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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Drumont, A and Bi, W (2013).
Description of a new Sarmydus species from Zixang Autonomous Region in China: Sarmydus cheni sp. nov. (4th Contribution to the study of genus Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Lambillionea, CXIII(3):267-271.

Drumont, A and Do, C (2013).
Description of a new genus and species of the tribe Aegosomatini Thomson, 1861 from Vietnam (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 12:95-107.

Drumont, A and Lelong, J (2013).
Présence de Cantharocnemis (Cantharoplatys) fairmairei Lameere, 1902 au Kenya (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Entomologia Africana, 18(1):48.

Drumont, A and Lin, M (2013).
Note on the occurrence of Spinimegopis nepalensis (Hayashi, 1979) in China (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae)
In: In Memory of Mr. Wenshsin LiN, ed. by Lin, M.-Y. & Chen, C.-C., pp. 7-10, Formosa Ecological Company, Taiwan.

Drumont, A, Do, C, and Bosuang, S (2013).
A new Aegosomatini from Borneo: Aegosoma musaamani n.sp. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 13:113-118.

Drumont, A, Pham, H, and Cao, QN (2013).
Note on the distribution of the genus Aerogrammus Bates, 1875 in Asia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae)
In: In Memory of Mr. Wenshsin LiN, ed. by Lin, M.-Y. & Chen, C.-C., pp. 11-16, Formosa Ecological Company, Taiwan.

Dulière, V, Massmann, S, and Daniel, P (2013).
Drift prediction by models: What influences the uncertainties? Poster presented at the future of operational oceanography (Hamburg, Germany), 8-10 October 2013

Dulière, V, Ovidio, F, and Legrand, S (2013).
Development of an integrated software for forecasting the impacts of accidental oil pollution OSERIT, SD/NS/10, Final Report. Science for a sustainable development (SSD), 60 p
RBINS, Final Report BELSPO.

Dulière, V, Ovidio, F, Vogt, J, and Legrand, S (2013).
The OSERIT drift model and web interface : one year on. Poster presented at the future of operational oceanography (Hamburg, Germany), 8-10 October 2013.

Dulière, V, Zhang, Y, and Salathe, E (2013).
Changes in 20th century extreme temperature and precipitation over the western United States based on observations and regional climate model simulations.
Journal of Climate , 26:8556-8575.

Dunn, R, Rose, K, Kumar, K, and Smith, T (2013).
New primate postcrania from the Eraly Eocene of Vastan Mine, Gujarat, India
In: Abstract of paper, Supplement to the online Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 73rd meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 30 - November 2, 2013, pp. 118.

Dupin, L, Nkono, C, Muhashi, F, Burlet, C, and Vanbrabant, Y (2013).
Land cover fragmentation using multi-temporal remote sensing on major mine sites in southern Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo).
Advances in Remote Sensing, 2(2):127-139.

Dusar, M (2013).
‘Nooit meer business as usual’, de impact van Noël Vandenberghe op de Belgische Geologische Dienst

Dusar, M (2013).
Knack, 11.12.2013:110.

Dusar, M (2013).
Flanders Today, 27.3.2013:7.

Dusar, M, De Ceukelaire, M, Goemaere, E, and Tourneur, F (2013).
EuroGeoSurveys – 34th General Assembly. Geological Excursion along the Meuse River between Namur and Dinant - 21.03.2013 - Guidebook

Dusar, M, Declercq, P, and Piessens, K (2013).
Thermaal water voor Kuuroord Terhills, Maasmechelen : geologisch – mijnbouwhistorisch vooronderzoek
Geological Survey of Belgium, Brussels.

Dusar, M, Piessens, K, and Vandewijngaerde, W (2013).
Black shales in Belgium
In: Gas shales in Belgium? , ed. by Yans, J.; Dusar, M.; Swennen, R.; Delcambre, B.; Cornet, C.; Rippen, D.; Goemaere, E., vol. Namur 11-12 October 2013, pp. 8, Brussels, Geologica Belgica (ISBN: 978-2-9601402-1-7).

Eggermont, H and Verschuren, D (2013).
Chironomid paleoecology in Africa
Elsevier, vol. 1: 361-372, 2nd Edition ed. The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science.

Eggermont, H, Le Roux, X, Balian, E, and Heughebaert, A (2013).
The BiodivERsA database: Analysis of the competitive funding landscape for research on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe
Booklet, Booklet.

Elejalde, MA, Breugelmans, K, Vrijders, H, Jordaens, K, Pearse, JS, Leonard, JL, and Backeljau, T (2013).
Microsatellite markers for analysis of parentage and sexual behavior of banana slugs (Pulmonata: Arionidae: Ariolimax)
In: The Malacologist, vol. 60, pp. 15.

Ereskovsky, A, Lavrov, D, and Willenz, P (2013).
Five New Species of Homoscleromorpha (Porifera) from the Caribbean Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, 94:285-307.

Ervynck, A, De Vuyst, W, Lievois, D, Thieren, E, Ottoni, C, and Van Neer, W (2013).
De poot van de wolf aan de poort van het Steen. Een bijna vergeten museumstuk en het lot van Canis lupus in postmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen
Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent(67):3-27.

Ervynck, A, Van Neer, W, and Monsieur, P (2013).
Garum. Een geil gerechje
Ex situ, 4:84-89.

Ervynck, A, Van Neer, W, Lentacker, A, and Derreumaux, M (2013).
Voedsel en wat daarbij komt kijken
In: Tussen stad en platteland. De Romeinse vici van Vlaams-Brabant, ed. by Degryse H., Biesbrouck B. . Peeters, Leuven, chap. 5, pp. 89-105.

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