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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Middle to Upper Frasnian succession, Kellwasser events and the Frasnian–Famennian boundary in the Namur–Dinant Basin (Belgium).

Bernard Mottequin, J. Denayer, E. Poty, and Xavier Devleeschouwer (2015)

Middle to Upper Frasnian succession, Kellwasser events and the Frasnian–Famennian boundary in the Namur–Dinant Basin (Belgium).

In: IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium, ed. by Denayer J., Mottequin B. & Prestianni C. . STRATA, Communications, chap. 17, pp. 24-45.

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