Coppejans, E., Leliaert, F.,Dargent, O., Gunasekara,R., & De Clerck, O. 2009.
Sri Lankan Seaweeds - Methodologies and field guide to the dominant species.
Low resolution: 1-265
High Resolution Part 1: 1-12
High Resolution Part 2: 13-32
High Resolution Part 3: 33-52
High Resolution Part 4: 53-72
High Resolution Part 5: 73-92
High Resolution Part 6: 93-112
High Resolution Part 7: 113-132
High Resolution Part 8: 133-152
High Resolution Part 9: 153-172
High Resolution Part 10: 173-192
High Resolution Part 11: 193-212
High Resolution Part 12: 213-232
High Resolution Part 13: 233-252
High Resolution Part 14: 253-265