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Häuser, C., Degreef, J., Eekhout, X., Eymann, J., Monje, J.C., Riede, K., VandenSpiegel, D., Van Goethem, J. & Samyn, Y. 2010.
Chapter 1. Background and aim of this manual. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 1-4

Tillier, S., Häuser, C., Hoffmann, A., Monje, C., Eymann, J., Kroupa, A. & Lancelot, G. 2010.
Chapter 2. EDIT and the ATBI+M concept with experiences from pilot sites. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 5-17

Leponce, M., Meyer, C., Häuser, C., Bouchet, P., Delabie, J., Weigt, L. & Basset, Y. 2010.
Chapter 3. Challenges and solutions for planning and implementing large-scale biotic inventories. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 18-48

Kroupa, A. & Remsen, D. 2010.
Chapter 4. Individual records and the associated data: information standards and protocols. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 49-67

Obrist, M.K., Pavan, G., Sueur, J., Riede, K., Llusia, D. & Marquez, R. 2010.
Chapter 5. Bioaccoustics approaches in biodiversity inventories. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 68-99

Rovero, F., Tobler, M. & Sanderson, J. 2010.
Chapter 6. Camera-trapping for inventorying terrestrial vertebrates. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 100-128

Gemeinholzer, B., Rey, I., Weising, K., Grundmann, M., Müllner, A.N., Zetsche, H., Droege, G., Seberg, O., Petersen, G., Rawson, D.M. & Weigt, L.A. 2010.
Chapter 7. Organizing specimen and tissue preservation techniques in the field for subsequent molecular analyses. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 129-157

Floren, A. 2010.
Chapter 8. Sampling arthropods from the canopy by insecticidal know-down. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 158-172

Alonso-Zarazaga, M. & Domingo, T. 2010.
Chapter 9. Soil and litter sampling, including MSS. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 173-212

Garcia-Valdecasa, A., Aboal, M., Cirujano, S., Iepure S., Jaume, D., Proctor H. & Luis Velasco, J. 2010.
Chapter 10. Sampling continental freshwater. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 213-272

Templado, J., Paulay, G., Gittenberger, A. & Meyer, C. 2010.
Chapter 11. Sampling the Marine Realm. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 273-307

Buyck, B., Laessoe, T., Meyer, M. & Hofstetter, V. 2010.
Chapter 12. Collecting the forgotten kingdom: Guidelines for the field mycologist with emphasis on the larger fungi. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 308-330

Papp, B., Vanderpoorten, A. & Gradstein, R. 2010.
Chapter 13. Sampling of bryophytes. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 331-345

Zippel, E., Wilhalm, T. & Thiel-Egenter, C. 2010.
Chapter 14. Methods for sampling higher plants. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 346-376

Grootaert, P., Pollet, M., Dekoninck, W. & van Achterberg, C. 2010.
Chapter 15. Sampling insects: general techniques, strategies and remarks. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 377-399

Steiner, A. & Häuser, C. 2010.
Chapter 16. Light traps for insects. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 400-422

van Achterberg, C., Shaw, M.R. & Grootaert, P. 2010.
Chapter 17. Flight interception traps for arthropods. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 423-462

Krogmann, L. & Holstein, J. 2010.
Chapter 18. Preserving and Specimen Handling: Insects and other Invertebrates. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 463-481

Hoffmann, A., Decher, J., Rovero, F., Schaer, J., Voigt, C. & Wibbelt, G. 2010.
Chapter 19. Field Methods and Techniques for Monitoring Mammals. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 482-529

Eekhout, X. 2010.
Chapter 20. Sampling reptiles and amphibians. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 530-557

Woog, F., Renner, S. & Fjeldsa, J. 2010.
Chapter 21. Tips for birds surveys and censuses in countries without existing monitori schemes. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 558-586

Neumann, D. 2010.
Chapter 22. Preservation of freshwater fishes in the field. 
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 587-632

About the authors.
pdf_small ABC TAXA 8: 633-653



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