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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

DEJONGHE, L (2015).
Wibrin-Houffalize 60/3-4.
Carte géologique de Wallonie à 1:25000.

Dekoninck, W (2015).
Impactstudie en risicoanalyse van de “plaagmier” Lasius neglectus te Bonheiden. Rapport ENT 2015/01

First records of a supercolonial species of the Tapinoma nigerrimum complex in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 151:206-209.

Dekoninck, W, Parmentier, T, and Seifert, B (2015).
First records of a supercolonial species of the Tapionoma nigerrimum complex in Belgium (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale Belge d’entomologie, 151:206-209.

Dekoninck, W, Parmentier, T, Casteels, J, Wegnez, P, and Vankerkhoven, F (2015).
Recente waarnemingen van de glanzende gastmier Formicoxenus nitidulus (Nylander, 1846) in Vlaanderen (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Faune de Belgique, 151:15-17.

Eerste waarnemingen van de sneeuwvlo Boreus hyemalis (Linnaeus, 1767) voor West-Vlaanderen: een zeldzame soort of een soort die zelden wordt waargenomen? (Mecoptera: Boreidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 151:134-139.

Dekoninck, W, Vankerkvoorde, M, and Van Nieuwenhyse, L (2015).
Eerste waarnemingen van de sneeuwvlo Boreus hyemalis (Linnaeus, 1767) voor West-Vlaanderen: een zeldzame soort of een soort die zelden wordt waargenomen? (Mecoptera: Boreidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 151:134-139.

Delerue-Ricard, S, Barbut, L, Coscia, I, Lacroix, G, Vanden Bavière, A, Robbens, J, and Volckaert, F (2015).
Where are sole larvae and juveniles arriving at the Belgium coast coming from?
In: ICES Annual Sciences Conference (ASC2015) (Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25/09/ 2015).

Delerue-Ricard, S, Barbut, L, Coscia, I, Lacroix, G, Vanden Bavière, A, Robbens, J, and Volckaert, F (2015).
Genomic traceability of juvenile stages of flatfish: the case of the Belgian sole nursery
In: Annual meeting GdR MarCo (Montpellier, France, 16-18/09/2015).

Delerue-Ricard, S, Barbut, L, Vanden Bavière, A, Coscia, I, Robbens, J, Lacroix, G, and Volckaert, FA (2015).
Connectivity and genetic structure of flatfish for fisheries management and traceability in Belgium.
In: Book of abstracts. VLIZ young marine scientists' day. Brugge, 20 February 2015, pp. 55. VLIZ Special publication 71.

Delsinne, T, Sonet, G, and Donoso, D (2015).
Two new species of Leptanilloides Mann, 1823 (Formicidae: Dorylinae) from the Andes of southern Ecuador
European Journal of Taxonomy, 143:1 - 35.

Denayer, J and Mottequin, B (2015).
Middle and Upper Devonian Events in Belgium: review and new insights
In: IGCP 596-SDS symposium (Brussels, September 20-22, 2015), ed. by Mottequin, B. et al.. Abstracts. STRATA, Communications, chap. 16, pp. 40-42.

Denayer, J, Mottequin, B, and Poty, E (2015).
A Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) silicified brachiopod-coral fauna from South Belgium
In: GUTech Geoscience Conference Publication, pp. 33, 12th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria and Porifera.

Denayer, J, Mottequin, B, and Prestianni, C (2015).
IGCP 596-SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium.
STRATA, Communications, vol. 17.

Denayer, J, Mottequin, B, Dreesen, R, Marion, J, Olive, S, and Prestianni, C (2015).
The Famennian succession: marine, continental and reefal facies in the Dinant Synclinorium and Vesdre area
In: IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium, ed. by Denayer J., Mottequin B. & Prestianni C. . STRATA, Communications, chap. 17, pp. 46-58.

Denayer, J, Mottequin, B, Marion, J, Devleeschouwer, X, and Prestianni, C (2015).
The Middle Devonian succession in the Dinant Synclinorium
In: IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium, ed. by Denayer J., Mottequin B. & Prestianni C.. STRATA, Communications, chap. 17, pp. 3-23.

Denayer, J, Prestianni, C, Sautois, M, Poty, E, and Mottequin, B (2015).
The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary and the Lower Carboniferous succession in the type area
In: IGCP 596–SDS Symposium, Field Guides: The Devonian and Lower Carboniferous successions in southern Belgium, ed. by Denayer J., Mottequin B. & Prestianni C.. STRATA, Communications, chap. 17, pp. 59-81.

Denise, B and Bernard, M (2015).
New insights on Uppermost Famennian brachiopods from north-western France (Avesnois).
STRATA, série 1, communications, 16:23-24.

Denise, B and Bernard, M (2015).
New insights on Uppermost Famennian brachiopods from north-western France (Avesnois)
In: IGCP 596-SDS symposium (Brussels, September 20-22, 2015) – Abstracts., ed. by Mottequin, B., Denayer, J., Königshof, P., Prestianni, C. & Olive, S., vol. 16, pp. 23-24.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speijer, RP (2015).
Early Eocene environmental development in the northern Peri-Tethys (Aktulagay, Kazakhstan) based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes (O, C).
Marine Micropaleontology, 115:59-71.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speijer, RR (2015).
Benthic foraminiferal and isotopic patterns during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Aktulagay section, Kazakhstan).
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 17, pp. Abstract No. EGU2015-9647., EGU General Assembly.

Deru, X, Thiébaux, A, Picavet, P, and Goemaere, E (2015).
La villa des Trois Haies à Heure-le-Tixhe (Diets-Heur, Tongeren). Les sondages de Xavier Debras.
Vie Archéologique. Bulletin de la Fédération des Archéologues de Wallonie et de Bruxelles asbl, 73:115-147.

Derycke, S, Herten, K, Van Steenberge, M, Jos, S, Van Houdt, J, Kéver, L, Parmentier, E, Poncin, P, and Verheyen, E (2015).
Speciation genomics of Ophthalmotilapia species from Lake Tanganyika
vol. Abstract book - Cichlid Science meeting 2015 in Graz, 6-9 September 2015, page 136.

Desmit, X, Lacroix, G, Duliere, V, Lancelot, C, Gypens, N, Ménesguen, A, Thouvenin, B, Dussauze, M, Billen, G, Garnier, J, Thieu, V, Silvestre, M, Passy, P, Lassaletta, L, Guittard, G, Théry, S, Neves, R, Campuzano, F, Garcia, AC, Pinto, L, Sobrinho, J, Mateus, M, and Ascione Kenov, I (2015).
Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM). Final report. 174p.
RBINS, Final scientific report, contract SD/ER/11.

Desmit, X, Lacroix, G, Duliere, V, Thieu, V, Silvestre, M, Billen, G, Garnier, J, Gypens, N, Lancelot, C, Campuzano, F, Sobrinho, J, Ménesguen, A, Thouvenin, B, Dussauze, M, Neves, R, Lenhart, H, Los, H, Troost, T, and van der Molen, J (2015).
Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM)
In: IMBER IMBIZO IV (Trieste, Italy, 26-30 October 2015).

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