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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

No names specified (2006).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Massangissteen).
Kluwer Documenta. Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie. Aflevering 28, Juli 2006. II.3. Bouwmaterialen. Natuursteen(28):123-137.

Nolf, D and Girone, A (2006).
Otolithes de poissons du Pliocène inférieur (Zancléen des environs d'Alba (Piemont) et de la côte ligure
Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale, 27:77-114.

Nolf, D and Tyler, J (2006).
Otolith evidence concerning interrelationships of caproid, zeiform and tetraodontiform fishes
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique,Biologie , 76:147-189.

Nolf, D, Rana, R, and Singh, H (2006).
Fish otoliths from the Ypresian of Vastan, Gujarat, India
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 76:105-118.

Park, Y, Van Mol, B, and Ruddick, K (2006).
Validation of MERIS water products for Belgian coastal waters: 2002-2005
In: Second Working Meeting on MERIS and AATSR Calibration and Geophysical Validation (MAVT-2006), ed. by Danesy, D., vol. SP-615, ESA.

Pieri, V, Martens, K, Naselli-Flores, L, Marrone, F, and Rossetti, G (2006).
Distribution of Recent ostracods in inland waters of Sicily (Southern Italy)
Journal of Limnology, 65:1-8.

Pieters, M, Schietecatte, L, Zeebroek, I, Baeteman, C, Bastiaans, J, Deforce, K, Jansen, I, Meylemans, E, and Van Laecke, J (2006).
The Belgian polders: a test case 2002-2006.
In: Archaeological Evaluation of Wetlands in Planarch Area of North West Europe, ed. by Dyson, L., Heppell, E., Johson, C., Pieters, M., pp. 39-54, Maidstone.

Pigière, F, Ervynck, A, and Van Neer, W (2006).
Pratiques et économie alimentaires
Les Dossiers d’Archéologie, 315(juillet-août; La Belgique Romaine):40-43.

Pigière, F, Udrescu, M, Van Neer, W, and Wouters, W (2006).
Namur/Namur: étude archéozoologique du site de la rue d’Harscamp
Chronique de l’Archéologie Wallonne, 13:247-248.

Pirson, S, Haesaerts, P, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Toussaint, M, Debenham, N, and Draily, C (2006).
Belgian cave entrance and rock-shelter sequences as palaeoenvironmental data recorders: the example of Walou cave.
Geologica Belgica, 9(3-4):275-286.

Polet, C (2006).
Apport des analyses chimiques d'ossements à la connaissance des régimes alimentaires au Moyen Âge
In: La paléodémographie. Mémoire d'os, mémoire d'homme, ed. by BUCHET, L., DAUPHIN, C. & SEGUY, I. . Antibes, Editions APDCA, chap. -, pp. 57-72. Actes des 8émes Journées Anthropologiques de Valbonne.

Polet, C (2006).
Le squelette d’Ahu Motu Toremo Hiva (île de Pâques, Chili)
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 18:20.

Roisin, Y, Dejean, A, Corbara, B, Orivel, J, Samaniego, M, and Leponce, M (2006).
Vertical stratification of the termite assemblage in a neotropical rainforest
Oecologia, 149(2):301-311.

Rose, KD, Smith, T, Rana, RS, Sahni, A, Singh, H, Missiaen, P, and Folie, A (2006).
Early Eocene (Ypresian) continental vertebrate assemblage from India, with description of a new anthracobunid (Mammalia, Tethytheria)
Journal of Vertabrate Paleontology, 26(1):219-225.

Rossetti, G, Martens, K, Meisch, C, Tavernelli, S, and Pieri, V (2006).
Small is beautiful: diversity of freshwater ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in marginal habitats of the province of Parma (northern Italy)
Journal of Limnology, 65(2):121-131.

Rousseau, V, Park, Y, Ruddick, K, Vyverman, W, Parent, J, and Lancelot, C (2006).
Phytoplankton blooms in response to nutrient enrichment
In: Current status of Eutrophication in the Belgian Coastal Zone, ed. by Rousseau, V. and Lancelot, C. and Cox, D., pp. 45-59, Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles.

Ruddick, K and Lacroix, G (2006).
Hydrodynamics and meteorology of the Belgian Coastal zone.
In: Current status of Eutrophication in the Belgian Coastal Zone, ed. by Rousseau V., Lancelot C. and Cox D., chap. 1, pp. 1-15, Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, Brussels.

Ruddick, K, De Cauwer, V, Park, Y, and Moore, G (2006).
Seaborne measurements of near infrared water-leaving reflectance: The similarity spectrum for turbid waters

Sahni, A, Kumar Patra, P, Rana, RS, Kumar, K, Singh, H, Alimohammadian, H, Sahni, N, Rose, KD, Singh, L, and Smith, T (2006).
Temporal constraints and depositional palaeoenvironments of the Vastan Lignite Sequence, Gujarat: Analogy for the Cambay shale hydrocarbon source rock
Indian Journal of Petroleum Geology, 15(1):1-20.

Samyn, Y, Réveillon, A, Franklin, A, and Van Goethem, J (2006).
One Year of Taxonomic Capacity Building by the Belgian Focal Point to the GTI
In: Tropical Biodiversity: Science, Data, Conservation; Proceedings of the 3rd GBIF Science Symposium, ed. by Hendrik Segers et al., pp. 134-142.

Samyn, Y, VandenSpiegel, D, and Massin, C (2006).
A new species of Actinopyga (Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae)
Zootaxa, 1138:53-68.

Schoen, I and Arkhipova, I (2006).
Two families of non-LTR retrotransposons, Syrinx and Daphne, from the Darwinulid ostracod, Darwinula stevensoni
Gene, 371:296-307.

Schäfer, I, Domes, K, Heethoff, M, Schneider, K, Schoen, I, Norton, R, Scheu, S, and Maraun, M (2006).
No evidence for the 'Meselson effect' in parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19:184-193.

Semal, P (2006).
Neandertaler aus Spy (Belgien)
In: in Roots / Wurzeln der Menschheit, ed. by xx. Reinisches LandesMuseum, Bonn, ., Bonn, chap. xx, pp. 325.

Semal, P (2006).
Néandertal devient numérique
In: Néandertal Enquête sur une disparition, pp. 18-19, La Recherche. Les dossiers de La Recherche.

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