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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Roisin, Y, Dejean, A, Corbara, B, Orivel, J, and Leponce, M (2005).
Arthropod biodiversity in tropical rainforest canopies: Panamanian termites in the framework of the IBISCA project
Miscellaneous publication, 3rd GBIF Science Symposium, "Tropical Biodiversity: Science, Data, Conservation", Brussels, 18-19 April 2005, p.32.

Roose, P and Brinkman, U (2005).
Monitoring organic microcontaminants in the marine environment: Principles, programmes and progress
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 24(11):897-926.

Roose, P, Raemaekers, M, Cooreman, K, and Brinkman, U (2005).
Polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediments from the southern North Sea and Scheldt estuary: A ten-year study of concentrations, patterns and trends
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 7(7):701-709.

Rosenheim, BE, Swart, P, Thorrold, S, Eisenhauer, A, and Willenz, P (2005).
Salinity change in the subtropical Atlantic: Secular increase and teleconnections to the North Atlantic Oscillation
Geophysical Research Letters, 32(2):1-4.

Rossetti, G, Pieri, V, and Martens, K (2005).
Recent ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) found in lowland springs of the provinces of Piacenza and Parma (Northern Italy)
Hydrobiologia, 542:287-296.

Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Maureille, B, and Semal, P (2005).
La place des vestiges humains de Spy (Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Belgique) dans l'évolution de la connaissance des Néandertaliens
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, n.s., 17:20.

Ruddick, K, De Cauwer, Vb, and Van Mol, B (2005).
Use of the near infrared similarity reflectance spectrum for the quality control of remote sensing data
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 5885, pp. 1-12.

Salzburger, W, Mack, T, Verheyen, E, and Meyer, A (2005).
Out of Tanganyika: genesis, explosive speciation, key-innovations and phylogeography of the haplochromine cichlid fishes.
BMC evolutionary biology, 5(1983):17.

Samyn, Y, Appeltans, W, and Kerr, A (2005).
Phylogeny of Labidodemas and the Holothuriidae (Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida) as inferred from morphology
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 144(1):103-120.

Samyn, Y, VandenSpiegel, D, and Massin, C (2005).
Sea Cucumbers of the Comoros Archipelago
SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin, 22:14-18.

Savatenalinton, S and Segers, H (2005).
Rotifers from Kalasin Province, Northeast Thailand, with notes on new and rare species
Zoological Studies, 44(3):361-367.

Schoen, I and Arhipova, I (2005).
Two families of non-LTR retrotransposons, Syrinx and Daphne, from the putative ancient asexual darwinulid ostracod, Darwinula stevensoni
Abstracts of the ESF and Linnean Society meeting PARTNER 4 'The paradox of asexuality: an evaluation'.

Schoen, I, Pinto, R, and Martens, K (2005).
Genetic structure of putative ancient asexual Darwinulidae
Abstracts of the 15th International Symposium on Ostracoda.

Schweiger, O, Maelfait, J, Van Wingerden, W, Hendrickx, F, Billeter, R, Speelmans, M, Augenstein, I, Aukema, B, Aviron, S, Bailey, D, Bukacek, R, Burel, F, Diekotter, T, Dirksen, J, Frenzel, M, Herzog, F, Liira, J, Roubalova, M, and Bugter, R (2005).
Quantifying the impact of environmental factors on arthropod communities in agricultural landscapes across organizational levels and spatial scales
Journal of Applied Ecology, 42(6):1129-1139.

Scory, S (2005).
The use of mathematical models for estimating oil pollution damage at sea description of the system developed in the frame of the mare-dasm project
No source specified

Segers, H (2005).
The future of freshwater biodiversity research: An introduction to the target review
Hydrobiologia, 542(1):ix-x.

Segers, H and Shiel, R (2005).
Tale of a sleeping beauty: A new and easily cultured model organism for experimental studies on bdelloid rotifers
Hydrobiologia, 546(1):141-145.

Semal, P, Convent, D, Wannijn, L, and Cauwe, N (2005).
Digitalisation des collections de Spy à l'aide de la plateforme MARS (Multimedia Archaeological Research System).
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, n. s., t. 17:21.

Semal, P, Toussaint, M, Maureille, B, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Balzeau, A, Bouchneb, L, Louryan, S, Declerck, N, and Rausin, L (2005).
Numérisation des restes humains néandertaliens belges : préservation patrimoniale et exploitation scientifique
Notae Praehistoricae, 25:25–38.

Shamshev, I and Grootaert, P (2005).
Two new species of the genus Chersodromia Walker (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Southeast Asia

Stöck, M, Steinlein, C, Lamatsch, D, Schartl, M, and Schmid, M (2005).
Multiple origins of tetraploid taxa in the Eurasian Bufo viridis subgroup
Genetica, 124(2):255-272.

Susanne, C and Polet, C (2005).
Dictionnaire d’anthropobiologie
De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.

Sørensen, M, Segers, H, and Funch, P (2005).
On a new Seison Grube, 1861 from coastal waters of Kenya, with a reappraisal of the classification of the Seisonida (Rotifera)
Zoological Studies, 44(1):34-43.

Tchuenguem Fohouo, F, Pauly, A, Messi, J, Brückner, D, Ngamo Tinkeu, L, and Basga, E (2005).
Une abeille afrotrop!icale spécialisée dans la récolte du pollen de Graminées (Poaceae): Lipotriches notabiolis (Schletterer 1891) (Hymenoptera Apoidea Halictidae)
Annales de la société entomologique de France, 40(2 (NS)):131-143.

Theunis, L, Gilbert, M, Roisin, Y, and Leponce, M (2005).
Spatial structure of litter-dwelling ant distribution in a subtropical dry forest
Insectes Sociaux, 52(4):366-377.

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