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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Kyriazi, Z, Maes, F, Rabaut, M, Vincx, M, and Degraer, S (2013).
The integration of nature conservation into the marine spatial planning process.
Marine Policy, 38:133-139.

Lacroix, G, Billen, G, Desmit, X, Duliere, V, Garnier, J, Gypens, N, Lancelot, C, Lenhart, H, Los, H, Mateus, M, Ménesguen, A, Neves, R, Thieu, V, Troost, T, and Vander Molen, J (2013).
Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM). In: "Estuaries and Coastal areas in times of intense change (ECSA53)", Shanghai (China), 13-17 October 2013.

Lacroix, G, Billen, G, Desmit, X, Garnier, J, Gypens, N, Lancelot, C, Lenhart, H, Ménesguen, A, Los, H, Mateus, M, Neves, R, Thieu, V, Troost, T, and Van Der Molen, J (2013).
Ecosystem Models as support to eutrophication management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM). In: "European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly", Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April 2013.

Lacroix, G, Duliere, V, Desmit, X, Lancelot, C, Gypens, N, Menesgues, A, Thouvenin, B, Dussauze, M, Billen, G, Garnier, J, Thieu, V, Silvestre, M, Passy, P, Lassaletta, L, Guittard, G, Théry, S, Neves, R, Mateus, M, Sobrinho, J, Ascione Kenov, I, Garcia, AC, and Lenhart, H (2013).
Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management in the North Atlantic Ocean (EMOSEM), Annual Scientific Report for the period 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013, 54p.
RBINS, Annual scientific report, contract SD/ER/11 (year#1).

Lacroix, G, Maes, GE, Bolle, LJ, and Volckaert, FA (2013).
Modelling dispersal dynamics of the early life stages of a marine flatfish (Solea solea L.).
Journal of Sea Research, 84:13-25.

Lacroix, G, Van der Zande, D, Maes, GE, and Volckaert, FA (2013).
Impact of projected wind and temperature changes on larval recruitment of sole in the Southern North Sea.
In: Annual Sciences Conference (ASC2013)", Reykjavik (Islande), 23-27 September 2013.

Lambert, O and de Muizon, C (2013).
A new long-snouted species of the Miocene pontoporiid dolphin Brachydelphis and a review of the Mio-Pliocene marine mammal levels in the Sacaco Basin, Peru
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 33(3):709-721.

Lambert, O, Bianucci, G, and de Muizon, C (2013).
A new archaic shark-toothed dolphin from the late Oligocene-early Miocene of Peru
Supplement to the online Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. October, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Lambert, O, Bosselaers, M, Verbouw, J, and Goolaerts, S (2013).
Découverte d'une baleine fossile à Doel

Lambert, O, Bosselaers, M, Verbouw, J, and Goolaerts, S (2013).
Ontdekking van een fossiele walvis in Doel

Lambert, O, Bosselaers, M, Verbouw, J, Degueldre, C, and Goolaerts, S (2013).
Een fossiele walvis opgegraven in de bouwput van de Deurganckdoksluis
Spirifer, 37(4):9-12.

Lambert, O, de Muizon, C, and Bianucci, G (2013).
The most basal beaked whale Ninoziphius platyrostris Muizon, 1983: clues on the evolutionary history of the family Ziphiidae (Cetacea: Odontoceti)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 167:569-598.

Landman, NN, Goolaerts, S, Jagt, JW, Jagt-Yazikova, EA, and Machalski, M (2013).
Ammonites on the brink of extinction: diversity, abundance, and geographic range of the Order Ammonoidea at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) Boundary
In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 45(7), pp. 91.

Laudisoit, A, Falay, D, Dudu, A, Patersson, C, Chantrey, J, Amundala, N, Vanhoutte, N, Gouy de Bellocq, J, Reese, S, Brian, I, O'Donnell, A, Piccardeau, M, Wollants, E, Van Ranst, M, Lemey, P, Drexler, F, Drosten, C, Gryseels, S, Leirs, H, and Verheyen, E (2013).
Microdiversity inside macrobiodiversity: Zoonotic risk along the Congo river
vol. Abstract book - International workshop "Bats, small mammals and infectious agents" (Saint-Denis, Reunion Island November 4-5, 2013) p. 5-6.

Lauters, P (2013).
Structure générale et évolution du cerveau chez les dinosaures ornithischiens
PhD thesis, Université libre de Bruxelles.

Lauters, P, Godefroit, P, and Vercauteren, M (2013).
What can we learn from the brain of ornithopod dinosaurs?
The 61st Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, SVPCA.

Lauters, P, Vercauteren, M, Bolotsky, Y, and Godefroit, P (2013).
Cranial Endocast of the Lambeosaurine Hadrosaurid Amurosaurus riabinini from the Amur Region, Russia
PLoS ONE, 8(11):e78899.

Lays, P, Drumont, A, Verhoeyen, K, and Fagot, J (2013).
Nouvelles observations faunistiques de Gaurotes (Carilia) virginea (L. 1758) en Belgique (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Lepturinae)
Entomologie Faunistique, 66:69-76.

Lecointre, G, Améziane, N, Boisselier, M, Bonillo, C, Busson, F, Causse, R, Chenuil, A, Couloux, A, Coutanceau, J, Cruaud, C, d'Udekem d'Acoz, C, De Ridder, C, Denys, G, Dettaï, A, Duhamel, G, Eléaume, M, Féral, J, Gallut, C, Havermans, C, Held, C, Hemery, L, Lautrédou, A, Martin, P, Ozouf-Costaz, C, Pierrat, B, Pruvost, P, Puillandre, N, Samadi, S, Saucède, T, Schubart, C, and David, B (2013).
Is the Species Flock Concept Operational? The Antarctic Shelf Case
PLoS ONE, 8(8):e68787.

Leponce, M, Delabie, J, Da Rocha, W, do Nascimento, I, Carmo, A, Orivel, J, Corbara, B, Ribeiro, S, Campos, R, Didham, R, Schmidl, J, Basset, Y, and Dejean, A (2013).
Intensive ant biotic surveys: lessons from IBISCA-Panama and new perspectives.
In: XXI simposio Mirmecologia, Fortaleza, 1-5 Dec. 2013.

Liberloo, M, Stassen, E, Jonckheere, F, and Dekoninck, W (2013).
(Functionele) agro-biodiversiteit: een verrassende kijk op landbouw en natuur
Natuur.Focus, 12(1):24-32.

Limbourg, P (2013).
Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Rutelinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 148:226-244.

Linoir, D, Walter-Simonnet, A, Court-Picon, M, Bossuet, G, Simonnet, J, and de Beaulieu, J (2013).
In: 19ème congrès du GMPCA à Caen (France).

Linse, K, Griffiths, HJ, Barnes, DKA, Brandt, A, Davey, N, David, B, De Grave, S, d'Udekem d'Acoz, C, Eléaume, M, Glover, A, Hemery, L, Mah, C, Martin-Ledo, R, Munilla, T, O'loughlin, M, Pierrat, B, Saucède, T, Sands, C, Strugnell, J, and Enderlein, P (2013).
The macro- and megabenthic fauna on the continental shelf of the eastern Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Continental Shelf Research, 68:80-90.

Linseele, V (2013).
From first stock keepers to specialised pastoralists in the West African savannah
In: Pastoralism in Africa: Past, Present and Future, ed. by Bollig, M., Schnegg, M., Wotzka, H.-P.. Berghan Books, New York, Oxford, chap. 5, pp. 145-170.

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