Kok, P. & Kalamandeen, M. 2008.
Introduction to the taxonomy of the amphibians of Kaieteur National Park, Guyana.
Low resolution: 1-278
High Resolution Part 1: 1-10
High Resolution Part 2: 11-30
High Resolution Part 3: 31-50
High Resolution Part 4: 51-70
High Resolution Part 5: 71-90
High Resolution Part 6: 91-110
High Resolution Part 7: 111-130
High Resolution Part 8: 131-150
High Resolution Part 9: 151-170
High Resolution Part 10: 171-190
High Resolution Part 11: 191-210
High Resolution Part 12: 211-230
High Resolution Part 13: 231-250
High Resolution Part 14: 251-270
High Resolution Part 15: 271-278
High Resolution : Corrigenda to volume 5