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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Polet, C (2009).
Exostoses du conduit auditif externe chez les anciens Pascuans
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 21(195).

Polet, C (2009).
Comportements alimentaires dans la population côtière de Coxyde (Belgique, XIIe - XVe s.) : apport des éléments traces, des isotopes stables et des indicateurs de stress
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 21:195.

Polet, C and Orban, R (2009).
Étude des restes humains de la sépulture collective du Tiène des Maulins (prov. Namur), 30 p.
No source specified

Poux, C, Martens, K, Verheyen, E, and Schoen, I (2009).
Complete lineage segregation in ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Lake Tanganyika, Africa

Ransy, M, Baert, L, Vanhercke, L, and Dethier, M (2009).
Récoltes récentes d'araignées et d'opilions dans les milieux souterrains en Belgique
Nieuwsbrief Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 24(1-3):99-106.

Rose, KD, Rana, RS, Sahni, A, Kumar, K, Missiaen, P, Singh, L, and Smith, T (2009).
Early Eocene Primates from Gujarat, India
Journal of Human Evolution, 56(4):366-404.

Rose, KD, Rana, RS, Sahni, A, Kumar, K, Singh, L, and Smith, T (2009).
First tillodont from India: Additional evidence for an early Eocene faunal connection between Europe and India?
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54(2):351-355.

Rosenheim, BE, Swart, PK, and Willenz, P (2009).
Calibration of sclerosponge oxygen isotope records to temperature using high-resolution δ18O data
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(18):5308-5319.

Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Semal, P, and Toussaint, M (2009).
Des Néandertaliens dans la troisième caverne de Goyet.
In: Paléolithique moyen en Wallonie. La collection Louis Eloy., ed. by Di monica K. & Jungels C., vol. 2, pp. 173, Service du patrimoine culturel. Collections du patrimoine culturel.

Savatenalinton, S and Martens, K (2009).
On a freshwater species of the genus Sanyuania Zhao and Han, 1980 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Loxoconchidae) from Thailand, with a discussion on the morphological evolution of the freshwater Loxoconchidae
Journal of Natural History, 43(5-6):259-285.

Savatenalinton, S and Martens, K (2009).
Redescription of the type species of Strandesia Stuhlmann, 1888) and Cypricercus Sars, 1895 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cypricerecinae), with a description of a new species of Cypricercus from South Africa
Zootaxa, 2007:1-42.

Savatenalinton, S and Martens, K (2009).
Generic revision of Cypricercinae McKenzie, 1971 (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with the description of three new genera and one new species and a phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily
Hydrobiologia, 632:1-48.

Schabetsberger, R, Drozdowski, G, Rott, E, Lenzenweger, R, Jersabek, C, Stoch, F, Kotov, A, Martens, K, Reiff, N, Traunspurger, W, and Schatz, H (2009).
Losing the Bounty? Investigating Species Richness in Isolated Freshwater Ecosystems of Oceania
Pacific Science, 63(2):53-179.

Scheffers, A, Kelletat, D, and Engel, M (2009).
Die Entwicklung der Tsunamiforschung nach der Katastrophe vom 26.12.2004
Geographische Rundschau, 61(12):12-18.

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2009).
Dragqueens or real kings? Ancient asexual Darwinulidae (Ostracoda, Crustacea).
Evolution of sex and recombination: in theory and practise.

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2009).
Rare sex or ancient asexual ?
16 ISO.

Schoen, I, Birky, B, Bode, S, Halse, S, Butlin, R, and Martens, K (2009).
Cryptic species in non-marine ostracods
16 ISO.

Schoen, I, Birky, B, Bode, S, Halse, S, Butlin, R, and Martens, K (2009).
Cryptic species in non-marine ostracods

Schön, I, Martens, K, and Van Dijk, P (2009).
Foreword. In: SCHÖN, I., P. VAN DIJK & K. MARTENS (Eds.), Lost Sex

Schön, I, Rossetti, G, and Martens, K (2009).
Darwinulid ostracods: ancient asexual scandals or scandalous gossip? In: SCHÖN, I., P. VAN DIJK & K. MARTENS (Eds.), Lost Sex

Semal, P, Crevecoeur, I, Hauzeur, A, Jungels, C, Flas, D, Balzeau, A, Cammaert, L, Germonpré, M, Maureille, B, Pirson, S, and Toussaint, M (2009).
Le réexamen des collections de Spy.
In: Paléolithique moyen en Wallonie. La collection Louis Eloy., ed. by Di monica K. & Jungels C., vol. 2, pp. 201-202, Service du patrimoine culturel. Collections du patrimoine culturel.

Semal, P, Jungels, C, Crevecoeur, I, Rougier, H, and Pirson, P (2009).
Acquisition de la collection de Spy de François Beaufays (dit « l’horloger ») par l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
Notae Prehistoricae, 29/2009:157-164.

Semal, P, Polet, C, Crèvecoeur, I, and Orban, R (2009).
Collections anthropologiques de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRSNB)
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 21:199.

Semal, P, Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Jungels, C, Flas, D, Hauzeur, A, Maureille, B, Germonpre, M, Bocherens, H, Pirson, S, Cammaert, L, De Clerck, N, Hambucken, A, Higham, T, Toussaint, M, and van der Plicht, J (2009).
New data on the late Neandertals: direct dating of the Belgian Spy fossils.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 138(4):421-8.

Shamshev, I and Grootaert, P (2009).
Two new species of the genus Tachydromia Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Malaysia
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57:251-254.

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