RBINS Staff Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.
Germonpré, M
Two cave bear assemblages from Goyet (Chamber A, horizon 1 and 3), Belgium
Revue de Paléobiologie , 23:855-875.
Germonpré, M
The Pleniglacial cave bears from Goyet, Belgium
Bulletin de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Série Sciences de la Terre, 74 supplement:213-229.
Germonpré, M
Influence of climate on sexual segregation and cub mortality in Pleniglacial cave bear
In: The Future from the Past: Archaeozoology in Wildlife Conservation and Heritage Management, ed. by Lauwerier, R.C.G.M. & Plug, I. . Oxbow Books, chap. 1, pp. 51-63.
Germonpré, M
Le rôle de l’environnements dans les comportements des chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques
Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique française, 101:366-367.
Germonpré, M and Sablin, M
Systematics and osteometry of Late Glacial foxes from Belgium
Bulletin de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Série Sciences de la Terre, 74:175-188.
Gilissen, E, Smith, T, Semal, P, Postnov, A, and De Clerck, N
Multituberculate endocranial casts and early mammalian brain evolution
In: Book of Abstracts.
Godefroit, P, Alifanov, V, and Bolotsky, Y
A re-appraisal of Aralosaurus tuberiferus (Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan.
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 74:139-154.
Godefroit, P, Bolotsky, YL, and Van Itterbeeck, J
Amurosaurus riabinini, a Late Cretaceous lambeosaurine dinosaur from Far Eastern Russia
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 49(4):585-618.
Goolaerts, S, Dupuis, C, and Steurbaut, E
Role of palaeo-environment in ammonite distribution : a Late Cretaceous example from Tunisia.
In: 48th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Abstracts, 17-20 December 2004, University of Lille, France. Newsletter 57, ed. by Servais, T., Blieck, A., Crônier, C., Beckary, S. Cites: 1, chap. 0, pp. 155-156.
Goolaerts, S, Dupuis, C, and Steurbaut, E
Nostoceras (Bostrychoceras) polyplocum Roemer in Tunisia
In: 6th International Symposium Cephalopods - Present & Past, Abstracts, 16-19 September 2004, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, ed. by Davis, R.A., Landman, N.H., Manger, W.L., Mapes, R.H.. 6th International Symposium Cephalopods, chap. 0, pp. 53-54.
Goolaerts, S, Dupuis, C, and Steurbaut, E
Ammonite Extinction Patterns: the Tunisian case
In: 6th International Symposium Cephalopods - Present & Past, Abstracts, 16-19 September 2004, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, ed. by Davis, R.A., Landman, N.H., Manger, W.L., Mapes, R.H.. 6th International Symposium Cephalopods - Present & Past, chap. 0, pp. 53-54.
Goolaerts, S, Kennedy, WJ, Dupuis, C, and Steurbaut, E
Terminal Maastrichtian ammonites from the Cretaceous-Paleogene Global Stratotype Section and Point, El Kef Tunisia.
Cretaceous Research, 25:318-328.
Grootaert, P, Pollet, M, Bonte, D, and Dekoninck, W
Succes van natuurontwikkeling of natuurrestauratie gemeten aan de hand van Diptera. In: MONAIJ, Evaluatie van recente natuurontwikkelingsmaatregelen aan de Ijzermonding. HOFFMANN M et al. (Eds.)
Haesaerts, P and Damblon, F
Les dates radiocarbone de Maisieres-Canal
In: L’atelier de taille aurignacien de Maisieres-Canal (Belgique), ed. by R. Miller, P. Haesaerts & M. Otte. ERAUL, Liège, vol. 110, chap. 1, pp. 27.
Haesaerts, P and Damblon, F
Les dates radiocarbone de Maisières-Canal
In: L’atelier de taille aurignacien de Maisière-Canal, ed. by Miller R., Haesaerts P. & Otte M. ERAUL, Liège, chap. 110, pp. 27-28.
Haesaerts, P, Borziak, I, Chirica, V, Damblon, F, and Koulakovska, L
Cadre stratigraphique et chronologique du Gravettien en Europe centrale
In: The Gravettian along the Danube, ed. by SVOBODA, J.; SEDLACKOVA, L.. Archeologicky ustav (The Dolní Vestonice Studies, Brno, vol. 11, chap. 1, pp. 33-56.
Haesaerts, P, Damblon, F, Sinitsyn, A, and Van der Plicht, J
Kostienki 14 (Voronezh, central Russia): new data on stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology.
Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress, Liège Belgium, 2-8 september 2001. BAR Int. Ser. 1240:169-180.
Hendrickx, F, Maelfait, JP, Bogaert, N, Tojal, C, Du Laing, G, Tack, FMG, and Verloo, MG
The importance of biological factors affecting trace metal concentration as revealed from accumulation patterns in co-occurring terrestrial invertebrates
Environmental Pollution, 127(3):335-341.
Hoffmann, M, Adam, S, Baert, L, Bonte, D, Chavatte, N, Claus, R, De Belder, W, De Fré, B, Degraer, S, De Grotte, D, Dekoninck, W, Desender, K, Devos, K, Engledow, H, Grootaert, P, Hardies, N, Leliaert, F, Maelfait, J, Monbaliu, J, Pollet, M, Provoost, S, Strichelmans, E, Toorman, E, Van Nieuwenhuyse, H, Vercruysse, E, Vincx, M, and Wittoeck, J
. Monitoring Natuurontwikkeling Ijzermonding, 2001-2004. Bundeling van deelrapporten, Ghent University, Ghent on behalf of the Ministery of the Flemish Community, Aminal, Dept. Nature , Cell Coastal zone
Keith, D and Drumont, A
Mission du Dr Michel Jangoux dans la Sultanat d'Oman: Hybosoridae, Glaresidae, Melolonthidae et Dynastidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 74:85-87.
Knaepkens, G
The use of genetic tools for the evaluation of a potential migration barrier for the bullhead
Journal of Fish Biology, 64:1737-1744.
Knaepkens, G
Relationship between population size and genetic diversity in endangered populations of the European bullhead (Cottus gobio): implications for conservation
Biological Conservation, 115(3):403-410.
Knapen, D, Bervoets, L, Verheyen, E, and Blust, R
Resistance to water pollution in natural gudgeon (Gobio gobio) populations may be due to genetic adaptation.
Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 67(2):155–65.
Komiya, Z and Drumont, A
Supplement to the genus Ziglipton (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) with description of a new species from the Philippines
Elytra, 32(1):195-199.
Komiya, Z and Drumont, A
Notes on the Japanese species of Prionus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) and the related species from continental Asia
Gekkan-Mushi, 398:2-11.
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