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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Limbourg, P (2011).
Contribution to the knowledge of the Afrotropical Rutelinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 147:155-172.

Limbourg, P and Coache, A (2011).
Contribution à l'étude des Rutelinae du Sénégal II (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 147:235-238.

Lin, M, Drumont, A, and Saltin, J (2011).
Vietetropis viridis Komiya, 1997 newly record from Guangxi province in southern China, with a known distribution map (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Anacolini)
Lambillionea, CXI(2):171-172.

Losey, R, Bazaliiskii, V, Garvie-Lok, S, Germonpré, M, Leonard, J, Allen, A, Katzenberg, M, and Sablin, M (2011).
Canids as persons: Early Neolithic dog and wolf burials, Cis-Baikal, Siberia
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 30:174-189.

Louette, M, Herremans, M, Nagy, ZT, de Roland, LR, Jordaens, K, Van Houdt, J, Sonet, G, and Breman, FC (2011).
The Francesʼ Sparrowhawk Accipiter francesiae (Aves: Accipitridae) radiation on the Comoro islands
Bonner Zoologische Monographien, 57:133 - 143.

M., G, O., G, Ph., W, Ph., D, L., L, V., H, and A., B (2011).
Multi-scale Mineralogical Characterization of the Mediterranean Hypercalcified Sponge Petrobiona massiliana (Porifera, Calcarea, Calcaronea)
Journal of Structural Biology, 176:315-329.

M., G, P., G, Ph., D, and Ph., W (2011).
Seasonal modifications and morphogenesis of the hypercalcified sponge Petrobiona massiliana (Calcarea, Calcaronea)
Invertebrate Biology, 130(3):193-210.

Maricq, N and Piessens, K (2011).
Requirements for Geo-energy and Mineral Resources Data Delivery at European and National Users’ Levels
EuroGeoSource report.

Maricq, N and Piessens, K (2011).
Requirements for geo-energy and mineral resources data delivery at European and national users’ levels
Final report of WP2 of the EurogeoSource project, Final report.

Martens, C, Bonamie, G, Hans De Blauwe, Dekoninck, W, Lodewyckx, M, Mertens, G, Ravoet, J, Snyers, C, and Malderen, M (2011).
Verslag van de KBVE-excursie in het Madegemveld op 4 juni 2011

Martens, C, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (2011).
Muscidae and Syrphidae (Diptera) collected by window-trapping at the IJzer estuary (Belgian Coast)
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 147:225-232.

Martens, K and Savatenalinton, S (2011).
A subjective checklist of the Recent, free-living, non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea)
Zootaxa, 1855:1-79.

Martin, P (2011).
Journées annuelles 2010 : « La Biodiversité a-t-elle besoin de la Systématique ? ». Compte rendu des journées
Bulletin de la Société française de Systématique, 45/46:10-11.

Meleg, IN, Fiers, F, and Moldovan, OT (2011).
Assessing copepod (Crustacea: Copepoda) species richness at different spatial scales in northwestern Romanian caves.
Subterranean Biology, 9:103-112.

Meleg, IN, Moldovan, OT, Iepure, S, Fiers, F, and Brad, T (2011).
Diversity patterns of fauna in dripping water of caves from Transylvania.
Annales de Limnologie, 47(2):185-197.

Menson, B, Persoglia, S, Piessens, K, Korre, A, Ehinger, A, and Fallus, G (2011).
Website hosting the knowledge repository database
CGS Europe.

Meylemans, E, Jacops, J, Bogemans, F, Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Perdaen, Y, Storme, A, Vanmontfort, B, and Van Neer, W (2011).
Evaluatieonderzoek van een steentijd- en vroege bronstijdsite in Mechelen-Zennegat (Antwerpen, B)
Notae Praehistoricae, 31:239-251.

Morsi, AM, Speijer, RP, Stassen, P, and Steurbaut, E (2011).
Shallow marine ostracode turnover in response to environmental changes during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in northwest Tunisia.
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 59(2-3):243-268.

Mottequin, B, Coen-Aubert, M, and Poty, E (2011).
The Belgian collections of fossil Cnidaria and Porifera
Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 19:111-112.

Mucharim, A, Samyn, Y, Changlom, B, and Sukkasem, W (2011).
First record of the Apodid Sea Cucumber Anapta gracilis Semper, 1868 (Holothuroidea: Synaptidae) in the Gulf of Thailand.
The Thailand National History Museum Journal, 5:1-5.

Naglis, S and Grootaert, P (2011).
A remarkable new species of Rhaphium Meigen (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Sri Lanka
Zootaxa, 2991:44-48.

Naglis, S, Grootaert, P, and Wei, L (2011).
Srilankamyia - a new dolichopodine genus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae).
Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara, Miscellaneous Papers, 155:1-7.

Nagy, Z, Sonet, G, Glaw, F, and Vences, M (2011).
DNA barcoding of reptiles: practical aspects
In: Book of abstracts of the Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28 November – 3 December 2011, pp. 234.

Nechad, B, Alvera-Azcarate, A, Ruddick, K, and Greenwood, N (2011).
Reconstruction of MODIS total suspended matter time series maps by DINEOF and validation with autonomous platform data
OCEAN DYNAMICS, 61(8):1205-1214.

Nevado, B, Fazalova, V, Backeljau, T, Hanssens, M, and Verheyen, E (2011).
Repeated unidirectional introgression of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA between four congeneric Tanganyikan cichlids.
Molecular biology and evolution, 28(8):2253–2267.

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