Cobban, W.A., Kennedy, W.J. & Landman, N.H. 1999.
Platyscaphites, a new ammonite from the Lower Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of the United States Western Interior.
Bull. 69(SupA): 47-54
Dhondt, A.V. 1999.
Upper Maastrichtian bivalve faunas from the Crimea, Maastricht and Mangyshlak.
Bull. 69(SupA): 55-65
Gale, A.S., Hancock, J.M. & Kennedy, W.J. 1999.
Biostratigraphical and sequence correlation of the Cenomanian successions in Mangyshlak (W. Kazakhstan) and Crimea (Ukraine) with those in southern England.
Bull. 69(SupA): 67-86
Gabdullin, R.R., Guzhikov, A.J., Bogachkin, A.B., Bondarenko, N.A., Lubimova, T.V. & Widrik A.B. 1999.
Periodites below and above the K/T boundary.
Bull. 69(SupA): 87-101
Jagt, J.W.M. 1999.
An overview of Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogen echinoderm faunas from Liège-Limburg (Belgium, The Netherlands).
Bull. 69(SupA): 103-118
Kennedy, W.j. & Cobban, W.A. 1999.
Pachydiscus (Pachydiscus) hornbyense Jones, 1963, and P. (P) Catarinae (Anderson & Hanna, 1935) (Cretaceous, Campanian: Ammonoidea), Pacific Realm marker fossils in the Western Interior Seaway of North America.
Bull. 69(SupA): 119-127
Kopaevich, L.F. & Beniamovskii, V.N. 1999.
Foraminiferal distribution across the Maastrichtian/Danian boundary of Mangyshlak peninsula (West Kazakhstan).
Bull. 69(SupA): 129-145
Nikishin, A.M., Ziegler, P.A., Stephenson, R.A. & Ustinova, M.A. 1999.
Santonian to Palaeocene tectonics of the East-European craton and adjacent areas.
Bull. 69(SupA): 147-159
Robaszynski, F. 1999.
Cretaceous Stages Boundaries in central Tunisia: how to follow the Brussels 1995 Symposium Recommendations.
Bull. 69(SupA): 161-165
Kotetishvili, E. 1999.
Upper Cretaceous Ammonites and their extinction: interpretation of data from the Caucasus and comparison with Mangyshlak, the Crimea and the Maastricht area.
Bull. 69(Sup A): 167-172
Zhelezko, V.I. 1999.
Stratigraphic distribution of lamnoid sharks at Cretaceous and Palaeogene stage boundaries in the Eastern Peri-Tethys.
Bull. 69(SupA): 173-178