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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Van den Eynde, D, Baeye, M, Fettweis, M, Francken, F, Naudts, L, and Van Lancker, V (2014).
Sediment plume monitoring in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. Abstract 2nd Deep Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book. VLIZ Special Publications (ISSN 1377-0950). Gent, Belgium, 10-12/09/2014.

van der Sloot, P, Court-Picon, M, Deforce, K, Goffette, Q, Marchal, J, Pirson, S, and Spagna, P (2014).
Occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques sur le site du Trilogiport, à Hermalle-sous-Argenteau (Oupeye, B). Résultats préliminaires
Notae Praehistoricae, 34:65-95.

Van der Sloot, P, Court-Picon, M, Deforce, K, Goffette, Q, Spagna, P, Pirson, S, and Marchal, J (2014).
Occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques sur le site du Trilogiport, à Hermalle-sous-Argenteau (Oupeye). Résultats préliminaires
In: Université de Liège, Liège, Belgique, Groupe de contact Préhistoire - FNRS 2014.

Van Goethem, J (2014).
Camouflage in Nature
In: Camouflage. Proceedings of the International Congress on Uniforms organized by the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and of Military History in co-operation with ICOMAM (Brussels, 13-15 October 2010), pp. 183-191.

Van Lancker, V (2014).
Monitoring of sediment processes and morphodynamics. Workshop "Basismonitoring Belgische offshore windmolenparken", KBIN, OD Natuur, Brussel, 28-29/10/2014.

Van Lancker, V (2014).
Geïntegreerde opvolging van de milieueffecten van zandwinning in de intensief ontgonnen sectoren. Studiedag Zandwinning "Welke toekomst voor de zandwinning in het Belgische deel van de Noordzee", Blankenberge 20/10/2014.

Van Lancker, V and van Heteren, S (2014).
Zeezand zoeken in de Lage Landen

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, and Van den Eynde, D (2014).
Overview of the Wave Glider data series. Report WAVEGLIDER/X/VVL/201401/EN/ TR01, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, 148 pp.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Evangelinos, D, Francken, F, and Van den Eynde, D (2014).
Monitoring Hinder Banks progress January - July 2014

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Fettweis, M, Francken, F, and Van den Eynde, D (2014).
Monitoring of the impact of the extraction of marine aggregates, in casu sand, in the zone of the Hinder Banks. Report MOZ4-ZAGRI/X/VVL/201401/EN/SR01, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, 384 pp. (9 An

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Fettweis, M, Francken, F, and Van den Eynde, D (2014).
Monitoring of the impact of the extraction of marine aggregates, in casu sand, in the zone of the Hinder Banks. Scientific Report 1 January-December 2013, 276 p.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Francken, F, Van den Eynde, D, Evangelinos, D, De Mesel, I, Kerckhof, F, Van den Branden, R, and Naudts, L (2014).
Working together on innovative monitoring strategies: adapting to nature, huge demands and grand challenges. VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, 7/3/2014, Brugge, Abstract + Poster.

Van Lancker, V, De Mol, L, De Tré, G, Maljers, D, Missiaen, T, Stafleu, J, Van den Eynde, D, and van Heteren, S (2014).
Exploring our marine geological resources in the fifth dimension: About 3D voxels, 4D impact models and uncertainty. GeoHab Conference (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping). Lorne (Australia), 5-9/5/2014.

Van Lancker, V, De Mol, L, De Tré, G, Maljers, D, Missiaen, T, Stafleu, J, Van den Eynde, D, and van Heteren, S (2014).
Exploring our marine geological resources in the fifth dimension: About 3D voxes, 4D impact models and uncertainty. VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, 7/3/2014, Brugge, Abstract + Poster.

Van Lancker, V, Francken, F, Terseleer Lillo, N, Van den Eynde, D, Missiaen, T, Hademenos, V, Der Tré, G, De Mol, R, van Heteren, S, Bakker, M, Maljers, D, Stafleu, J, and De Mol, L (2014).
Interactief beheren van mariene grondstoffen in de zuidelijke Noordzee, een langetermijnperspectief. Studiedag Zandwinning "Welke toekomst voor de zandwinning in het Belgische deel van de Noordzee", Blankenberge, 20/10/2014.

Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, De Mol, L, De Tré, G, Maljers, D, Stafleu, J, van Heteren, S, and Missiaen, T (2014).
Exploring our marine geological resources in the fifth dimension: About 3D voxels, 4D impact models and uncertainty. NCK days 2014, 27-28/3/2014. Delft (NL) UNESCO-IHE.

Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, De Mol, L, De Tré, G, Van Britsom, D, De Mol, R, Missiaen, T, Hademenos, V, Maljers, D, Stafleu, J, and van Heteren, S (2014).
Geological resource management of the future: Drilling down the possibities. Abstract 2nd Deep Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book. VLIZ Special Publications (ISSN 1377-0950). Gent, Belgium, 10-12/09/2014.

Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, De Mol, L, Der Tré, G, Van Britsom, D, De Mol, R, Missiaen, T, Hademenos, V, Maljers, D, Stafleu, J, and van Heteren, S (2014).
Geological resource management of the future : Drilling down the possibilities. Poster presentation 2nd Deep Water Circulation Congress : The contourite Log-book, Gent, Belgium, 10 - 12/09/2014.

Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, De Mol, L, Der Tré, G, Van Britsom, D, De Mol, R, Missiaen, T, Hademenos, V, Maljers, D, Stafleu, J, and van Heteren, S (2014).
Geological resource management of the future : Drilling down the possibilities. Poster 2nd Deep Water Circulation Congress : The contourite Log-book, Gent, Belgium, 10 - 12/09/2014.
RBINS, Poster.

Van Neer, W and De Cupere, B (2014).
For Take Away and Delivery: Food Preparation at HK11C
Nekhen News, 26:22-23.

Van Neer, W, Backeljau, T, and Goffette, Q (2014).
In: "La Description de l'Egypte" de Jean-Jacques Rifaud, ed. by Bruwier M., Claes W., Quertinmont A. . Editions Safran, vol. 16, chap. 2, pp. 143-184. Connaissance de l'Egypte Ancienne. (ISBN: 978-2-87457-076-6).

Van Neer, W, Linseele, V, Friedman, R, and De Cupere, B (2014).
More evidence for cat taming at the Predynastic elite cemetery of Hierakonpolis (Upper Egypt)
Journal of Archaeological Science, 45:103-111.

Van Oosten, A, Heylen, DJ, Jordaens, K, Backeljau, T, and Matthysen, E (2014).
Population genetic structure of the tree-hole tick Ixodes arboricola (Acari: Ixodidae) at different spatial scales
Heredity, 113:408-415.

Van Rampelbergh M, Verheyden S, Allan M, Quinif, Y, Keppens E, and Claeys, P (2014).
Seasonal variations recorded in cave monitoring results and a 10-year monthly resolved speleothem 18O and 13C record from the Han-sur-Lesse cave, Belgium.
Climate of the Past, 10:1871-1885.

Van Tomme, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2014).
Role of predation on sandy beaches: predation pressure and prey selectivity estimated by laboratory experiments
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 451:115-121.

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