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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

De Meester, N, Derycke, S, Rigaux, A, and Moens, T (2015).
Active dispersal is differentially affected by inter- and intraspecific competition in closely related nematode species
Oikos, 124:561-570.

De Meester, N, Dos Santos, G, Rigaux, A, Valdes Vazquez, Y, Derycke, S, and Moens, T (2015).
Daily temperature fluctuations alter interactions between closely related species of marine nematodes
PLoS ONE, 10(7).

De Mesel, I, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Rumes, B, and Degraer, S (2015).
Succession and seasonal dynamics of the epifauna community on offshore wind farm foundations and their role as stepping stones for non-indigenous species
Hydrobiologia, 756:37-50.

Debusschere, E, Blom, L, Botteldooren, D, De Boeck, G, De Coensel, B, De Jong, C, Hostens, K, Kumar Sinha, A, Vandendriessche, S, Vercauteren, M, Vincx, M, Wessels, P, and Degraer, S (2015).
A comprehensive study to assess the impact of impulsive sound on juvenile sea bass
In: Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day., ed. by Mees, J. et al.. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), vol. 71, chap. N/A, pp. 52. VLIZ Special Publication.

Debusschere, E, Hostens, K, Adriaens, D, Ampe, B, Botteldooren, D, De Boeck, G, De Muynck, A, Kumar Sinha, A, Vandendriessche, S, Van Hoorebeke, L, Vincx, M, and Degraer, S (2015).
Acoustic stress responses in juvenile sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax induced by offshore pile driving
Environmental Pollution.

Decleer, K, Maes, D, Van Calster, H, Jansen, I, Pollet, M, Dekoninck, W, Baert, L, Grootaert, P, Van Diggelen, R, and Bonte, D (2015).
Importance of core and linear marsh elements for wetland arthropod diversity in an agricultural landscape
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5(4):298-301.

Declercq, P and Dusar, M (2015).
Subsidentie langs de Misweg te Zussen, Gemeente Riemst, als gevolg van ondergrondse kalksteenontginning: Waarnemingen op basis van PSiNSAR Radar Interferometrie.
Belgische Geologische Dienst, Technical Report(Maart 2015).

Declercq, P, Walstra, J, Devleeschouwer, X, and Goemaere, E (2015).
Cartography of the Belgian monuments at risk via PSI analysis of the ground movements, the GEPATAR project
In: Abstract Book of FRINGE 2015, pp. 246, ESA.

Decombeix, A, Galtier, J, and Prestianni, C (2015).
The Early Carboniferous progymnosperm Protopitys: new data on vegetative and fertile structures, and on its geographic and stratigraphic distribution
Historical Biology, 27(3-4):345-354.

Decraemer, W and Backeljau, T (2015).
Utility of Classical a-Taxonomy for Biodiversity of Aquatic Nematodes
Journal of Nematology, 47:1-10.

Decraemer, W, Palomares-Rius, J, Cantalapiedra, C, Castillo, P, and Subbotin, S (2015).
The virus vector family Trichodoridae (Nematoda), a source of many unknown cryptic species
11th International nematological Symposium. Nematodes and Ecdysozoa, Cheboksary, Russia (ISBN: 978-5-903462-40-7).

Decraemer, W, Palomares-Rius, J, Cantalpiedra, C, and Castillo, P (2015).
Integrated taxonomic studies highlight the virus vector family Trichodoridae as a source of many unknown cryptic species
In: Abstract book of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, ed. by ONTA, pp. ONTA-03.

Decrée, S, Boulvais, P, Cobert, C, Baele, j, Gardien, V, Tack, L, and Demaiffe, D (2015).
Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic (C and O) characterization of a complex (REE and HFSE) mineralized system related to the Matongo carbonatite (Burundi)
Precambrian Research, 269:281-295.

Deforce, K and Haneca, K (2015).
Tree-ring analysis of archaeological charcoal as a tool to identify past woodland management: The case from a 14th century site from Oudenaarde (Belgium)
Quaternary International, 366:70-80.

Deforce, K, Pigière, F, Polet, C, CEREZO-ROMAN, J, Hanut, F, HURT, V, Udrescu, M, and Van Neer, W (2015).
Etudes bioarchéologiques de la nécropole à incinération romaine de Messancy (Province de Luxembourg)
SPW Editions Journées d’Archéologie en Wallonnie, Rochefort 2015, pré-actes.

Deforce, K, Van Hove, M, and Willems, D (2015).
Analysis of pollen and intestinal parasite eggs from medieval graves from Nivelles, Belgium: taphonomy of the burial ritual
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 4:596-604.

Degraer, S, Hostens, K, Provoost, S, Stienen, E, Vanaverbeke, J, and Pirlet, H (2015).
Natuur en milieu.
In: Compendium voor Kust en Zee 2015: Een geïntegreerd kennisdocument over de socio-economische, ecologische en institutionele aspecten van de kust en zee in Vlaanderen en België. , ed. by Pirlet, H., Verleye, T., Lescrauwaet, A.K., Mees, J. . Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), Oostende, vol. 2, chap. 1, pp. 57-76. (ISBN: 978-94-92043-17-7).

Degraer, S, Vigin, L, and Brabant, R (2015).
Degraer, S., Vigin, L., Brabant, R., (Eds), 2015. WinMon Outreach 2005-2015. MARECO report 15/02. 35 pp.

Degraer, S, Vigin, L, and Brabant, R (2015).
Degraer, S., Vigin, L., Brabant, R., (Eds), 2015. WinMon Activity Report 2013-2014. MARECO report 15/01. 45 pp.

Dejean, A, Azemar, F, Cereghino, R, Leponce, M, Corbara, B, Orivel, J, and Compin, A (2015).
The dynamics of ant mosaics in tropical rainforests characterized using the Self-Organizing Map algorithm
Insect Sci, . doi:10.1111/1744-7917.12208.

Dejean, A, Corbara, B, Céréghino, R, Leponce, M, Roux, O, Rossi, V, Delabie, J, and Compin, A (2015).
Traits allowing some ant species to nest syntopically with the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima in its native range.
Insect Science., 22:289-294.

Dejean, A, Corbara, B, Céréghino, R, Leponce, M, Roux, O, Rossi, V, Delabie, JHC, and Compin, A (2015).
Traits allowing some ant species to nest syntopically with the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima in its native range
Insect Science, 22:289–294.

Dejean, A, Céréghino, R, Leponce, M, Rossi, V, Roux, O, Compin, A, Delabie, J, and Corbara, B (2015).
The fire ant Solenopsis saevissima and habitat disturbance alter ant communities.
Biological Conservation, 187:145-153.

Dejean, A, Ryder, S, Bolton, B, Compin, A, Leponce, M, Azémar, F, Céréghino, R, Orivel, J, and Corbara, B (2015).
How territoriality and host-tree taxa determine the structure of ant mosaics.
The Science of Nature.

DEJONGHE, L (2015).
Notice explicative de la feuille Wibrin-Houffalize 60/3-4 (carte géologique de Wallonie à l'échelle de 1/25000).
Carte géologique de Wallonie à 1:25000.

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