while of those production structures are still largely unknown in the archaeology of northwestern Europe, the only one currently in the Low Countries that offers the possibility of knowing the practices and supplies. By identifying workshop practices, this contribution addresses, in particular, the properties and the supplies of the earth used, but also the different ranges of alloys and the evidence of the brass production by the cementation process, by combining several analysis methods (petrography using PLM and SEM, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, PIXE, X-ray diffraction). This approach highlights different supplies, local and extra-local, as the distance was not an obstacle for the supply of high-quality crucible clay and zinc ore for brass production. These results associated with the written sources places the Brussels workshop in a wider network of circulation of raw materials and know-how related to their use. This also shows the interaction between techniques, materials and more broadly with the economy of the late Middle Ages that goes beyond the local sphere. Keywords: Brass foundry, Supplies, Workshop practices, Late medieval, Brussels, Low Countries


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