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Kenneth D Rose, Kishor Kumar, Rajendra S Rana, Ashok Sahni, and Thierry Smith (2013)

New Hypsodont Tillodont (Mammalia, Tillodontia) from the Early Eocene of India

Journal of Paleontology, 87(5):842-853.

A new tillodont, Anthraconyx hypsomylus, n. gen. n. sp., is described from the early Eocene Cambay Shale Formation at Vastan Lignite Mine, Gujarat, India. Anthraconyx hypsomylus is the smallest Eocene tillodont and is distinguished by having the most buccally hypsodont cheek teeth of any known esthonychine. The closest dental resemblances are to North American Esthonyx and Azygonyx and European Plesiesthonyx, providing further evidence of affinities between the Vastan local fauna and Euroamerican vertebrate faunas.
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