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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Sonet, G, Nagy, Z, Delsinne, T, Jacquemin, J, Wauters, N, and Leponce, M (2011).
Validation of the DNA barcoding approach to survey ant communities in the Ecuadorian Andes
In: Book of abstracts of BioSystematics 2011, Berlin, Germany, 21-27 February 2011, pp. 343-344.

Sonet, G, Nagy, Z, Jacquemin, J, Wauters, N, Delsinne, T, and Leponce, M (2011).
DNA barcoding of fire and thief ants (genus Solenopsis) of the Ecuadorian Andes as a tool for biodiversity research
In: Book of abstracts of the Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28 November – 3 December 2011, pp. 129.

Spagna, P, Chevalier, A, Collette, O, Court-Picon, M, Marchal, J, Pirson, S, Salavert, A, and Van der Sloot, P (2011).
Premiers résultats paléoenvironnementaux concernant les sites du Potay et « Au Buisson » à Hermalle-sous-Argenteau)
In: Journées d'Archéologie en Wallonie, Jambes 2011, ed. by SPW Editions.

Spagna, P, vandycke, S, Dupuis, C, and Yans, J (2011).
La Formation des Argiles d'Hautrage de la carrière Danube-Bouchon (Saint-Ghislain, Belgique) : un enregistrement de la naissance et des premiers mouvements du Bassin de Mons au Crétacé Inférieur.
Bulletin d'information des géologues du Bassin de Paris, 48(3):14-21.

Speijer, R, Bornemann, A, Kouwenhoven, T, Pirkenseer, C, Schulte, P, Stassen, P, and Steurbaut, E (2011).
Identification and characterisation of early Eocene hyperthermals in shallow marine sequences
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85:154.

Sprong, J, Kouwenhoven, T, Bornemann, A, Schulte, P, Stassen, P, Steurbaut, E, Youssef, M, and Speijer, R (2011).
The Latest Danian Event along a paleobathymetric gradient in the Nile Basin (Eastern Desert, Egypt).
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85:155.

Sprong, J, Youssef, M, Bornemann, A, Schulte, P, Steurbaut, E, Stassen, P, Kouwenhoven, TJ, and Speiijer, RP (2011).
A multi-proxy record of the Latest Danian Event at Gebel Qreiya, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Journal of Micropaleontoloy, 30:167-182.

Stassen, P, Steurbaut, E, Sprong, J, Bornemann, A, Kouwenhoven, T, Schulte, P, Youssef, M, and Speijer, R (2011).
Multiple environmental perturbations in the Nile Basin, Egypt: expressions of hyperthermals?
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85:157.

Steemans, P, Breuer, P, Prestianni, C, Petus, E, and de Ville de Goyet, F (2011).
Diverse assemblages of Mid Devonian megaspores from Libya.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 165:154-174.

Sterckx, S, Knaeps, E, and Ruddick, K (2011).
Detection and correction of adjacency effects in hyperspectral airborne data of coastal and inland waters: the use of the near infrared similarity spectrum

Steurbaut, E (2011).
New calcareous nannofossil taxa from the Ypresian (Early Eocene) of the North Sea Basin and the Turan Platform in West Kazakhstan.
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 81:247-277.

Struyve, T, Bonamie, G, De Deken, B, De Prins, W, De Vreeze, D, Dekoninck, W, Gielen, K, Jansen, L, Lock, K, Smets, K, Snyers, C, Van Malderen, M, and Wullaert, S (2011).
Verslag excursie Hoge Venen, 15 mei 2011
Bulletin S.R.B.E/K.B.V.E., 147:258-261.

Sun, G, Akhmetiev, M, Markevich, V, Ashraf, A, Bugdaeva, E, Dong, Z, Godefroit, P, Bolotsky, Y, Golovneva, L, Yang, H, Sun, C, Sun, Y, Kodrul, T, Kezina, T, Nishida, H, and Dilcher, B (2011).
Late Cretaceous biota and the K-Pg Boundary in Jiayin
In: Abstracts of the International Symposium on Paleontology and Geology in Yichun, China, August 2011, pp. 90-91.

Tagg, N, Petre, C, and Willie, J (2011).
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a 10-Year Old Great Ape Conservation Project in Cameroon
Pan Africa News, 18(2).

Taylor, P, Lavrenchenko, L, Carleton, M, Verheyen, E, Bennett, N, Oosthuizen, C, and Maree, S (2011).
Specific limits and emerging diversity patterns in East African populations of laminate-toothed rats, genus Otomys (Muridae: Murinae: Otomyini): Revision of the Otomys typus complex
Zootaxa, 3024(May):1–66.

Toussaint, M, Semal, P, and Pirson, S (2011).
Les Néandertaliens du Bassin mosan belge : bilan 2006-2011
In: Le Paléolithique moyen en Belgique. Mélanges Marguerite Ulrix-Closset., ed. by Michel Toussaint, Kévin Di Modica & Stéphane Pirson, vol. 128, pp. 149-196, Université de Liege. Eraul.

Van Borm, S, Vangeluwe, D, Steensels, M, Poncin, O, Van den Berg, T, and Lambrecht, B (2011).
Genetic characterization of low pathogenic H5N1 and co-circulating avian influenza viruses in wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in Belgium, 2008.
Avian Pathol. (40 (6)):613-628.

Van den Broecke, L, Martens, K, Pieri, V, and Schoen, I (2011).
Ostracod valves provide efficient UV protection
Joannea Geologia Paläontologia, 11:214-215.

Van den Eynde, D and Fettweis, M (2011).
Towards an operational sediment transport model for optimizing dredging works in the Belgian Coastal Zone (southern North Sea).
Sustainable operational Oceanography.

Van Der Meeren, T, Ito, E, Almendinger, J, Verschuren, D, and Martens, K (2011).
Valve chemistry of Limnocythere inopinata (Ostracoda) in a cold arid environment - implications for paleolimnological interpretation
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306:116-126.

Van Neer, W and De Cupere, B (2011).
A special trophy
Nekhen News , 23:12-13.

Vanderschueren, H (2011).
Le radon dans l'air, dans l'eau et dans les roches
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Vangeluwe, D (2011).
Faucons pour tous : l’histoire naturelle des Faucons pèlerins (Falco peregrinus) à Bruxelles.
In David, F., Maurel, C. (2011). Premier colloque national Faucon pèlerin, 19 et 20 novembre 2010 Albi (Tarn). LPO Mission rapaces – LPO Tarn ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Poncin, O (2011).
Monitoring actif influenza aviaire des oiseaux sauvages en Belgique, année 2010.
Bruxelles, Rapport à l’AFSCA. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Englert, S, Poncin, O, Van de Walle, A, and Loneux, M (2011).
Belgisch Ringwerk. Overzicht van de in 2011 uitgevoerde activiteiten in België.
Brussel, Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. 51 pagina’s. ed.

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