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Search publications of the members of the Royal Belgian institute of natural Sciences

Article Reference Revision of ‘Balaena’ belgica reveals a new right whale species, the possible ancestry of the northern right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, and the ages of divergence for the living right whale species
Article Reference The Relation between Migratory Activity of Pipistrellus Bats at Sea and Weather Conditions Offers Possibilities to Reduce Offshore Wind Farm Effects
Bats undertaking seasonal migration between summer roosts and wintering areas can cross large areas of open sea. Given the known impact of onshore wind turbines on bats, concerns were raised on whether offshore wind farms pose risks to bats. Better comprehension of the phenology and weather conditions of offshore bat migration are considered as research priorities for bat conservation and provide a scientific basis for mitigating the impact of offshore wind turbines on bats. This study investigated the weather conditions linked to the migratory activity of Pipistrellus bats at multiple near- and offshore locations in the Belgian part of the North Sea. We found a positive relationship between migratory activity and ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure and a negative relationship with wind speed. The activity was highest with a wind direction between NE and SE, which may favor offshore migration towards the UK. Further, we found a clear negative relationship between the number of detections and the distance from the coast. At the nearshore survey location, the number of detections was up to 24 times higher compared to the offshore locations. Our results can support mitigation strategies to reduce offshore wind farm effects on bats and offer guidance in the siting process of new offshore wind farms.
Booklet Reference Late Roman cremation burials (270-450 AD) in the civitas Tungrorum (Germania Secunda): between continuities and new contributions
Booklet Reference [···]
Booklet Reference Analysis of ancient DNA of a Medieval chess piece. Journées d'archéologie en Wallonie
Nous présentons les résultats de l'analyse de l'ADN ancien provenant d'un pion d'échecs en ivoire découvert dans une occupation médiévale lors de fouilles archéologiques au pied de l'Enjambée, à Jambes (Namur). Le léger endommagement de la pièce lors des fouilles nous a permis de prélever quelques fragments d'ivoire ne pouvant pas être recollés lors de la restauration. Les analyses ADN nous ont permis de vérifier qu'il s'agit bien d'ivoire d'éléphant et plus précisément, d'un éléphant provenant vraisemblablement de l'est ou du sud de l'Afrique. Nous reconstituons également le trajet le plus probable de l'ivoire en territoire africain.
Article Reference Le site funéraire de Lexhy (Grâce-Hollogne, province de Liège) avec un probable tumulus arasé du début du IIe s. apr. J.-C
Article Reference Earth science collections of the Centre Grégoire Fournier (Maredsous) with comments on Middle Devonian–Carboniferous brachiopods and trilobites from southern Belgium
Book Reference Carte géologique de Wallonie 1/25.000e Huy-Nandrin - n° 48/3-4
Article Reference An Exceptional Lower Carboniferous Historical Heritage Stone from Belgium, the ‘Pierre de Meuse’
Article Reference New linguliformean brachiopods from the lower Tremadocian (Ordovician) of the Brabant Massif, Belgium, with comments on contemporaneous faunas from the Stavelot–Venn Massif.
Article Reference Brachiopods from the historical type area of the Viséan Stage (Carboniferous, Mississippian; Belgium) and the Visé fauna: preliminary remarks
Article Reference Lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) rhynchonellide and athyride brachiopods from the South Armenian Block
Article Reference Global Carboniferous brachiopod biostratigraphy
Article Reference Tremadocian and Floian (Ordovician) linguliformean brachiopods from the Stavelot–Venn Massif (Avalonia; Belgium and Germany)
Article Reference Aramazdospirifer orbelianus (Abich, 1858) n. comb., a new cyrtospiriferid brachiopod genus and a biostratigraphically important species from the lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) of Armenia.
Article Reference Bronze Age subsistence along the southern coast of Yemen: the example of al-Uriyash
Article Reference Homenaje a Claude Massin (1948‒2021), especialista en pepinos de mar (Tribute to Claude Massin (1948‒2021), specialist in sea cucumbers)
Article Reference A classic Late Frasnian chondrichthyan assemblage from southern Belgium
Samples from the Upper Frasnian (Devonian) of Lompret Quarry and Nismes railway section in Dinant Synclinorium, southern Belgium, yielded several chondrichthyan teeth and scales. The teeth belong to three genera: Phoebodus, Cladodoides and Protacrodus. The comparison with selected Late Frasnian chondrichthyan assemblages from the seas between Laurussia and Gondwana revealed substantial local differences of taxonomic composition due to palaeoenvironmental conditions, such as depth, distance to submarine platforms, oxygenation of water, and possibly also temperature. The assemblage from Belgium, with its high frequency of phoebodonts, is the most similar to that from the Ryauzyak section, South Urals, Russia, and the Horse Spring section, Canning Basin, Australia.
Article Reference C source code Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations: The Ocean Component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans
Article Reference Constraining the oceanic uptake and fluxes of greenhouse gases by building an ocean network of certified stations: The ocean component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans
The European Research Infrastructure Consortium ?Integrated Carbon Observation System? (ICOS) aims at delivering high quality greenhouse gas (GHG) observations and derived data products (e.g., regional GHG-flux maps) for constraining the GHG balance on a European level, on a sustained long-term basis. The marine domain (ICOS-Oceans) currently consists of 11 Ship of Opportunity lines (SOOP ? Ship of Opportunity Program) and 10 Fixed Ocean Stations (FOSs) spread across European waters, including the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Barents, North, Baltic, and Mediterranean Seas. The stations operate in a harmonized and standardized way based on communityproven protocols and methods for ocean GHG observations, improving operational conformity as well as quality control and assurance of the data. This enables the network to focus on long term research into the marine carbon cycle and the anthropogenic carbon sink, while preparing the network to include other GHG fluxes. ICOS data are processed on a near real-time basis and will be published on the ICOS Carbon Portal (CP), allowing monthly estimates of CO2 air-sea exchange to be quantified for European waters. ICOS establishes transparent operational data management routines following the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) guiding principles allowing amongst others reproducibility, interoperability, and traceability. The ICOSOceans network is actively integrating with the atmospheric (e.g., improved atmospheric measurements onboard SOOP lines) and ecosystem (e.g., oceanic direct gas flux measurements) domains of ICOS, and utilizes techniques developed by the ICOS Central Facilities and the CP. There is a strong interaction with the international ocean carbon cycle community to enhance interoperability and harmonize data flow. The future vision of ICOS-Oceans includes ship-based ocean survey sections to obtain a threedimensional understanding of marine carbon cycle processes and optimize the existing network design.


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