Gabriel Pinto, Vinciane Debaille, Camille Locatelli, Thierry Leduc, Marleen De Ceukelaire, Steven Goderis, and Sophie Decree (ed.) (2024)
86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2024 (LPI Contrib. No. 3036).
Introduction: The meteorite classification processes require a sequence of semi-destructive to destructive analyses
to elucidate the internal texture and chemical composition of the sample. Several methods have been proposed for
classifying meteorites using a non-destructive approach such as magnetic susceptibility [1] or 3D petrographic analysis
[2]. Specimens with unique orientation forms such as cone or shield-shaped, are often prioritized for non-destructive
classification due to their significant exhibition value and insight into the aerodynamics of extraterrestrial material
during their atmospheric entrance [3,4]. In this study, we present a description employing non-destructive analysis to
classify a newly found flattened shield-shaped Antarctic meteorite discovered during the Belgian meteorite
reconnaissance expedition 2022-2023 in the Sør Rondane area, East Antarctica [5]. This approach promises to provide
detailed internal structural and information on physical properties without compromising the integrity of the sample.
Methods: We utilized the X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) RX Solutions EasyTom150 device at the Institute of
Natural Sciences (Brussels, Belgique) to analyze the sample with dimensions of 37.1 mm x 44.0 mm x 52.6 mm (Fig.
1). A copper filter of 0.4 mm was used. The sample was scanned at a voxel size of 58.2 μm using the large focal spot
mode at 145 kV, 38 W and 260 μA. We employed the program 3D Slicer [6] to analyze the three-dimensional
properties and calculate the physical parameters. Additionally, magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted
on the field using an SM30 instrument.
Preliminary results: Various forms of deformation, notably radial extension features, were detected, likely indicative
of shock experiences undergone by the sample before entering the Earth’s atmosphere, hence corroborating its
extraterrestrial origin (Fig. 1). Preliminary magnetic susceptibility measurement on the field indicated a value typical
of L chondrites (log χ ~ 4.7 [5]). The interior XCT slices reveal that the sample comprises a dense metallic phase with
few non-metallic inclusions, primarily located on the face opposite to the entry direction (red arrow in Fig. 1b). The
total volume measures 22.09 cm3, with a corresponding mass of 151.1 g, indicating a meteorite bulk density of 6.8 g
cm-3 comparable to iron meteorites (bulk density between 7 and 8 g cm-3 [7]). This is at odds with the preliminary
magnetic susceptibility measurement. Additional non-destructive analyzes will be needed, notably μ-XRF
measurements to offer a better comprehension of the origin of the sample. This underlines the difficulty of classifying
a sample in a non-destructive manner
Proceedings, RBINS Collection(s), International Redaction Board, Abstract of an Oral Presentation or a Poster
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