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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

May, SM, Brill, D, Engel, M, Scheffers, A, Opitz, S, Wennrich, V, Squire, P, Kelletat, D, and Brückner, H (2015).
Traces of historical tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the Ashburton Delta (north-west Australia)
Sedimentology, 62(6):1546--1572.

Meksuwan, P, Pholpunthin, P, and Segers, H (2015).
Molecular phylogeny confirms Conochilidae as ingroup of Flosculariidae (Rotifera, Gnesiotrocha).
Zoologica Scripta, 44:562-573.

Meksuwan, P, Pholpunthin, P, and Segers, H (2015).
Molecular phylogeny confirms Conochilidae as ingroup of Flosculariidae (Rotifera, Gnesiotrocha)
Zoologica Scripta, 44:562-573.

Messu Mandeng FD, Bilong Bilong, CF, Pariselle, A, Vanhove, MP, Bitja Nyom, AR, and Agnèse, J (2015).
A phylogeny of Cichlidogyrus species (Monogenea, Dactylogyridea) clarifies a host switch between fish families and reveals an adaptive component to attachment organ morphology of this parasite genus
Parasites & Vectors, 8:582.

Mietje, G, M.V., S, M., L, V., D, R.E., S, M., S, and M., H (2015).
Palaeolithic dogs and Pleistocene wolves revisited: a reply to Morey
Journal of Archaeological Science, 54:210-216.

Mitchell, C, Cranswick, P, Kharitonov, S, Mitev, D, Quinn, D, Rozenfeld, S, Swann, B, and Vangeluwe, D (2015).
Biometrics of wild Red-breasted Geese Branta ruficollis

Momont, N, Gerrienne, P, and Prestianni, C (2015).
Brabantophyton, a new genus with stenokolealean affinities from a Middle to earliest Upper Devonian locality from Belgium
Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, in press.

Mortelmans, J, van den Broek, R, Mota Almeida, J, Alvarez Fidalgo, P, and Nagy, ZT (2015).
Revision of the genus Paraphamartania Engel with description of two new species and comments on the related Nearctic genus Cophura Osten Sacken (Diptera: Asilidae)
BV news Publicaciones Cientificas, 4:83-102.

Mottequin, B and Denayer, J (2015).
Pridolian–Lochkovian macrofaunas from southern Belgium and northern France: de Koninck (1876) revisited
In: IGCP 596-SDS symposium (Brussels, September 20-22, 2015), ed. by Mottequin, B. et al. . Abstracts. STRATA, Communications, chap. 16, pp. 101-102.

Mottequin, B and Simon, E (2015).
Diversity of athyridide brachiopods during the Late Devonian–Tournaisian in southern Belgium
In: IGCP 596-SDS symposium (Brussels, September 20-22, 2015) , ed. by Mottequin, B. et al. . Abstracts. STRATA, Communications, chap. 16, pp. 103-104.

Mottequin, B, Denayer, J, Königshof, P, Prestianni, C, and Olive, S (2015).
IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Brussels (September 20-22, 2015), Abstracts
STRATA, Communications, vol. 16.

Mottequin, B, Denayer, J, Poty, E, and Devleeschouwer, X (2015).
Middle to Upper Frasnian succession, Kellwasser events and the Frasnian–Famennian boundary in the Namur–Dinant Basin (Belgium).
In: IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium, ed. by Denayer J., Mottequin B. & Prestianni C. . STRATA, Communications, chap. 17, pp. 24-45.

Mottequin, B, Malti, FZ, Benyoucef, M, Crônier, C, Samar, L, Randon, C, and Brice, D (2015).
Famennian rhynchonellides (Brachiopoda) from deep-water facies of the Ougarta Basin (Saoura Valley, Algeria)
Geological Magazine, 152:1009-1024.

Mottequin, B, Poty, E, and Prestianni, C (2015).
Catalogue of the types and illustrated specimens recovered from the ‘black marble’ of Denée, a marine conservation-Lagerstätte from the Mississippian of southern Belgium
Geologica Belgica, 18(1):1-14.

Mottequin, B, Sevastopulo, G, and Simon, E (2015).
Micromorph brachiopods from the late Asbian (Mississippian, Viséan) from northwest Ireland (Gleniff, County Sligo)
Bulletin of Geosciences(90(2)):307-330.

Muilwijk, J, Felix, R, Dekoninck, W, and Bleich, O (2015).
De loopkevers van Nederland en België (Carabidae).
Entomologische Tabellen, 9:213pp..

Nagy, Z, Van Riet, S, Kusamba, C, Greenbaum, E, Kielgast, J, Gvozdik, V, Matthyssen, S, Bodongola, A, Mebert, K, and Verheyen, E (2015).
Diversity of the serpent fauna in central africa: from field surveys to integrative systematics.
Guaruja, Brazil, Abstract book of Evolution 2015.

Nagy, ZT, Kielgast, J, Moosig, M, Vamberger, M, and Fritz, U (2015).
Another candidate species of Pelomedusa (Testudines: Pelomedusidae) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
Salamandra, 51:212-214.

Nagy, ZT, Marion, AB, Glaw, F, Miralles, A, Nopper, J, Vences, M, and Blair Hedges, S (2015).
Molecular systematics and undescribed diversity of Madagascan scolecophidian snakes (Squamata: Serpentes)
Zootaxa, 4040(1):31-47.

Nagy, ZT, Van Riet, S, Sonet, G, Greenbaum, E, Kusamba, C, Gvozdik, V, Matthyssen, S, Bodongola, A, and Verheyen, E (2015).
DNA barcoding Congolese snakes
In: Genome (Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference), ed. by Sarah J. Adamowicz, vol. 58, pp. 260.

Nechad, B, Ruddick, K, Schroeder, T, Oubelkheir, K, Blondeau-Patissier, D, Cherukuru, N, Brando, V, Dekker, A, Clementson, L, Banks, AC, and others (2015).
CoastColour Round Robin datasets: a database to evaluate the performance of algorithms for the retrieval of water quality parameters in coastal waters
Earth System Science Data Discussions, 8:173-258.

Nehme, C, Verheyden, S, Noble, S, Delannoy, J, Salem, G, Adjizian-Gérard, J, and Farrant, A (2015).
Palaeoclimate reconstruction in the Levant region from the petrographic and growth rate of a MIS 5 stalagmite from the Kanaan cave, Lebanon
Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, vol. 17(EGU2015-9379), European Geoscience Union.

Nehme, C, Verheyden, S, Noble, S, Farrant, A, Sahy, D, Hellstrom, J, Delannoy, J, and Claeys, P (2015).
Reconstruction of MIS 5 climate in the central Levant using a stalagmite from Kanaan Cave, Lebanon
Climate of the Past, 11:1785-1799.

No names specified (2015).
Rapport Bruniquel
Université de bordeaux.

No names specified (2015).
Origin of the forest steppe and exceptional grassland diversity in Transylvania (central-eastern Europe)
Journal of Biogeography, 42(5):951-963.

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