RBINS Staff Publications 2024
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 478 references in this bibliography folder.
Welkenhuysen, K and Piessens, K
The subsurface hydrogen storage potential in Belgium
In: Abstract book of the 8th International Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Meeting 2024, pp. 365-366.
Welkenhuysen, K, Meyvis, B, Rodriguez, J, and Piessens, K
PSS V, a modular techno-economic simulation tool for deep subsurface uses
In: Abstract book of the 8th International Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Meeting 2024, pp. 392-393.
Wutke, S, Blank, SM, Boevé, J, Faircloth, BC, Koch, F, Linnen, CR, Malm, T, Niu, G, Prous, M, Schiff, NM, Schmidt, S, Taeger, A, Vilhelmsen, L, Wahlberg, N, Wei, M, and Nyman, T
Phylogenomics and biogeography of sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 199(108144):1-14.
Węgrzyn, K, Pauwels, OS, Brecko, J, and Georgalis, G
Vertebral morphology and intracolumnar variation of the iconic African viperid snake Atheris (Serpentes, Viperidae)
The Anatomical Record(ar.25579):1-37.
Znetos, A, Delongueville, C, and Scaillet, R
An Overlooked Group of Citizen Scientists in Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) Information: Shell Collectors and Their Contribution to Molluscan NIS Xenodiversity
Diversity, 16(299).
Zonneveld, J, Zaim, Y, Rizal, Y, Aswan, A, Ciochon, R, Smith, T, Head, J, Wilf, P, and Bloch, JL
Avian foraging on an intertidal mudflat succession in the Eocene Tanjung Formation, Asem Asem Basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Borneo
Palaios, 39:67-96.
Zouhair, L, Grootaert, P, and Kettani, K
Twelve new species of Platypalpus Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Morocco, with additional new records
European Journal of Taxonomy, 951:1-53.
Zupan, M, Coolen, J, Mavraki, N, Degraer, S, Moens, T, Kerckhof, F, Lopez Lopez, L, and Vanaverbeke, J
Life on every stone: Characterizing benthic communities from scour protection layers of offshore wind farms in the southern North Sea
Journal of Sea Research, 201(102522):1-13.
Regional Priorities 2024 – update by the ICG-RP
Derycke, S, Cornelis, I, Dukan, N, Kallend, A, Vandenboer, Y, Dupont, D, Barbut, L, and Schön, I
Doxaran, D, Elkilani, B, Corizzi, A, and Goyens, C
Validation of multi-sensor satellite products in contrasted French coastal waters based on HYPERNETS field measurements
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 4:1290110.
Engel, M, Hess, K, Dawson, S, Patel, T, Koutsodendris, A, Vakhrameeva, P, Klemt, E, Kempf, P, Schön, I, and Heyvaert, V
The late Holocene tsunami in the Shetland Islands (UK) identified in Loch Flugarth, north Mainland
Boreas, 53:27-41.
Goffette, Q
Les restes fauniques
In: La nécropole gallo-romaine sud de Pommeroeul (Province de Hainaut, Belgique), ed. by Cattelain, L., pp. 102-105, Cedarc. Artefacts.
Gourgue, O, Xu, Y, Belliard, J, van Belzen, J, van de Koppel, J, Kleinhans, MG, Fagherazzi, S, and Temmerman, S
Contrasting saltmarsh vegetation impacts under increasing sea level rise rates
Webpublished, https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/EGU23-16448.html.
Hautekiet, S, Rossius, J, Gourgue, O, Kleinhans, MG, and Temmerman, S
Coastal marsh resilience: a study on the role of bio-geomorphic self-organization
Webpublished, https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/EGU23-14280.html.
Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Maman Sani, I, de Koeijer, H, and Ndayikeza, L
Recommandations pour un ‘Centre d’échange pour l’Information’ de la biodiversité plus performant en Afrique francophone en vue du Cadre Mondial pour la Biodiversité post-2020
Bulletin scientifique sur l’environnement et la biodiversité, 6:60-69.
Le, H, Iona, S, Partescano, E, and Schaap, D
Eurofleets+: Synthesis of the data management follow-up reports, lessons learned and recommendations, Deliverable D4.15
RBINS, technical report.
Pedroni, G, Scarponi, D, and Kerckhof, F
Balanus stellaris (Brocchi, 1814) cirripede rinvenuto nel Pliocene inferiore dell’Appennino settentrionale
Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna(57):1-8.
Pelckmans, I, Belliard, J, Dominguez-Granda, LE, Slobbe, C, Temmerman, S, and Gourgue, O
Mangrove ecosystem properties regulate high water levels in a river delta
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23(9):3169-3183.
Pelckmans, I, Vermeulen, B, Ramos-Veliz, JA, Rosado-Moncayo, AM, Dominguez-Granda, LE, Belliard, J, Gourgue, O, and Temmerman, S
Observations of tidal attenuation and amplification in a mangrove forest: channels as conduits
Webpublished, https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/EGU23-12734.html.
Preiss, S, Court-Picon, M, and Ingels, D
Chièvres/Chièvres : témoins archéobotaniques d'un tannage végétal complexe à l'époque contemporaine
Chroniques de l'Archéologie wallonne(31):99-105.
Ruddick, K, De Vis, P, Goyens, C, Kuusk, J, Lavigne, H, and Vanhellemont, Q
Second derivative water reflectance spectra for phytoplankton species detection – origin, impact and removal of spectral wiggles
In: SPIE Conference on Remote Sensing, held in Amsterdam, 3-6 September 2023, vol. 12728-11, Amsterdam.
Strobbe, F, Job, N, Altwegg, R, Stojanov, Y, Brooks, M, Skowno, A, Khatieb, S, Poole, C, Daly, B, Harebottle, DM, Visser, V, and Cervantes, F
BIRDIE: A South Africa biodiversity data pipeline for wetlands and waterbirds. Decision making in the biodiversity sector is only as good as the data that underpins the science.
van de Vijsel, RC, van Belzen, J, Bouma, TJ, van der Wal, D, Borsje, BW, Temmerman, S, Cornacchia, L, Gourgue, O, and van de Koppel, J
Vegetation controls on channel network complexity in coastal wetlands
Nature Communications, 14:7158.
Gourgue, O, Belliard, J, Xu, Y, Kleinhans, MG, Fagherazzi, S, and Temmerman, S
Dense Vegetation Hinders Sediment Transport Towards Saltmarsh Interiors
Webpublished, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1149454.
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