RBINS Staff Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 6848 references in this bibliography folder.
Dusar, M, Dreesen, R, and De Ceukelaire, M
Oolitic limestones from Lorraine (France) as a major building stone in Belgium
In: Barrois-Oolite, ed. by G. Lehrberger & E. von Plehwe-Leisen. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe B,, chap. 22, pp. 416-427.
Dusar, M, Lagrou, D, and Debacker, T
Boven-Paleozoïcum tot Mesozoïcum.
In: Geologie van Vlaanderen, ed. by Michael Borremans. Academia Press, Gent, chap. Hoofdstuk 2, pp. 58-102. (ISBN: 9789038224336).
Edouard, P, Bernard, M, and Julien, D
Orbitally forced sequences and climate reconstruction around the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary, and the Hangenberg Extinction Event
STRATA, série 1, communications, 16:121.
Edouard, P, Bernard, M, and Julien, D
The orbitally forced sequences of the Lower Tournaisian (Hastarian Substage) of Belgium: Climate reconstruction and time calibration.
In: XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian. August 11–15, 2015, Kazan, Russia. Abstracts Volume., ed. by Nurgaliev, D.K. et al., pp. 151, Kazan University Press.
Edouard, P, Julien, D, and Bernard, M
Onset, growth, decline and decease of the Frasnian reefs and carbonate platform in the Frasnian of Belgium
In: GUtech Geoscience Conference Publication, vol. 2, pp. 25, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera.
Edouard, P, Julien, D, Cyrille, P, and Bernard, M
A proposal for a Devonian- Carboniferous boundary based on the Hangenberg extinction event, as suggested by the transition in the Namur-Dinant Basin (Southern Belgium).
In: XVIII International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian. August 11–15, 2015, Kazan, Russia. Abstracts Volume., ed. by Nurgaliev, D.K. et al., pp. 150, Kazan University Press.
Eggermont and pilots, H
Belgian Delegation Report IPBES-3 plenary 12-17 January Bonn, Germany
No source specified
Eggermont H
Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Annual Report 2014
Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Annual Report.
Eggermont, H, Balian, E, Azevedo, J, Beumer, V, Brodin, T, Claudet, J, Fady, B, Grube, M, Keune, H, Lamarque, P, Reuter, K, Smith, M, Van Ham, C, Weisser, W, and Le Roux, X
Nature-based Solutions: New Influence for Environmental Management and Research in Europe
GAIA Ecological Perspectives, 24(4):243-248.
Engel, M, May, SM, Scheffers, A, Squire, P, Pint, A, Kelletat, D, and Brückner, H
Prograded foredunes of Western Australia's macro-tidal coast – implications for Holocene sea-level change and high-energy wave impacts
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(6):726--740.
Ertsen, M and Kaptijn, E
A narrow place can contain a thousand friends. Irrigation as a response to climate in the Zerqa triangle, Jordan
In: Climate and Ancient Societies, ed. by Kerner, S., Dann, R., Bangsgaard, P.J.. Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, chap. 6, pp. 137-155.
Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, and Van Neer, W
Dieren in de Romeinse stad: de opgravingen in de O.L.V.-basiliek te Tongeren (prov. Limburg)
Signa, 4:135-137.
Evangelinos, D, Baeye, M, Betrand, S, Van den Eynde, D, and Van Lancker, V
Dispersion and deposition of sediment plumes, resulting from intensive marine aggregate extraction
In: Proceedings of 11th Panhellenic Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Mytilene, Lesvos island, Greece.
Evin, A, Gilissen, E, and Germonpré, M
3D cranium models of fossils of large canids (Canis lupus) from Goyet, Trou des Nutons and Trou Balleux, Belgium
MorphoMuseuM Journal, 1:e2.
Feldman, A, Bauer, AM, Castro-Herrera, F, Chirio, L, Das, I, Doan, TM, Maza, E, Meirte, D, de Campos Nogueira, C, Nagy, ZT, Torres-Carvajal, O, Uetz, P, and Meiri, S
The geography of snake reproductive mode: A global analysis of the evolution of snake viviparity
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24:1433-1442.
Ferreira, H, Vangeluwe, D, Van Borm, S, Poncin, O, Dumont, N, Ozhelvaci, O, Munir, M, Van Den Berg, T, and Lambrecht, B
Differential Viral Fitness Between H1N1 and H3N8 Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos)
Avian Diseases(65):498-507.
Ferreira, H, Vangeluwe, D, Van Borm, S, Poncin, O, Dumont, N, Ozhelvaci, O, Munir, N, Van Den Berg, T, and Lambrecht, B
Different viral fitness between H1N1 and H3N8 avian influenzas viruses isolated from mallards
No source specified
Fettweis, M
SPM dynamics at the marine limit of influence of the Westerschelde estuary
Ems-Scheldt workshop, 12-13 February, Delmenhorst (Germany).
Fettweis, M and Baeye, M
Seasonality in concentration, size and settling velocity of muddy marine snow in the southern North Sea and their effects on the sea bed
VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, 20 February, Brugge (Belgium).
Fettweis, M and Baeye, M
Seasonal variation in concentration, size and settling velocity of muddy marine flocs in the benthic boundary layer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(8):5648-5667.
Fettweis, M, Baeye, M, and Francken, F
MOnitoring en MOdellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO). Activiteitsrapport (1 juli 2014 - 31 december 2014).
Fettweis, M, Baeye, M, Francken, F, and Van den Eynde, D
Monitoring en Modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO). Activiteitsrapport 1 januari 2015 – 30 juni 2015.
KBIN, OD Natuur, SUMO.
Feurdean, A, Marinova, E, Nielsen, AB, Liakka, J, Veres, D, Hutchinson, SM, Braun, M, Timar-Gabor, A, Astalos, C, Mosburgger, V, and Hickler, T
Origin of the forest steppe and exceptional grassland diversity in Transylvania (central-eastern Europe)
Journal of Biogeography, 42(5):951-963.
Figueiral, I, Pomarèdes, H, Court-Picon, M, Bouby, L, Tardy, C, and Terral, J
New insights into Mediterranean Gallo-Roman farming: a closer look at archaeological wells in Southern France
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 7:201-233.
Fock, H, de Bernardy de Sigoyer, S, Henrard, D, Court-Picon, M, and Colette, O
Atelier sidérurgique du Haut-Empire à Nereth 2 (Baelen). Campagnes de fouille 2013-2014
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions, pp. 57-59.
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