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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Sonet, G, Delsinne, T, Donoso, D, Troya, A, Leponce, M, Dekoninck, W, Nagy, ZT, Lattke, J, and Backeljau, T (2015).
Large-scale DNA barcoding of ants from Ecuador
In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 283.

Sonet, G, Nagy, ZT, Smitz, N, Virgilio, M, Jordaens, K, Backeljau, T, De Meyer, M, and The BeBoL Network (2015).
A special issue on DNA barcoding edited by the Belgian Network for DNA Barcoding (BeBoL)
In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 283.

Sonet, G, Pauly, A, Smitz, N, Virgilio, M, Nagy, ZT, Jordaens, K, Molle, S, Backeljau, T, and De Meyer, M (2015).
High-throughput sequencing of PCR amplicons: a test to barcode a bee species complex (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) and survey Wolbachia infections
In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 283.

Sor, R, Meas, S, Wong, K, Min, M, and Segers, H (2015).
Diversity of Monogononta Rotifer Species among Standing Waterbodies in northern
Journal of Limnology, 74(1):192-204.

Sor, R, Meas, S, Wong, K, Min, M, and Segers, H (2015).
Diversity of Monogononta Rotifer Species among Standing Waterbodies in northern Cambodia
Journal of Limnology, 74(1):192-204.

Sor, R, Segers, H, and Meas, S (2015).
Rotifers as Bio-indicators of Freshwater Quality: A Case Study from the Upper Cambodian Mekong River Basin
Cambodian Jouran of Natural History, 2015(2):148-152.

Sor, R, Segers, H, and Meas, S (2015).
Rotifers as Bio-indicators of Freshwater Quality: A Case Study from the Upper Cambodian Mekong River Basin
Cambodian Journal of Natural History , 2015(2):148-152.

Spagna, P, Colette, O, Court-Picon, M, Goffioul, C, Marchal, J, Pirson, S, Van der Sloot, P, and Verstraelen, N (2015).
Premiers résultats paléoenvironnementaux concernant les sites du Potay et « au Buisson » à Hermalle-sous-Argenteau (Oupeye)
In: Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes, ed. by SPW Editions.

Speleers, L (2015).
Carpologisch onderzoek Schuitenkaai no5 (BR 249)
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Technisch rapport voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.

Speleers, L (2015).
Carpologisch onderzoek Arme Klaren (BR 100, US 412)
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Technisch rapport voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.

Speleers, L, Preiss, S, and van der Valk, J (2015).
Plant use in Medieval and Post-Medieval Brussels, an overview of the macrobotanical records
In: Conference on the Environmental Archaeology of European Cities (CEAEC). May 27th-29th 2015, pp. 82, Brussels Capital-Region/Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences/Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels.

Stassen, P, Speijer, R, Devleeschouwer, X, Abels, H, King, C, Willems, W, and Steurbaut, E (2015).
Eocene hyperthermals in the North Sea Basin: a Belgian Ypresian perspective.
In: Abstract Book, pp. 1, The Micropalaeontological Society Foraminifera and Calcareous Nannofossil Groups: Spring Meeting, 15-16 June 2015, Plymouth University.

Steensels, M, Vangeluwe, D, Linden, A, Houdart, P, Van Den Berg, T, and Lambrecht, B (2015).
Releasing captive-bred Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) into the wild can enhance the AIV prevalence among wild birds.
No source specified

Steensels, M, Vangeluwe, D, Pierrard, N, and Lambrecht, B (2015).
Belgian feral pigeon revealed as Chlamydia psittaci and pigeon paramyxovirus reservoir by passive screening.
Scientific Report 2014-2015. CODA-CERVA:64-67.

Stelzenmüller, V, Vega Fernandez, T, Cronin, K, Röckmann, C, Pantazani, M, Vanaverbeke, J, Stamford, T, Hostens, K, Pecceu, E, Degraer, S, Buhl-Mortensen, L, Carlström, J, Galparsoro, I, Johnson, K, Piwowarczyk, J, Vassilopoulou, V, Jak, R, Pace, M, and van Hoof, L (2015).
Assessing uncertainty associated with the monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas.
Marine Policy, 51:151-162.

Sterckx, S, Knaeps, S, Kratzer, S, and Ruddick, K (2015).
SIMilarity Environment Correction (SIMEC) applied to MERIS data over inland and coastal waters
Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Inland Waters, 157(0):96-110.

Steurbaut, E (2015).
Obituary - In memorium of Dr. Chris King (December 1943 - January 2015)
Miscellanea Geologica, XXXVI(1):16.

Steurbaut, E (2015).
Het vroeg-Eoceen
In: Geologie van Vlaanderen, ed. by M. Borremans. Uitgeverij Academia Press, Eekhout 2, 9000 Gent, vol. Cenozoicum: Paleogeen en Neogeen, chap. 3.3, pp. 125-135.

Steurbaut, E (2015).
Het Paleoceen.
In: Geologie van Vlaanderen, ed. by M. Borremans. Uitgeverij Academia Press, Eekhout 2, 9000 Gent, vol. Cenozoicum: Paleogeen en Neogeen, chap. 3.2, pp. 117-124.

Steurbaut, E (2015).
Opmars van de zoogdieren en prelude van het heden.
In: Geologie van Vlaanderen, ed. by M. Borremans. Uitgeverij Academia Press, Eekhout 2, 9000 Gent, vol. Cenozoicum: Paleogeen en Neogeen, chap. 3.1, pp. 105-116.

Steurbaut, E, King, C, Matthijs, J, Noiret, C, Yans, J, and Van Simaeys, S (2015).
The Zemst borehole, first record of the EECO in the North Sea Basin and implications for Belgian Ypresian-Lutetian stratigraphy
Geologica Belgica, 18(2-4):147-159.

Sun, G, Dong, Z, Akhetiev, M, Markevich, V, Ashraf, A, Godefroit, P, David, DL, Sun, C, Sun, Y, Quan, C, Golovneva, L, Bugdaeva, E, Bolotsky, Y, Suzuki, S, Kodrul, T, Nishida, H, Kezina, T, Harding, I, Yang, HX, Ge, WC, Chen, Y, and Yang, T (2015).
Late Cretaceous-Paleocen biotas and the K-Pg Boundary from Jiayin of Heilongjiang, China, with discussion on the extinction of dinosaurs
Shanghai Scientific & Technological Education Publication House, Shanghai. (ISBN: 978-7-5428-6111-5).

Susini, M, de Koeijer, H, and Janssens de Bisthoven, L (2015).
Distance learning to help African countries improve their biodiversity knowledge networks.

T, K, T J, R, D S, R, S J, H, R J, S, and H, S (2015).
Spatial dissimilarities in plankton structure and function during flood pulses in a semi-arid floodplain wetland system
Hydrobiologia, 747:19-31.

Taverne, L and Goolaerts, S (2015).
The dercetid fishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes) from the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of Belgium and The Netherlands
Geologica Belgica, 18(1):21-30.

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