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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Implementation of the EU CCS Directive in Europe: Results and Development in 2013

Alla Shogenova, Kris Piessens, Sam Holloway, M. Bentham, R. Martinez, K.M. Flomes, N.P. Poulsen, A. Wojciczki, Saulius Sliaupa, Ludovít Kucharič, Alexandra Dudu, Vit Hladik, Bruno Saftic, Sergio Persoglia, A. Kvasness, Kazbulat Shogenov, Jüri Ivask, Isabel Suárez, Anghel Sorin, and Ananth Chikkatur (2014)

Implementation of the EU CCS Directive in Europe: Results and Development in 2013

In: Energy Procedia, vol. 63, pp. 6662-6670, Elsevier.

Peer Review, Open Access, International Redaction Board
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