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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Li, Y, Smith, T, Svetlana, P, Yanga, J, Jin, J, and Li, C (2014).
Paleobiogeography of the lotus plant (Nelumbonaceae: Nelumbo) and its bearing on the paleoclimatic changes
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399:284-293.

Lima Diongzon Pascual, M, Decraemer, W, Tandingan De Ley, I, Vierstraete, A, Steel, H, and Bert, W (2014).
Prevalence and characterization of plant-parasitic nematodes in lowland and upland rice agro-ecosystems in Luzon, Philippines
Nematropica, 44:166-180.

Limbourg, P (2014).
Contribution to the knowledge of Afrotropical Rutelinae III (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae)
Belgian Journal of Entomology, 17:1-33.

Limbourg, P and Coache, A (2014).
Liste commentée et descriptions de deux nouveaux Rutelinae de la République du Bénin (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae). 1ère partie
Faunitaxys, 2(2):1-20.

Linseele, V, Van Neer, W, Thys, S, Phillipps, R, Cappers, R, Wendrich, W, and Holdaway, S (2014).
New Archaeozoological Data from the Fayum ‘‘Neolithic’’ with a Critical Assessment of the Evidence for Early Stock Keeping in Egypt
Plos One, 9(10)( e108517).

Liston, AD, Savina, H, Nagy, ZT, Sonet, G, and Boevé, J (2014).
Taxonomy, phylogeny and host plants of some Abia sawflies (Hymenoptera, Cimbicidae)
Zootaxa, 3821:125-132.

Loos, P, Jauniaux, T, Garigliany, M, Bourgain, J, Coignoul, F, Haelters, J, Karpouzopoulos, J, Pezeril, S, and Desmecht, D (2014).
Bite injuries of grey seals on harbour porpoises: the DNA proof
vol. Abstract Book: 167, European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium, 5-9 April 2014.

Luc, JdB and Han, Kd (2014).
DGD-RBINS report 2013

Luo, Y and Segers, H (2014).
The genus Mytilina in China, with description of a new species (Rotifera: Monogononta: Mytilinidae).
Zootaxa, 3846(4):561-568.

Luo, Y and Segers, H (2014).
The genus Mytilina in China, with description of a new species (Rotifera: Monogononta: Mytilinidae).
Zootaxa, 3846(4):564-568.

Maes, D, Baert, K, Casaer, K, Criel, D, Decrevecoeur, L, Dekeukeleire, D, Gouwy, J, Gyselings, R, Haelters, J, Herman, D, Herremans, M, Huysentruyt, F, Lefebvre, J, Lefevre, A, Onkelinx, T, Stuyck, J, Thomaes, A, Van Den Berghe, K, Vandendriessche, B, Verbeylen, G, and Vercayie, D (2014).
De IUCN Rode Lijst van de zoogdieren in Vlaanderen
Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels, Belgium.

Mandiki, S, Gillardin, V, Martens, K, Ercken, D, De Roeck, E, De Bie, T, Declerck S, De Meester, L, Brasseur C, Van der Heiden, E, Scippo M, and Kestemont P (2014).
Erratum to: Effect of land use on pollution status and risk of fish endocrine disruption in small farmland ponds
Hydrobiologia, 723(1):121.

MANDIKI, S, GILLARDIN, V, Martens, K, Ercken, D, De Roeck, E, De Bie, T, DECLERCK, SA, De Meester, L, BRASSEUR, C, VAN DER HEIDEN, E, SCIPPO, M, and KESTEMONT, P (2014).
Effect of land use on pollution status and risk if fish endocrine disruption in small farmland ponds.
Hydrobiologia, 723:103-120.

Mandiki, S, Gillardin, V, Martens, K, Erckens, D, De Roeck, E, De Bie, T, Declerck, S, De Meester, L, Brasseur, C, Van Der Heiden, E, Scippo, M, and Kestermont, P (2014).
Effect of land use on pollution status and risk if fish endocrine disruption in small farm land ponds
Hydrobiologia, 723:103-120.

Marchal, J, van der Sloot, P, Spagna, P, and Pirson, S (2014).
Oupeye/Hermalle-sous-Argenteau : occupations mésolithique, néolithique, protohistorique et romaine sur le site du future Trilogiport.
Chroniques de l'archéologie wallonne, 22:207-208.

Marie, D, Ivan, J, Olivier, C, Freddy, D, and Marie, H (2014).
Ceci n'est pas untextbackslashldots fossé de l'âge du Bronze moyen
In: Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au cø eur de l'Europe", Catalogue du Musée Royal de Mariemon, ed. by (éd.), Demelenne M., pp. 12 p. + ? fig., Mariemont.

Marie, D, Ivan, J, Olivier, C, Freddy, D, and Marie, H (2014).
Étudier l’invisible. Un fossé de l’âge du Bronze moyen à Havay-Givry
Éditions Safran, Bruxelles, Demelenne M. & Docquier G. ed.

Marinova, E (2014).
Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung in der Region von Ovčarovo-Gorata: archäobotanische Forschungen zum Frühneolithikum in Nordostbulgarien
Archäologie in Eurasien, 29:272-277.

Marinova, E (2014).
Hoogstraeten-Lalaing (BR 061): Anthracolgical study
Brussels Hoofstedelijk Gewest, Voortgangsrapport.

Marinova, E (2014).
Petite Rue de Bouchers /Theater Toone (BR 229): Palynological and anthracological research
Brussels Hoofstedelijk Gewest, Voortgangsrapport(Januari-Juni 2014).

Marinova, E and Deforce, K (2014).
Anthracologisch onderzoek van houtskoolbranderskuilen
In: Veldhoven, Zilverackers. Archeologisch onderzoek ter plaatse van de Westelijk Ontsluitingsroute (fase 1)., ed. by Van der Veken B.. ADC, Amersfoort, chap. 3, pp. 201-206. ADC rapport 3562.

Marinova, E and Krauß, R (2014).
Archaeobotanical evidence on the Neolithisation of Northeast Bulgaria in the Balkan-Anatolian context: chronological framework, plant economy and land use
Bulgarian e-Journal for Archaeology, 4:179-194.

Marinova, E and Valamoti, S (2014).
Crop diversity and choices in the prehistory of SE Europe: the archaeobotanical evidence from Greece and Bulgaria
In: Plants and People: Choices and Diversity Through Time, ed. by Chevalier, A., Marinova, E., Pena-Cocharro, L.. Oxbow Books, vol. 1, chap. 3.2., pp. 64-74. EARTH. (ISBN: 9781842175149).

Mark, C, Ward, A, Walter, B, Yde, DJ, M, E, Rainer, F, Falk, H, Jan, M, Hendrik, S, and Frank, B (2014).
Strategies for the sustainability of online open-access biodiversity databases
Biological Conservation, 173:155-165.

Martens, C, De Blauwe, H, Dekoninck, W, Kekenbosch, R, Lock, K, Menten, J, Peeters, K, Pollet, M, Verhoeyen, K, and Versigghel, J (2014).
Resultaten van een Malaisevalcampagne in de vallei van de Zeverenbeek (Deinze, Oost-Vlaanderen, België)
Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie, 150:111-131.

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