Maarten Vanhove, Jos Snoeks, Jolien Bamps, Milan Gelnar, Arnout Grégoir, Pascal Hablützel, Michiel Jorissen, Nikol Kmentová, Stephan Koblmüller, Monika Mendlová, Fidel Muterezi Bukinga, Antoine Pariselle, Iva Přikrylová, Joost Raeymaekers, Chahrazed Rahmouni, Eva Řehulkova, Andrea Šimková, Christian Sturmbauer, Wouter Van Sever, Maarten Van Steenberge, Filip Volckaert, Emmanuel Vreven, and Tine Huyse (2015)
Central African cichlid parasites: exploring their biodiversity, phylogeny, ecology and introductions
In: Cichlid Science 2015, Graz.
Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster
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