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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Schon, I, Poux, C, Verheyen, E, and Martens, K (2014).
High cryptic diversity and persistent lineage segregation in endemic Romecytheridea (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from the ancient Lake Tangayika (East Africa)
Hydrobiologia, 739:119-131.

Schön, I and Martens, K (2014).
Paradox of sex
Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology.

Segers, H (2014).
Belgian report of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 18) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada, 23 – 28 June 2014

Semal, P, Crevecoeur, I, and Rougier, H (2014).
The adult Neandertals from Spy and the variability of Late Neandertals

Severijns, N, Hansen, M, Sablon, R, Vercauteren, T, De Blauwe, H, Debruyne, S, De Winter, F, Hansen, T, Hoozee, J, Jacobs, F, Peeters, C, Vancauwenberghe, G, and Vandevelde, C (2014).
Nieuwe waarnemingen en het voorkomen van Unio crassus riparius C. Pfeiffer, 1821 en Pseudanodonta elongata (Hollandre, 1836) (Bivalvia, Unionoidea, Unionidae) in België
Gloria Maris, 53(2):43-61.

Shearn, R, Halse, S, Koenders, A, Schon, I, and Martens, K (2014).
Redescriptions of six species of Ilyodromus Sars, 1894 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae) from New Zealand and Eastern Australia
Zootaxa , 3878 (2):101-145.

Shearn, R, Halse, S, Koenders, A, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2014).
Redescription of six species of Ilyodromus Sars, 1894 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae)
Zootaxa, 3878(2):101-145.

Shearn, R, Halse, S, Koenders, A, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2014).
Redescriptions of six species of Ilyodromus Sars, 1894 (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae) from New Zealand and Eastern Australia
Zootaxa, 3878:101-145.

Shogenova A, Piessens, K, Holloway S, Bentham M, Martinez, R, Flomes, K, Poulsen, N, Wojciczki A, Sliaupa S, Kucharič L, Dudu A, Hladik, V, Saftic B, Persoglia S, Kvasness A, Shogenov K, Ivask J, Suárez I, Sorin A, and Chikkatur A (2014).
Implementation of the EU CCS Directive in Europe: Results and Development in 2013
In: Energy Procedia, vol. 63, pp. 6662-6670, Elsevier.

Simeonov P, Nagendran, M, Michels, E, Possardt, E, and Vangeluwe, D (2014).
Red-breasted Goose: satellite tracking, ecology and conservation.
Dutch Birding(36):73-86.

Smith, T, Gebo, DL, Dagosto, M, and Smith, R (2014).
Reconstruction of the skeleton of Teilhardina belgica, the oldest European Primate
In: XII Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists Torino, Italy 24-28 June 2014, ed. by Massimo Delfino, Giorgio Carnevale, Simone Colombero, Daniele Ormezzano, Giulio Pavia, Marco Pavia & Giovanni Repetto, pp. 138, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra - Università degli Studi di Torino.

Smith, T, Quesnel, F, De Plöeg, G, De Franceschi, D, Métais, G, De Bast, E, Solé, F, Folie, A, Boura, A, Claude, J, Dupuis, C, Gagnaison, C, Iakovleva, A, Martin, J, Maubert, F, Prieur, J, Roche, E, Storme, J, Thomas, R, Tong, H, Yans, J, and Buffetaut, E (2014).
First Clarkforkian Equivalent Land Mammal Age in the Latest Paleocene Basal Sparnacian Facies of Europe: Fauna, Flora, Paleoenvironment and (Bio)stratigraphy
Plos One, 9(1):e86229.

Smith, T, Rana, RS, Kumar, K, Zack, S, Solé, F, Rose, KD, Missiaen, P, Singh, L, and Sahni, A (2014).
New specimens of Indohyaenodon raoi from the Early Eocene of Vastan Mine, India and their implication for phylogeny and biogeography of Hyaenodontid mammals
In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. Meeting Program & Abstracts, pp. 232, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Solé, F (2014).
New carnivoraforms from the early Eocene of Europe and their bearing on the evolution of the Carnivoraformes
Palaeontology, 57(5):963-978.

Solé, F, Falconnet, J, and Laurent, Y (2014).
New proviverrines (Hyaenodontida) from the early Eocene of Europe; phylogeny and ecological evolution of the Proviverrinae
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 171:878-917.

Solé, F, Smith, R, Coillot, T, De Bast, E, and Smith, T (2014).
Dental and tarsal anatomy of 'Miacis' latouri and a phylogenetic analysis of the earliest carnivoraforms (Mammalia, Carnivoramorpha)
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34(1):1-21.

Solé, F, Tabuce, R, and Gheerbrant, E (2014).
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. vol. Program and abstracts.

Sonet, G, Colyn, M, Verheyen, E, Nagy, ZT, Wendelen, W, Van Rompaey, H, and Hulselmans, J (2014).
Afrotropical forest-dwelling mongooses (Mammalia: Herpestidae: Crossarchus ) investigated by craniometry and mitochondrial DNA
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 52:323 - 330.

Sonet, G, Jordaens, K, Virgilio, M, Braet, Y, Bourguignon, L, Dupont, E, Backeljau, T, De Meyer, M, and Desmyter, S (2014).
Assessing the risk of incorrect identifications when DNA barcoding flies from forensic cases
In: Abstract book - DNA in Forensics 2014, Brussels, 14-16 May 2014, pp. 33.

Sonet, G, Nagy, ZT, Beudels-Jamar, RC, Lafontaine, R, Robert, H, and Verheyen, E (2014).
Identifying Congolese birds from feathers using DNA barcodes
In: Abstract book - 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, Kisangani, DR Congo, 6-10 June 2014, pp. 158.

Sonet, G, Smitz, N, Virgilio, M, Nagy, ZT, Winant, V, Huyse, T, Backeljau, T, and De Meyer, M (2014).
Quantity but also quality: choosing a next-generation sequencing approach to address specific questions in systematics
In: Abstract book - Zoology2014, 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium, 12-13 December 2014, pp. 233.

Spagna, P (2014).
Etude minéralogique des sédiments loessiques d'Etricourt-Manancourt : comparaison des teneurs en amphiboles vertes avec celles des loess belges
IRSNB, Rapport préliminaire .

Speleers, L (2014).
Carpologisch onderzoek Fontainasplein (BR 134)
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Technisch rapport voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.

Speleers, L (2014).
Carpologisch onderzoek van de Steenstraat - Henri Mausstraat (BR 223)
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Technisch rapport voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.

Speleers, L, Goffette, Q, Marinova, E, van der Valk, J, Court-Picon, M, Claes, B, and Devos, Y (2014).
Étude interdisciplinaire du paysage médiéval de la vallée de la Senne à Bruxelles : le site de petite rue des Bouchers
In: 10e Rencontres d'Archéobotanique, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (Dordogne, France).

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