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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Vanhellemont, Q and Ruddick, K (2015).
Advantages of high quality SWIR bands for ocean colour processing: Examples from Landsat-8
Remote Sensing of Environment, 161:89-106.

Vanhercke, L and Baert, L (2015).
Nemastoma dentigerum (Arachnida, opiliones) found in Belgium
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 30(1):4-7.

Vanhove, M and Huyse, T (2015).
Co-introductie van parasieten, een nieuwe ‘aanwinst’ voor onze aquatische fauna
Natuur.focus, 14(3):118.

Vanhove, M, Snoeks, J, Bamps, J, Gelnar, M, Grégoir, A, Hablützel, P, Jorissen, M, Kmentová, N, Koblmüller, S, Mendlová, M, Muterezi Bukinga, F, Pariselle, A, Přikrylová, I, Raeymaekers, J, Rahmouni, C, Řehulkova, E, Šimková, A, Sturmbauer, C, Van Sever, W, Van Steenberge, M, Volckaert, F, Vreven, E, and Huyse, T (2015).
Central African cichlid parasites: exploring their biodiversity, phylogeny, ecology and introductions
In: Cichlid Science 2015, Graz.

Vanhove, M, Šimková, A, Pariselle, A, Van Steenberge, M, Řehulkova, E, Muterezi Bukinga, F, Přikrylová, I, Mendlová, M, Gelnar, M, Koblmüller, S, Sturmbauer, C, Volckaert, F, Snoeks, J, and Huyse, T (2015).
Monogenean parasites of cichlid fishes: from adaptive radiation to a tool in introduced species research.
In: 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Valencia.

Vanhove, MP, Pariselle, A, Van Steenberge, M, Raeymaekers, JA, Hablützel, PI, Gillardin, C, Hellemans, B, Breman, FC, Koblmüller, S, Sturmbauer, C, Snoeks, J, Volckaert, FA, and Huyse, T (2015).
Hidden biodiversity in an ancient lake: phylogenetic congruence between Lake Tanganyika tropheine cichlids and their monogenean flatworm parasites
Scientific Reports, 5(13669).

Vanthournout, B and Hendrickx, F (2015).
Endosymbiont dominated bacterial communities in a dwarf spider
PLoS One, 10(2):e0117297.

Verdugo, A and Drumont, A (2015).
Révision du genre Calicnemis Laporte 1832: approches morphologique et génétique (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Revue de l'association Roussillionnaise d'Entomologie, 24:1-61.

Verhecken, A (2015).
The Bordestrap and related 18th century Dutch vernacular names for Trigonostoma scalare (Gmelin, 1791) and T. scala (Gmelin, 1791) (Neogastropoda: Cancellariidae)
Gloria Maris, 54:77-90.

Verhecken, A and Van Laethem, K (2015).
Two new species of Scalptia (Neogastropoda: Cancellarioidea: Cancellariidae) from the Indian Ocean
Gloria Maris, 54:21-28.

Verheyen, E (2015).
A tale about knowledge and empowerment: Rebuilding biodiversity related capacities in the DR Congo
vol. Abstract book - CEBioS meeting: 'Biodiversiteit en ontwikkeling: Erfgoed op wereldschaal'. Koninkljk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen ,26/11/2015, page 18.

Vermeersch, P, Linseele, V, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Jan, M, and J., R (2015).
Early and Middle Holocene human occupation of the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Sodmein Cave
African Archaeological Review, 32(3):465-503.

Vermeersch, P, Linseele, V, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Moeyersons, J, and Rethemeyer, J (2015).
Early and Middle Holocene human occupation of the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Sodmein Cave
African Archaeological Review.

Vermeersch, PM and Van Neer, W (2015).
Nile behaviour and Late Palaeolithic humans in Upper Egypt during the Late Pleistocene
Quaternary Science Reviews,

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2015).
Length heteroplasmy of the polyC-polyT-polyC stretch in the dog mtDNA control region
International Journal of Legal Medicine, 129:927-935.

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2015).
In silico discovery of a nearly complete mitochondrial genome Numt in the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) nuclear genome
Genetica, 143:453-458.

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2015).
Coding region SNP analysis to enhance dog mtDNA discrimination power in forensic casework
Forensic Science International: Genetics, 14:86-95.

Versteirt, V, Nagy, ZT, Roelants, P, Denis, L, Breman, FC, Damiens, D, Dekoninck, W, Backeljau, T, Coosemans, M, and Van Bortel, W (2015).
Identification of Belgian mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) by DNA barcoding
Molecular Ecology Resources, 15:449-457.

Versteirt, V, Nagy, ZT, Roelants, P, Denis, L, Breman, FC, Smitz, N, Damiens, D, Dekoninck, W, Backeljau, T, and Coosemans, M (2015).
Identification of Belgian mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) by DNA barcoding
In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 292.

Vigin L, Devolder M, and Scory S (2015).
Kaart van het gebruik van de Belgische zeegebieden - Carte de l'usage des espaces marins belges
RBINS, map.

Volckaert, F, Barbut, L, Delerue-Ricard, S, Diopere, E, Lacroix, G, Robbens, J, and Vanden Bavière, A (2015).
Dispersal dynamics of early life stages in the ocean
In: Gordon conference (Bideford, US, 12-17/07/2015).

Walstra, J (2015).
Sentinel-1 data and PSI Techniques for Monitoring Inter-Seismic Earth Deformation
In: 1st Pan Pacific Palaeoseismology symposium, Durham, UK.

Walstra, J and Declercq, P (2015).
Time-series analysis of SAR images for detection of ground subsidence in the Scheldt estuary
In: Workshop Programme & Abstract Book, ed. by Yifang Ban, pp. 73.

Walstra, J and Declercq, P (2015).
Using PSI for assessing ground subsidence risk in the Scheldt estuary
In: Abstract Book of FRINGE 2015, pp. 133.

Ward, D, Underwood, CJ, and Steurbaut, E (2015).
Stratigraphic context and dating of the Middle and Late Eocene vertebrate localities of the Fayum.
In: 75TH SVP Annual Meeting October 14-17, 2015, Dallas USA, Meeting Program and Abstracts, pp. p. 234-235.

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