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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Bonte, D, Struyve, T, Dekoninck, W, Versteirt, V, and Grootaert, P (2002).
The influence of heathland restoration of former arable fields on the presence of robberflies (Diptera: Asilidae)
Studia dipterologica, 9(2):639-702.

Boone, I, De Cupere, B, and Van Neer, W (2002).
Social status as reflected in the food refuse from late medieval sites in Namur (Belgium)
Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 80:1391-1394.

Bruyndoncx, L, Jordaens, K, Ysebaert, T, Meire, P, and Backeljau, T (2002).
Molluscan diversity in tidal marshes along the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands, Belgium)
Hydrobiologia, 474:189-196.

Brzobohaty, R and Nolf, D (2002).
Stomiiformes (Teleostei, Otolithen) aus dem Miozän der Karpatischen Vortiefe (Westkarpaten, Mähren) und der Zentralen Paratethys
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 237:139-150.

Casier, J, Devleeschouwer, X, Lethiers, F, Préat, A, and Racki, G (2002).
Ostracods and fore-reef sedimentology of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary beds in Kielce (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland).
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47(2):227-246.

Casier, J, Devleeschouwer, X, Lethiers, F, Pŕat, A, and Racki, G (2002).
Ostracods and fore-reef sedimentology of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary beds in Kielce (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47(2):227-246.

Casier, J, Lethiers, F, and Préat, A (2002).
Ostracods and sedimentology of the Devonian-Carboniferous stratotype section (La Serre, Montagne Noire, France)
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 72:43-68.

Cauwe, N, Orban, R, and Polet, C (2002).
Prehistoric cave burials
In: Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system : Archeometry Datelist 31. Human remains, ed. by BRONK RAMSEY, C., HIGHAM, T.F.G., OWEN, D.C., PIKE, A.W.G. et HEDGES, R.E.M.. Archaeometry, Belgium, vol. 44, chap. 3, pp. 8-10.

Codrea, V, Smith, T, Dica, P, Folie, A, Garcia, G, Godefroit, P, and Van Itterbeeck, J (2002).
Dinosaur egg nests, mammals and other vertebrates from a new Maastrichtian site of the Hateg Basin (Romania)
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 1:173-180.

Collet, H and Van Neer, W (2002).
Stratigraphie et faune d’un puits d’extraction néolithique à Petit-Spiennes
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 113:73-104.

Court-Picon, M, Andrieu-Ponel, V, and de Beaulieu, J (2002).
Human impact on the vegetation of the Champsaur (Hautes-Alpes, France) through the last 3000 years: pollen analysis of the Faudon lake sequence.
In: International Congress " Environmental dynamics and history in the Mediterranean region", IAG - Working group on geoarchaeology, Paris (France), April 2002, 24-26. .

Dallüge, J, Roose, P, and Brinkman, U (2002).
Evaluation of a high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer for the gas chromatographic determination of selected environmental contaminants
Journal of Chromatography A, 970(1-2):213-223.

Damblon, F and Haesaerts, P (2002).
Anthracology and radiochronology of the Upper Pleistocene in the loessic areas of Eurasia
BAR International Series, 1063:65-71.

De Bakker, D, Bonte, D, Dekoninck, W, Versteirt, V, and Grootaert, P (2002).
The effect of nature development on former arable fields in flanders as assessed by the sampling of spider assemblages.
In: Abstractbook of the XXth European Cooloquium of Arachnology, Szombathely, Hungary.

De Bakker, D, Maelfait, J, and Baert, L (2002).
The spider fauna (Araneae) of the forest reserve "Beiaardbos" (Eastern Flanders, Belgium).
Bulletin van de Koninklijk Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 138:38-44.

Degueldre, C, Rottiers, S, Bultynck, P, Germonpré, M, and Godefroit, P (2002).
Dinosauriërs: van vindplaats tot museum
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen.

Dejonghe, L and Fuchs, Y (2002).
Géochimie isotopique du soufre du gisement de barite de Fleurus (Belgique)
Geologica Belgica, 5(1-2):31-35.

Dejonghe, L, Darras, B, Hughes, G, Muchez, P, Scoates, J, and Weis, D (2002).
Isotopic and fluid-inclusion constraints on the formation of polymetallic vein deposits in the central Argentinian Patagonia
Mineralium Deposita, 37:158-172.

Dekoninck, W and Bonte, D (2002).
Beïnvloeden mierennesten de verspreiding van planten in matig voedselrijke duinen? Resultaten uit Oostduinkerke.
Natuurpunt Focus, 1(2):61-64.

Dekoninck, W and Pauly, A (2002).
Camponotus vagus Scopoli 1763 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) a new ant species for Belgium?
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 138:29-30.

Dekoninck, W, De Baere, C, Mertens, J, and Maelfait, J (2002).
On the arrival of the Asian invader ant Lasius neglectus in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 138:45-48.

Dekoninck, W, Lock, K, Bonte, D, and Grootaert, P (2002).
De sprinkhanen en krekels van enkele Oost-Vlaamse landuinenrelicten; mogelijkheden voor de Veldkrekel?
Nieuwsbrief Saltabel, 19:9-14.

Delaby, S, Vandycke, S, Dejonghe, L, Quinif, Y, and Dubois, Y (2002).
Le système karstique de la Grotte de Hotton (Belgique) : apport à l’étude structurale et cartographique à la karstogenèse et implication paléoseismologique
Aardkundige Mededelingen, 12:17-20.

Delmer, A, Dusar, M, and Delcambre, B (2002).
Upper Carboniferous lithostratigraphic units (Belgium)
Geologica Belgica, 4(1-2):95-103.

Delsate, D, Duffin, C, and Weis, R (2002).
A new microvertebrate fauna from the Middle Hettangian. (Early Jurassic) of Fontenoille. (Province of Luxembourg, south Belgium)
Geological Survey of Belgium, vol. n°48 - 2002. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium.

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