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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Pedram, M, Pourjam, E, Robbins, RT, Ye, W, Atighi, MR, and Decraemer, W (2012).
Morphological and molecular characterisation of Xiphinema mazandaranense n.sp. (Dorylaimida: Longidoridae), a new member of the Xiphinema pyrenaicum species complex
Nematology, 14(1):109-119.

Peeters, M (2012).
Stuurgroep Biodiversiteitsverdrag. Verslag van de 66ste vergadering
Miscellaneous publication, Meeting Report.

Peeters, M (2012).
Vier seizoenale nieuwsbrieven met nieuwsjes en tips inzake biodiversiteit in het kader van de campagne ‘Ik geef leven aan mijn planeet’

Peeters, M (2012).
Communiqué de presse à l’occasion du 22 mai 2012 / Perscommuniqué 22 mei 2012

Peeters, M (2012).
La mer du Nord belge – Une eau vive ! Biodiversité et Natura 2000 dans la partie belge de la mer du Nord
Miscellaneous publication, Brochure de Service public fédéral Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire et Environnement.

Peeters, M (2012).
Belgische Noordzee – Levend water! Biodiversiteit en Natura 2000 in het Belgische deel van de Noordzee.
Miscellaneous publication, Brochure Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu.

Petitclerc, E and Dusar, M (2012).
Belgian geological data for deep geothermal energy.
In: GeoElec Workshop 2012.

Petitclerc, E, Vanbrabant, Y, Declercq, P, and Goemaere, E (2012).
Geothermal resources assessment methodology in Wallonia (Belgium).
In: Abstract 4th Geologica Belgica International Meeting.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, Beudels-Jamar, R, Haurez, B, and Doucet, J (2012).
Directed seed dispersal by western lowland gorillas (G. g. gorilla) at nest sites in Southeast Cameroon: implications for regeneration of logged forests
Primate Tidings, 27.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, Beudels-Jamar, R, Haurez, B, and Doucet, J (2012).
Plant-animal mutualistic interaction: the case of the Uapaca trees and the western lowland gorilla (G. g. gorilla)
Primate Tidings, 27.

Pieri, V, Martens, K, and Schoen, I (2012).
Cryptic diversity in ancient lakes: the Cytherissa flock (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Lake Baikal (Siberia)
VI Convegno degli Ostracodologi Italiani:37-38.

Pieri, V, Martens, K, and Schön, I (2012).
Cryptic diversity in ancient lakes: the Cytherissa flock (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Lake Baikal (Siberia)
In: Abstract band of the VI Convegno degli Ostracodologi Italiani, pp. 37-38, Convegno degli Ostracodologi Italiani.

Piessens, K (2012).
Geologists at the centre of CCS research in Europe - Introduction by the EFG Panel of Experts on the Geological Storage of CO2
European Geologist(33):6-8.

Piessens, K (2012).
Converting abandoned coal mines into pumped-storage hydroelectric power stations
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 254.

Piessens, K, Compernolle, T, Janssens, R, and Welkenhuysen, K (2012).
The role of CCS in the greenhouse gas mitigation portfolio of Kazakhstan
In: CCS-Renewables symposium, pp. 5p.

Piessens, K, Ek, C, Godissart, J, Welkenhuysen, K, and Janssens, R (2012).
Implications of increasing subsurface concentrations of CO2 since 1966 as evidenced from measurements in caves on the monitoring programs for the detection of leakage from geological storage sites for CO2
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 255.

Piessens, K, Schlömer, S, Möller, I, Welkenhuysen, K, and Janssens, R (2012).
Natural CO2 releases of geogenic origin: Cross-border comparison (Belgium-Germany) for selected emission locations
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 256.

Piessens, K, Welkenhuysen, K, Laenen, B, Ferket, H, Nijs, W, Duerinck, J, Cochez, E, Mathieu, P, Valentiny, D, Dupont, N, and Hendriks, C (2012).
Policy Support System for Carbon Capture and Storage and Collaboration between Belgium-the Netherlands “PSS-CCS”, Final report
Belgian Science Policy, Avenue Louise 231, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium. Research Programme Science for a Sustainable Development.

Pigière, F (2012).
L’étude archéozoologique du cimetière Bas-Empire de Vieuxville.
IRSNB, Rapport final d’étude pour le Service Public de Wallonie-DGO4-Département du Patrimoine.

Pigière, F (2012).
Etude archéozoologique du sanctuaire romain de Jupille (Liège).
IRSNB, Rapport final d’étude pour le Service Public de Wallonie-DGO4-Département du Patrimoine.

Pigière, F (2012).
Etude archéozoologique de la villa romaine de Jodoigne/Dongelberg (Brabant).
IRSNB, Rapport final d’étude pour le Service Public de Wallonie-DGO4-Département du Patrimoine.

Pigière, F (2012).
La faune
In: La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Tournai. L’archéologie du site et des monuments anciens. Mobiliers, archéozoologie et anthropologie, sépultures épiscopales, ed. by Raymond Brulet. SPW/DGO4, vol. 29, chap. 21, pp. 168-203. Etudes et Documents, Archéologie. (ISBN: 978-2-87522-089-9).

Pigière, F and Henrotay, D (2012).
Camels in the northern Provinces of the Roman Empire
Journal of Archaeological Science, 39:1531-1539.

Pigière, F and Wouters, W (2012).
Merbes-le-Château/Labuissière : La faune de la villa romaine du “Champ de Saint-Eloi” à Merbes-le-Château
Chronique de l’Archéologie wallonne, 19:72-73.

Pigière, F, Van Neer, W, Ansieau, C, and Denis, M (2012).
L’introduction du cobaye en Europe peu après la conquête de l’Amérique: apport des données archéozoologiques provenant de la ville de Mons
La Lettre du Patrimoine, 26:6.

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