RBINS Staff Publications 2024
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 443 references in this bibliography folder.
Peffeköver, A, Brill, D, Engel, M, Costa, P, Dawson, S, Heyvaert, V, Nahar, R, Scheder, J, Van Daele, M, and De Batist, M
Luminescence dating of offshore tsunami deposits from the Shetland Islands (UK).
In: 40th Annual Conference of the Working Group on Marine and Coastal Geography, 13-15 June 2024, Heidelberg.
Pelckmans, I, Belliard, J, Gourgue, O, Dominguez-Granda, LE, and Temmerman, S
Mangroves as nature-based mitigation for ENSO-driven compound flood risks in a river delta
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28:1463–1476.
Peral, M, Marchegiano, M, Verheyden, S, Goderis, S, Van Helden, T, Vanhaecke, F, Van Acker, T, Xue, J, Cheng, H, Fiebig, J, Fourcade, T, Snoeck, C, and Claeys, P
A new insight of the MIS 3 Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in western Europe from the study of a Belgium isotopically equilibrated speleothem.
Quaternary Science Reviews , 329(108564).
Petitclerc, E, Van Noten, K, Van Lysebetten, G, Van der Veken, J, Van Breusegem, M, Yenehun Beyene A, Duren, T, and Orban, P
Geocamb final report (Brain Be 2.0 project)
No source specified
Picavet, P, Dreesen, R, Goovaerts, T, Leduc, T, Naessens, F, Neyland, T, Reniere, S, and Goemaere, E
Mobility of Scandinavian goods in the Middle Ages and modern period: identification of Norwegian whetstones in northern France and Belgium.
Journal of Archaeological Science : Report, à préciser:à préciser.
Piessens, K, Deckers, J, Dupont, N, Hellemond, A, Herbosch, A, Van Daele, J, and Walstra, J
Towards a Lithotectonic Framework for Belgium
In: 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024, pp. 194-195, Geologica Belgica Luxemburga.
Piessens, K, Walstra, J, Willems, A, and Barros, R
Old concepts in a new semantic perspective: introducing a geotemporal approach to conceptual definitions in geology
Pinto, G, Debaille, V, Locatelli, C, Leduc, T, De Ceukelaire, M, Goderis, S, and Decree, S
86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2024 (LPI Contrib. No. 3036).
Pinto, G, Debaille, V, Locatelli, C, Leduc, T, De Ceukelaire, M, Goderis, S, and Decrée, S
The Case of an Oriented Specimen from the Belgian Antarctic Meteorite Collection
In: LPI Contributions, vol. 3036(6363).
Pirson, S, Verheyden, S, Vonhof, H, Guérin, G, Abrams, G, Bonjean, D, Court-Picon, M, Damblon, F, Devièse, T, Higham, T, Sinet-Mathiot, V, Talamo, S, and Di Modica, K
A new chronostratigraphic framework for Scladina cave sequence. Preliminary results
In: Journée Groupe de contact FNRS Préhistoire, 14 December 2024, Ramioul, Flemalle.
Polet, C, Boucherie, A, Villotte, S, and Lefèvre, P
Au nord, deuil dans les corons. Analyse anthropologique des victimes non identifiées de la catastrophe du Bois du Cazier (1956, Belgique).
In: Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, vol. 36(S).
Possum, P, Fagel, N, Capuzzo, G, Boudin, M, Burlet, C, Claeys, P, Crombé, P, De Groote, I, De Mulder, G, Leonard, H, Snoeck, C, Verheyden, S, Wojcieszak, M, and Deforce, K
LEArning from the Past: the LEAP project. Investigating the impact of abrupt climate changes on society and environment in Belgium.
In: Conference “Climate of the past and societal responses to environmental changes” 5-8 Juni, 2024 , University of Bern, Switzerland.
Pourkhorsandi, H, Debaille, V, Gattacceca, J, Greenwood, R, Leduc, T, De Ceukelaire, M, Decree, S, and Goderis, S
Tintigny: A Polymict Eucrite from Belgium
In: Proceedings 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2024 (LPI Contrib. No. 3036) .
Pourkhorsandi, H, Debaille, V, Gattacceca, J, Greenwood, R, Leduc, T, De Ceukelaire, M, Decrée, S, and Goderis, S
Tintigny: A Polymict Eucrite from Belgium
In: LPI Contributions, vol. 3036(6241).
Prieto, JM, Barker, AM, Schaffner, U, Quetin-Leclercq, J, Braca, A, and Boevé, J
Furostanol saponins and ecdysteroids from plants of the genus Helleborus as phagostimulants and predator deterrents for larvae of two Monophadnus sawfly species.
Plants, 13(16)(2230):1-19.
Quentin, G
Les restes d'oiseaux
In: Du Néolithique à l’âge du Bronze sur le littoral de la Manche et de la mer du Nord. Le site d’Escalles « mont d’Hubert » (Pas-de-Calais), ed. by Praud, I., pp. 176-178, Société préhistorique française.
Quinif, Y, Delaby, S, Frebutte, C, Hallet, V, Petit, A, Thys, G, Vankeerberghen M, Vankeerberghen, S, and Verheyden, S
Les géosites karstiques, fondements du Geopark Famenne-Ardenne
. Physio-Géo - Géographie Physique et Environnement, 20:35-59.
R. Díaz, A, Campos, RE, and Martens, K
A New Species of Elpidium (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Bromeliad and Non-bromeliad Phytotelmata in the Northeast of Argentina
Zoological Studies, 63(45).
Rees, E, Rozenfeld, S, Vangeluwe, D, Ioannidis, P, Erciyas-Yavuz, K, Belousova, A, Rustamov, E, Solokha, A, Sultanov, E, Khrokov, C, Portolou, D, and Fox, A
International census and population trends for Bewick’s Swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii wintering from the East Mediterranean to Central Asia
Wildfowl, Special Issue 7:179-201.
Reniers, J, De Gruyter, J, Adriaens, T, Vanderhoeven, S, Verreycken, H, and Jacobs, A
Evaluation of the risks of recreational angling on invasive alien species spread: results of a survey in Belgium
In: Neobiota 2024 Book of Abstracts, ed. by Pedro Anastácio, Pedro Brandão, Paula Chainho, Helena Trindade and Filipe Ribeiro, pp. 341.
Reyes, J, Monnens, M, and Artois, T
Revision of the genus Baltoplana (Rhabdocoela: Schizorhynchia: Cheliplanidae) with the description of two new species
In: Conference Booklet - The Benelux Congress of Zoology 2024 (“Zoology 2024”), December 12-13, 2024, University of Mons, Belgium, pp. 153.
Ripaille, C and Drumont, A
Addendum to the revision of the genus Dorysthenes (subgenus Paraphrus) Thomson, 1861, with the description of the female of Dorysthenes pilisternum Drumont & Ripaille, 2023 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Prionini)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 50:32-36.
Rodriguez, F, Arkhipova, I, Martens, K, and Schön, I
Comparing the transposon landscapes of a putative ancient asexual and a sexual non-marine ostracod (Crustacea, Arthropoda)
ENHANCE (ENvironmental cHANges, Conservation biology and Evolution)).
Rodriguez, F, Arkhipova, I, Martens, K, and Schön, I
Comparing the transposon landscapes of a putative ancient asexual and a sexual non-marine ostracod (Crustacea, Arthropoda)
10th European Ostracodologists' Meeting (EOM10).
Rodriguez, F, Arkhipova, I, Martens, K, and Schön, I
Comparing the transposon landscapes of a putative ancient asexual and a sexual non-marine ostracod (Crustacea, Arthropoda)
International Conference on Transposable Elements.
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