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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Prévot, V, Jordaens, K, and Backeljau, T (2013).
Characterization of the colonising Decollate Snail, Rumina decollata (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora)
In: The Malacologist, vol. 60, pp. 9.

Prévot, V, Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, and Backeljau, T (2013).
Exploring species level taxonomy and species delimitation methods in the facultatively self-fertilizing land snail genus Rumina (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)
PLoS ONE, 8(4):e60736.

Prévot, V, Jordaens, K, Van Houtte, N, Sonet, G, Janssens, K, Castilho, R, and Backeljau, T (2013).
Taxonomic and population genetic re-interpretation of two color morphs of the decollate snail, Rumina decollata (Mollusca, Pulmonata) in southern France
Genetica, 141:281-292.

Quintelier, K (2013).
Onderzoek van de menselijke skeletresten aangetroffen in de voormalige Sint-Niklaaskerk te Neder-over-Heembeek
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Technical report for the Brussels Capital Region.

Quintelier, K (2013).
Archeo-antropologisch onderzoek van het verstoorde menselijk beendermateriaal van het Flageyplein (IX03): Voorlopige resultaten
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Technical report for the Brussels Capital Region.

Quintelier, K (2013).
Het gebruik van zwavelisotopen als indicator voor het paleodieet in het postmiddeleeuwse arme klarenklooster te Brussel
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Technical report for the Brussels Capital Region.

Quintelier, K (2013).
Onderzoek van de menselijke resten aangetroffen in de Rue du Chapelain
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Technical report for the Brussels Capital Region.

Rabaut, M, Audfroid Calderon, M, Van De Moortel, L, Van Dalfsen, J, Vincx, M, Degraer, S, and Desroy, N (2013).
The role of structuring benthos for juvenile flatfish.
Journal of Sea Research, 84:70-76.

Rabaut, M, Audfroid Calderon, M, Van de Moortel, L, van Dalfsen, J, Vincx, M, Degraer, S, and Desroy, N (2013).
The role of structuring benthos for juvenile flatfish
Journal of Sea Research, 84:70-76.

Raheem, D, Naggs, F, Wade, C, and Backeljau, T (2013).
Species diversification in the south Asian land-snail genus Corilla (Plectopyloidea: Corillidae)
In: Açoreana, Suplemento 8, pp. 78.

Rana, RS, Augé, M, Folie, A, Rose, KD, Kumar, K, Singh, L, Sahni, A, and Smith, T (2013).
High diversity of acrodontan lizards in the Early Eocene Vastan Lignite Mine of India
Geologica Belgica, 16(4):290-301.

Reubens, J, Braeckman, U, Vanaverbeke, J, Van Colen, C, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Aggregation at windmill artificial reefs: CPUE of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and pouting (Trisopterus luscus) at different habitats in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Fisheries Research, 139:28-34.

Reubens, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Offshore wind farms significantly alter fish community structure - Aggregation of Atlantic cod and pouting

Reubens, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Acoustically tagging Atlantic cod - the silver bullet to investigate behaviour?

Reubens, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Offshore wind farms as productive sites or ecological traps for gadoid fishes? - Impact on growth, condition index and diet composition.
Marine Environmental Research, 90:66-74.

Reubens, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Residency, site fidelity and habitat use of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at an offshore wind farm using acoustic telemetry.
Marine Environmental Research, 90:128-135.

Richard, J, Waelkens, M, De Cupere, B, and Marinova, E (2013).
Het Macellum. Vlees op bestelling
In: Sagalassos - Jaarboek 2013. Vijfentwintig jaar graven. De onerzoeks- en opgravingscampagne van 2013., ed. by M. Waelkens en het Sagalassos Team. Peeters, Leuven, chap. II.2., pp. 38-51.

Robbens, J, Derveaux, S, Hostens, K, Fockedey, N, Kerckhof, F, Degraer, S, De Troch, M, and Vincx, M (2013).
Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic.

Roessler, D, Kielgast, J, Bell, R, Greenbaum, E, Dehling, M, Gvozdik, V, Nagy, Z, Conradie, W, McLaughlin, P, Mueller, S, Burger, M, and Loetters, S (2013).
Frog biogeography and evolution in the Congo Basin: some preliminary insight
In: 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprem, Hungary, Programme & Abstracts, pp. 286.

Roisin, Y, Bourguignon, T, and Leponce, M (2013).
Nutrient recycling starts in the canopy: the secretive action of termites.
In: Treetops at Risk - global conservation and ecology of forest canopies, ed. by Lowman, Margaret and Devy, Soubadra and Ganesh, T., pp. 444, Springer Verlag.

Roisin, Y, Bourguignon, T, and Leponce, M (2013).
Nutrient Recycling Starts in the Canopy: The Secretive Action of Termites
In: Treetops at Risk Challenges of Global Canopy Ecology and Conservation, ed. by Lowman, M.; Devy, S.; Ganesh, T.;. Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London, chap. 44, pp. 415-421.

Rolan, E and Swinnen, F (2013).
A new Circulus species (Gastropoda, Rissoidea) from Senegal
Gloria Maris, 52:58-61.

Rose, KD, Kumar, K, Rana, RS, Sahni, A, and Smith, T (2013).
New Hypsodont Tillodont (Mammalia, Tillodontia) from the Early Eocene of India
Journal of Paleontology, 87(5):842-853.

Rougier, H, Crevecoeur, I, Beauval, C, Flas, D, Bocherens, H, Wissing, C, Germonpré, M, Semal, P, and van der Plicht, J (2013).
The First Upper Paleolithic Human Remains from Belgium: Aurignacian, Gravettian, and Magdalenian Fossils at the “Troisième caverne” of Goyet
In: PaleoAnthropology 2013, pp. A33.

Rozenfeld, S, Dmitriev, A, Bulteau, V, and Vangeluwe, D (2013).
News about the Red-breasted Geese (Branta ruficollis) and other anseriforms in the basins of the Zakharova Rassokha and Novaya Rivers (Southeastern Taimyr).
Casarca , 16:158-168.

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